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About Deadend197

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Deadend197

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    You're stupid for trusting newspawns. As soon as you spawn in the game on the coast what do you do? You look for loot, and the faster you get it the better. You can trust fully geared people alot more, but of course still not completely. Geared people have everything they already want, they have no reason to kill other people unless they solely play for PvP, the only thing they could possibly want from other players are small things that it aren't worth killing over. This is why people kill newspawns, because they have the potential to bite you in the ass if you let them.
  2. Deadend197

    Got a compass..

    Haha, ofcourse. I meant along the lines of as in using your own mind to figure out things for yourself. :)
  3. Deadend197

    Got a compass..

    I would sure hate you be you in a zombie apocalypse, struggling to find out things for your self through trial and error.
  4. Deadend197

    Spotting your enemy.

    Look with your eyes.
  5. Deadend197

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    "Cry, cry, cry, I'm so bad at surviving plez don't kil." Holy shit is this damn playerbase from Minecraft or something?
  6. Deadend197

    psychological effects of banditry

    God what the fuck is wrong with you people? It's like crying about PVP in Battlefield/Cod/Shooters/Etc. It's not the people who kill other people who are making the game worse it's people like you, who believe the game is bad because people do part what the game intends for them to do. And another thing, by doing this you're forcing the same mindset onto Everyone, not everyone in a real situation would break down crying as they kill a zombie, not everyone will feel bad for killing people especially if it is to survive, heck even people who like killing they aren't going to feel bad or get shaky hands or whatever. Penalizing people for being who they are is a terrible and frankly moronic idea. Psychological effects vary from person to person.
  7. I have yet to find a long range scope. So that won't work out so well yet haha.
  8. I didn't know defending my group from bandits was a bad thing. I should probably run around with no weapons letting people fire theirs at me while I spread love and kindness to everyone I see next time right?
  9. Deadend197

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Will extra weapons added in the future be placed like they were in the mod? In civilian areas. I hope not, I love how scarse the guns are in the SA at the moment, It feels more like I have to survive with the melee weapons untill I can reach a military compound or more believable area that spawns guns. Having newspawns find a weapon in the first house they get into just doesn't appeal to me imo. About pistols; I'd like to see them mostly as weak zombie killing weapons, rather than ones that could challenge players. Agreed, Sniper rifles are pretty superior weapons that can kill you without you even knowing about it, having them very rare is a good thing.
  10. And who says everyone who shots is KOS'ing?
  11. Until we get the ability to cook animal meat, regenerating health through eating shit tonnes of canned food is not worth the time.
  12. So I seem to be having trouble with the weapons, I've noticed the M4 and especially Mosin, while prone or sometimes crouched, my shots are impacting the ground far away from where my scope is actually positioned. Many times both when my target was far away or close with the scope aimed at their head or body they would be alerted by the perfectly positioned shot which end up pissing out the end of the gun onto the ground as if there were an invisible wall in front of me. I am using first person to aim, so that shouldn't be the problem. I hear that changing your FOV will affect mildots and range or something, maybe it is the cause of this? How would I set my FOV back to default if that is the case? If not then what is the fix for this?
  13. Say you're homeless you have nothing, no food, no shelter, no shoes. Not a thing. Are you going to value you're life as much as if you were rich or moderately wealthy. Yeah. I see no need to makepeople think their character's life is worth more than their gear when the whole purpose of your life IS to collect gear.