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" does not expect that DayZ will reach beta status before the end of 2014."

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Hahahahahah, these people make games for a living correct? So the the full game will not be out till when, quarter 3 2015? What a joke. 


This isn't news to anyone who has been keeping up with the development.  The same thread with the same snooty, "armchair developer" sentiment has been posted repeatedly already.  Millions of dollars are not going to make over a year's worth of game development magically be done in a month.

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Rocket being a glorified modder is what concerns me the most in this whole project.

Edited by Mookzen

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Yeah, it reminds me of the ribsteak (dunno what it`s called in English) i have in my oven right now. I cut the surface layer of fat carefully into squares (which will be become crispy treats when done) I have let it marinade for two days in aliminium foil, and now i`m letting it steam for an hour before i turn down the heat some and let it slowly finish over 2 and a half hours. 


I coulda just threw it in the oven and eaten it after an hour, but that`s not the same satisfaction and taste. 


This is the best comparison I have ever read.

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There is another game with a fairly open development cycle underway, Star Citizen. Feel free to compare.

Have you seem the prices to purchase a ship??? Holy fuck dude lol I'm very weary of that game.

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To the OP. Is this really a surprise? As far as I'm aware it has always been known that the game wouldn't be in Beta for at least a year after Alpha release.


Not sure what the joke is because; as someone else stated; it can be up to 5 years to fully develop and release a game, especially an MMO. Why some think that a game such as this can be just slapped together and released to the masses, I have no idea. Is this EA?

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There is another game with a fairly open development cycle underway, Star Citizen. Feel free to compare.



Have you seem the prices to purchase a ship??? Holy fuck dude lol I'm very weary of that game.



Star Citizen has made over 35 million dollars and the only thing you can do right now is look at a 3D model of the ships you have bought for hundreds and thousands of dollars.  Yes, a ship costs hundreds of dollars.


They're not projecting the game to be released until the first quarter of 2015.  35 million dollars hasn't changed that projected release date.

Edited by NeedsFoodBadly
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Yeah, it reminds me of the ribsteak (dunno what it`s called in English) i have in my oven right now. I cut the surface layer of fat carefully into squares (which will be become crispy treats when done) I have let it marinade for two days in aliminium foil, and now i`m letting it steam for an hour before i turn down the heat some and let it slowly finish over 2 and a half hours. 


I coulda just threw it in the oven and eaten it after an hour, but that`s not the same satisfaction and taste. 

Why'd I give you my beans?!! Sounds like you're sitting pretty tight with your goddamn ribsteak... it just sounded so good. I was thinking that maybe I could get in on it too if I brought the side dish

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If it means that dayz will be an epic survival/combat game in the end, they can take as long as they need to. I'll be here every step of the way.


If they continue to listen to the "mature, logical" community and it's needs, they have nothing but a positive future ahead of them.

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how long has minecraft been in development? its on full release, but they are still adding things to it... you play the game while its being developed and you learn to accept things the way they are and become excited when new content is released... I think of it as a bunch of awesome DLC's everytime a patch comes out...

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from a development side view, its only profit after a certain point, wich means, the development of the titel itself is save. Given, that was the case before, since the mod alone let the arma sales raise significantly.


No beans for OP through.

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Considering they didn't even get the "network bubble" right (I don't think they quite understand how a true client/server design works) and that's what they kept saying was holding back the the alpha release, I wouldn't be surprised to see a final release date sometime in mid 2016.


I see the same excuses being throw around by everyone, "it's alpha, they did a total rewrite, blah blah blah," based on the progress they've made this far its not a shot in the dark to says its going to be quite some time before they get out of alpha. They have a full team working on this... and well... it really doesn't seem like it.

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The long term prospects for DayZ are grim. It's very plausible that most of the copies of it that will ever be sold, have already been sold. 


I don't really blame Rocket. 


I have a lifetime worth of contempt for BI, but its not because of this. 

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Hmmm ok i am not sure why a obvious troll thread is still open??


But ill bite LOL yes and this is clearly stated in the steam store BEFORE you even buy the game dont want to wait that long and believe for some reason its a joke dont buy the game or dont buy the game for a year till its out of alpha. Use the right you have as a consumer to express your distaste for this concept and dont spend your money (Rocket himself states dont buy the game unless you wish to aid development, hell i feel priveledged he( BIS) has given us the chance to test what has been done and perhaps contribute to the making of it it in some small way.....

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Star Citizen looks impressive and everything they've showed so far looks high quality.

But they are promising a playable alpha in 2014, I don't believe them at all.

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Star Citizen missed its first dev milestone, the "dogfighting module" was meant to be released last month.

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Star Citizen missed its first dev milestone, the "dogfighting module" was meant to be released last month.


Never trust "Kickstarter" projects. 

* The promises mean nothing and can be changed when ever they feel like it.


For example the game called "Stardrive"

* The game was suppose to have multiplayer, but the developers just never introduced it and released the full game with only single player. 

- You can even check steam, that the game only has single-player mode available. 


Here is the kickstarter page.



Go to features and see the lie, saying the game will have multiplayer.

Edited by Sobieski12

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I hope the devs ignore the pressure for time by CoD kiddies and simpletons. Real DayZ fans want you to take as long as you need.

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And i suppose you do. Since it is the internet, you would probably know everything about any sort of topic anyone might ever post.

biomechanical engineering? You are probably a pro. Ancient Rome? You probably majored in that in college.

Actually, yes. Since it is the internet, I can be a "pro" at any of those subjects. A simple Google(jesus, I can't believe auto correct forces me to capitalize that) search and I have almost unlimited knowledge at my finger tips. I may not know what any of it means, but I can sure as hell fake it like your girlfriend fakes her orgasms.

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The cold hard facts are that you, the consumer, bought a product in which it states several times during the announcement, the purchase and the launch of the game it`s an early pre-release alpha, and that you will have to endure this, and it states specifically that you should only join if you wish to participate in the ongoing testing and patching of the game. If you wanted to play the finished product only, then you should have waited for it.


It`s not the dev teams fault if you failed to read or acknowledge any of these VERY CLEAR warnings, and i believe that the dev team should take their time in developing the game, because otherwise we`d get whining about gameplay and bug issues in the finished product instead. There are so many great games out there you can play whlst you wait, a year goes fast, and by then many more features will be in the game.  


I feel like you just can`t talk to certain people, why is it so hard to understand?

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