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The reason why i kill on sight now !!

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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.


But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.


The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.


No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.


BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.







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If you let the actions of bandits control your future choices then I feel bad for you. Getting killed is a part of the game. At least for me. It's good to help "nice" people.

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I was laughing as soon as I read the title. You sir, dug your own grave giving ammo AND a gun. Next time you want to be friendly to Mr.Bambi, give him a crowbar.. 

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Do whatever feels right at the time. KOS has its place, but sometimes a different approach may help more. 


And don't tar everyone with the same brush.

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In my opinion Kill on Sight is part of the game and all those winy kids should  go cry to their mommy 

I always rage when i get killed but i deal with it its part of the game and so you'll have to deal with it.

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Try playing each life individually. Why should your current character care how & why your last one died? Nobody really cares if you kill on sight, you're only going to hurt your own experience.

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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.


But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.


The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.


No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.


BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.


Talk about giving up easily.

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Let the rage flow through you, as you become blind to reality and another former man slumped over the counter of a bar with an empty glass of borboun at your side.


On another note, i may be one of the few who doesn`t break the code of honor. 


This was in the mod, on the Taviana map, i had a revolver and was in the mall in Sabiana, when i see a bandit run towards the entrance, i immediatly open fire on him, i get to fire two, three shots,as  his friend comes from the other side with a shotgun pointed at me. I drop the gun and we talk for a while, he asks me why i shot at him and say "i paniced", then we end up looting a little while before he asks me if i want to join to the airstrip, i say yes,  so he lets me pick up my gun. 


Never at any point did it occur to me that i could betray them both, especially when one of them broke their loeg due a glitch and the other gave him morphine. They had the common decency not to shoot me, i honored his trust and didn`t shoot him.


I feel this is more satisfying than being some cheapass.

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Twice? That's cute :3 How about tens of times?

I'm not telling your approach is wrong, but you'd get better results if you didn't just give them everything and wait for them to shoot you. You can be friendly to strangers but it's just a fact that if you assume they're all friendly and won't harm you, they will. They owe you nothing for taking the stuff or help you offer, nobody does. You have to make it clear that if they try any nasty games or tricks with you, they'll be dead - and sometimes, you just have to shoot or restrain them. That's how it goes. 

Be friendly, trust nobody.

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Sometimes I just do not get people, but I guess the reason why there are so many people killing others on sight, or after a short talk is the simple fact that there is no real threat at the moment from Zombies or the Environment once you have equipped yourself. Apart from this killing does not make any sense at all, if you think about it. If you are geared up there is no need for anything else, your pack is already full. If you are a new spawn, you will easily get hands on equipment without ever killing a person or being killed by zombies. Naturally you could speed things up by looting someone else with better equipment, but that endangers you more than the potential target.


There is just nothing else to do really apart from getting geared up easily, and then what do bored people do? They exploit all possibilities, and the nearest solution is going to Elektro and start fighting. What else can you do? All backpacks are filled up, you have likely seen most of Chernarus, too. The countryside is empty. My squad were going to Elektro specifically looking for trouble too. Two got shot while watching corners until I figured out where that guy was and shot at him. He combat logged, but I was not sure whether there were mates around. Another friend joined me on the Hospital roof, while the others tried to get back to their bodies. I killed two guys on sight trying to loot their bodies, but I do not know whether they were part of any team. Shot another one that was trying to locate me, and his alter ego again when he tried to get his stuff back. The guy with the combat log came through the door and I hit him as well. That was fun and all, but I would not have done it, if I could have assessed the situation more objectively or if there was real value in gear or interaction with people right now.


Other than that most kills are executed out of sheer panic moments, when somebody just stands in front of you. But sometimes you see some awkward stuff. There was a guy killing new spawns in Kamyshovo, not looting anything but stripping their bodies and putting all the clothes in one pile. What kind of person is this? That is what I do not like about sandboxes.


Once zombies, are real threats and loot gets balanced, item condition is really added, you are bound to see more interaction between players and less KoS, so no bother arguing about it now, where there is nothing else to do.

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Let the rage flow through you, as you become blind to reality and another former man slumped over the counter of a bar with an empty glass of borboun at your side.


On another note, i may be one of the few who doesn`t break the code of honor. 


This was in the mod, on the Taviana map, i had a revolver and was in the mall in Sabiana, when i see a bandit run towards the entrance, i immediatly open fire on him, i get to fire two, three shots,as  his friend comes from the other side with a shotgun pointed at me. I drop the gun and we talk for a while, he asks me why i shot at him and say "i paniced", then we end up looting a little while before he asks me if i want to join to the airstrip, i say yes,  so he lets me pick up my gun. 


Never at any point did it occur to me that i could betray them both, especially when one of them broke their loeg due a glitch and the other gave him morphine. They had the common decency not to shoot me, i honored his trust and didn`t shoot him.


I feel this is more satisfying than being some cheapass.




I agree with this guy whole heartedly. 


btw OP I like how you are angry and now KoS like a wimp. There isn't only one way to play the game. If you want to help spawns you could direct your anger towards spawn campers and hunt them down.

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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.


But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.


The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.


No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.


BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.


