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Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

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I guess because the devs have a vision for what the game is, and they don't want people to turn it into something else before it is even finished.

I think it also has to do with the idea that everyone should be allowed to play on the servers, that they aren't exclusive clubs.




Well, if they decide not to honour a deal they have agreed to, I think it is entirely fair.

When you rent a server you promise to abide by the rules, not doing it is dishonest.

So you're saying that rocket had intentions of HIS game leaning towards the "shoot everything that moves regardless of zombie, player or inanimate object" We all know hes trying to mitigate that mentality to a degree where it ISN'T the only play style that SHOULD be played within the game world.

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make a private hive when they are allowed, and have it be a PvE. Seem fine to me. I wont play there but you are welcome to it.


At the moment though I dont take any server seriously that tries to put artificial rules up. 

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hipocrisy at it's finest. dean made dayZ, which is itself a mod. to make a mod, you need a base game. dean changed arma 2 from what it was originally into dayZ. he didn't make arma 2, but did he bother with that bullshit arguement? no. because it's bullshit. already used about four times on this thread, already debunked. 


There's the mod and then there's the game.


In the mod you can have 'PvE only' servers and you can enforce your rule with bans.

In the standalone game (which isn't even in beta yet), there are some rules that you have to follow if you want to rent a server.


I don't see the hypocrisy here.

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Thank you. I wasn't even going to reply.

The dev team can have whatever restrictions they so choose. If they wanted, they could entirely remove the option to rent a server.

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So you're saying that rocket had intentions of HIS game leaning towards the "shoot everything that moves regardless of zombie, player or inanimate object" We all know hes trying to mitigate that mentality to a degree where it ISN'T the only play style that SHOULD be played within the game world.


That's not what I am saying.

I'm saying that the intention is to have people who hunt other people and people who don't, on the same servers.

Edited by Max Planck
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1. I am pretty sure noone can get your server closed down legally, just because DEVs tell you how you have to set up your (<-- YOUR!!!) server.

2. Whatever server hoster i go and take a look, there aren´t any rules at all about what you may/may not do. And i certainly doubt all those hosters are breaking the rules themselves by not telling you in advance.

3. Kicking everyone upon joining is allowed but naming your server like you want to isn´t? You can´t be serious...

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1. I am pretty sure noone can get your server closed down legally, just because DEVs tell you how you have to set up your (<-- YOUR!!!) server.

2. Whatever server hoster i go and take a look, there aren´t any rules at all about what you may/may not do. And i certainly doubt all those hosters are breaking the rules themselves by not telling you in advance.

3. Kicking everyone upon joining is allowed but naming your server like you want to isn´t? You can´t be serious...

Wow, three swings and three strikes.

1. Wrong.

2. Look harder.

3. Also not allowed.

Still loving the PvE servers over here- some of my best encounters have happened on the supposedly "PVE ONLY!" servers.

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1. I am pretty sure noone can get your server closed down legally, just because DEVs tell you how you have to set up your (<-- YOUR!!!) server.

2. Whatever server hoster i go and take a look, there aren´t any rules at all about what you may/may not do. And i certainly doubt all those hosters are breaking the rules themselves by not telling you in advance.

3. Kicking everyone upon joining is allowed but naming your server like you want to isn´t? You can´t be serious...


-cough- http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ -cough-


Also, its not your server. Its the hosting services server, you just rent space on their database.

Fairly certain autokicking is worthy of getting taken down, just report the server to its provider.

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How can they "ALLOW" something that doesn't exist?


There's no such ting as a PvE server. The game is designed the way it's designed.
If you don't like PvP, there are a few single player zombie games available.

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That's because it will be loot gathering fest. This is not how Dean envisions the game to be.

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Dude, it's like asking why doesn't Battlefield have a pve server?  Because that's not the type of game it is.  If you want pve go play WoW

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Why aren't this type of server allowed?


Because it's not a part of this game. Go make your own game with PVE?

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I love how these PvE pro people scream saying they should be able to do what they want while at the same time trying to restrict another fellow gamers freedom to do what they want.


Gotta love that internet.

 Basically this.

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