I don't mind helping people that's what i do in kamyshovo.. I don't give anyone a loaded gun though... I will give non clipped pistols out,


I hate bandits more thans spawns who take a chance on me.. That's a fact.


EDIT: Even with spawns you can tell if they are a bandit or not.. Bandit spawns usually run up and try to knock you out.. and talk shit.. Truthfully they are just the rejects of the game, that will go find a gun and a few clips then come back and kill spawns until they die.. Unfortunatly you'll usually only run into them if you get killed and make your way to one of the military bases, or remain on the main road until they pop up out of the grass to kill you for your teeshirt.


Remember, not all people are dicks, and most bandits aren't friendly.. I hate people like you discribe though, friendly when it's convenient for them, and dicks when they have the upper hand...

Edited by Deepfryer
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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.


But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.


The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.


The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.


No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.


BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.


Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.


How about instead of killing everyone you see you just stop giving people you don't know weapons?


I would never give someone that I didn't absolutely trust a weapon. I'll heal them and give them food and anything else but I won't put a weapon in their hands.

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Never gave somebody a weapon and ammo , if you want to be a good guy give him a watter bottle or some junk. 

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There's nothing wrong with giving out weapons. You just can't hand them to everyone.I usually decide in 30seconds after meeting someone if I would trust them with a weapon.

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Twice? That's cute :3 How about tens of times?

I'm not telling your approach is wrong, but you'd get better results if you didn't just give them everything and wait for them to shoot you. You can be friendly to strangers but it's just a fact that if you assume they're all friendly and won't harm you, they will. They owe you nothing for taking the stuff or help you offer, nobody does. You have to make it clear that if they try any nasty games or tricks with you, they'll be dead - and sometimes, you just have to shoot or restrain them. That's how it goes. 

Be friendly, trust nobody.

I did try and do a bit of trust building with them but it clearly failed.


I think without a mic its a lot harder to be assertive and without a voice to my character people dont give two shits about killing me.


I agree with this guy whole heartedly. 


btw OP I like how you are angry and now KoS like a wimp. There isn't only one way to play the game. If you want to help spawns you could direct your anger towards spawn campers and hunt them down.

That is what i was doing before the two liaisons mentioned in my OP.


Now i kill them all.

Edited by africanhungergames

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Next time, give them just the gun first.  If they don't immediately point and you hear clicks (at which point, I would shoot them in the face), then cautiously give them a little ammo right before you depart.

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I used to be that friendly guy who would reserve 8 slots in my backpack for two protector cases with a gun and some ammo and run down the coast to help arm new people and give them a better experience.

But the two times i have given someone a gun and tried to help them out i have been shot in the face, not once but twice.

The first time i gave someone a spare mosin i had found with some ammo, he really appreciated it and seemed quite new to the game so he asked where was best to go next, being in electro i advised him to go to the firestation because i could walk with him. Once we arrive at the firestation i wave him good bye and send him on his way but as i put my hand up to wave he raises the mosin and shoots me in the face. So lets clarify i gave him a gun and i gave him ammo, i then escorted him to the firestation and when saying good bye he shoots me in the face.

The next person i meet who needs a hand tells me he is not really enjoying the game that much so i find out what he is missing and fill him in. I take him to the firesation and get him a magnum, i give him the magnum and my last three bullets but he asks for more. As i am telling him how i have given him the last of my bullets he raises the new magnum and with my three bullets shoots all three of them into me.

No i am not complaining so dont take this the wrong way.

BUT DO NOT wine on the forum about how bad KOS is when this is what happens when you try and help people. I kill on sight and i will continue to kill on sight forever now, every new spawn i meet will pay for the sins of there brethren and i will never spare a new spawn if i see one and have the ammo to spare.

Do not blame me for you acting like idiots when someone places there trust in you. I kill on sight because of my experience of not killing on sight and im pretty sure i am not the only one who feels this way.

U are QQ....u just dont know it

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That is what i was doing before the two liaisons mentioned in my OP.


Now i kill them all.


Dude I am sorry we lost you to the dark side and you KoS now. You can always come back to being a good person and killing spawn campers. Don't have to let jerks ruin your experience. 

Edited by CrazyandLazy

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You're stupid for trusting newspawns. As soon as you spawn in the game on the coast what do you do? You look for loot, and the faster you get it the better. You can trust fully geared people alot more, but of course still not completely. Geared people have everything they already want, they have no reason to kill other people unless they solely play for PvP, the only thing they could possibly want from other players are small things that it aren't worth killing over. This is why people kill newspawns, because they have the potential to bite you in the ass if you let them.

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What ??


Is there an age limit on this forum.

Pay no attention to the haters. Frankly, the games about your survival, not theirs. What you attempted was admirable, but futile given the current player base. Hell, anymore it's safer to don a brown hoodie, autumn pants,orange pack and a mosin, creep along tree lines. And wait for one of those military rats to go running by, and drop him. Your better off serving new players by putting them down instead. You know their headed to the coast to go ADHD with all that new ammo they found, with new spawns and a gleam in their eye. Grab the supplies you need, take the firearms and ammo, throw em in a pond, and let someone stumble upon the leftovers.

Yes, it is killing on sight, but it's the end of days, you have a pack, you have something I need. I will take it in the most efficient way possible.

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