Ijin 44 Posted January 9, 2014 As of now, Chernarus is bleak, desolate, and empty-- players and zombies. As of now, it all feels very sanitized. As if everyone decided to walk away. The houses are empty, the cities are abandoned, etc. My one big wish for the game is for the general tone of the art to become way more horrifying and unnerving. Decomposing bodies, skeletons, piles of infected people who hadn't been burned. People rotting in their houses after their deaths. Corpses lying about as the result of random survival encounters gone bad. People rotted away, sitting upright in chairs. Scenes dotting the otherwise barren wasteland with blood and terror. Making your way through a city would be much more intense if you were surrounded by the dead left behind, as well as zombies and other players. This would be a change in terms of art only. Just make it way, way, way more scary. Thank you team, for a fantastic game so far! 44 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hvesta 2 Posted January 9, 2014 Ye I would like to see a lot of fillers like that, but they will hopefully add some later on since this is Alfa after all.It would be awesome that you can search random rotting corpses, take cloths from them and empty they pockets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cydone 41 Posted January 9, 2014 Yea, good idea. I love entering ereas where you can easily see that it has been a place of a last stand. Like the at the military camp behind the big Airfield up NW. You can almost feel that here, was a huge battle and shootout happening, before everybody died.. Burned cars, blood, downed choppers etc.. They should add much more storyline to the game in the way of scenes like this, where you can only ponder what happened. Maybe make logbooks lootable, so you can read what happened.. that would be cool.. In fact more hidden storyline to discover would be cool. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odin_lowe 3686 Posted January 9, 2014 This needs more view and beans for Dean to see as I never heard him before talk about those changes, which would enhance the general experience for everyone as it IS supposed to a zombie apocalypse. Great topic. Sir, you have my beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) -snip- Edited January 9, 2014 by DayzForumer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alelx 1 Posted January 9, 2014 Agreed more atmosphere, like nether atm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zeroy 240 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) I definitely agree on some stuff from the OP. Much everything looks a little too clean, would be nice to have some cities/villages really decimated with more vehicles wrecks and damaged buildings but also more ambient FX like fires, insects/animals and rotten corpses. Edited January 9, 2014 by zeroy99 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mopp_94 29 Posted January 9, 2014 I actually really like this idea. Would add an entire new atmos to the game that I feel is needed. I agree that the entire place seems a little too 'clean' at the moment. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imbalanxd 59 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) You need to be careful though. Bodies give information, and fake bodies give fake information. I found the random solider corpses on the airfield in the mod to be bad enough, I don't want to know what hundreds of random bodies all over the place will do. When you see a body, you know somethings gone down. Randomly placing them completely removes that information. Edited January 9, 2014 by Imbalanxd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhombvs 8 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) Gotta agree. So far, I've noticed one pile of dead infected at the military base near Balota and random blood stains in houses. We need more scenes that will make you sad/disgusted/wonder wtf happened there... Like a dead guy with a gun in his hand and his brains blasted on the wall behind him, maybe with a goodbye letter in his other hand. Or a guy who hanged himself in the woods, slowly swinging in the wind with flies buzzing around. Another idea - a camp in the woods with torn tents and maybe some corpses. Also there are many wrecked vehicles, but no bodies nearbie - let's change that. There could be also an option to "examine" the bodies - both arranged and players. For players, you could get something like simple "this person was shot in the head" or more specific descriptions, like "You can see no mortal wound. After closer examination, you can tell this person died of starvation." And as for the arranged scenes, the options are almost endless and provide great way to tell some story, rather than having "discarded letters" everywhere. As the poster above said, there is certain importance of being able to tell if that Z is laying there, because a player killed it, or if it was arranged. That could be solved by making the arranged bodies a little bit more decayed or something like that - and also handled as a static object (with less details - just like the pile of bodies in Balota) for performance reasons. Edited January 9, 2014 by Rhombus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edsilver 1 Posted January 9, 2014 I hope that someone from stuff is reading this topic. My beanz for ya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted January 9, 2014 (edited) Good idea, I agree the game needs it. But not too much, not sure how dead bodies will affect performance especially as how the game runs at the moment. Certainly blood, more destroyed areas, rubbish/garbage on the street etc just that general feel of panic that would of ensued at the start of the outbreak. Edited January 9, 2014 by Crazymaniac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jojjkano 9 Posted January 9, 2014 There could be families of zombies in certain houses aswell. And maybe corpses of people who comitted suicide when the infection hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angry pineapple 44 Posted January 9, 2014 I like the idea, but what about not dead bodies, but just the remnants of bodies (cause the zombie ate them). Scavenging a house with a random body parts and gore would be good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QbitzR 157 Posted January 9, 2014 in conclusion..more this.and loose body parts all overand since we´re at it - bleeding buildings and vegetation Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mookzen 67 Posted January 9, 2014 Naah guys its too much work, we're in the mod mindset still anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reapers239 57 Posted January 9, 2014 would be cool to find some newspaper here and there telling something about the pandemic, gives an insight as to how it began and what not Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dannynickelov 126 Posted January 9, 2014 I agree, bring back the DayZ music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r68uZehZqN8 I think it's cool to see the things mentioned in the OP's post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ijin 44 Posted January 10, 2014 Wow, I think that's a lot of beans. Just to further clarify, because it was really late when I originally posted-- yes, in my mind this was all static art I was thinking of. Shouldn't impact gameplay at all, other than to help further set the tone of Chernarus as an unsettling, bloody, and gruesome place. As of now, every town is a ghost town instead of a bloody disaster. Shouldn't be player-model bodies on the ground, because that would interfere with strategy, etc. And should be very randomized-- that is, not every House Type A has Bloody Scene type A in it. Should be able to pepper things around asymmetrically, so it doesn't become boring or repetitive. A vast and creative library of horrifying static art assets/models to give the game a terrifying vibe. And again, thanks for an awesome alpha-- very much electrifying fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeet. 101 Posted January 10, 2014 (edited) This will add so much immersion to the game. Shut up and take my beans!!!!! Edited January 10, 2014 by Zeet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slizzedy 70 Posted January 10, 2014 I like the general idea. Just yesterday i saw a car that had been driven off the road into a small ditch and crashed into a rock. Wonder what happened, maybe the passenger mutated into a zombie while his buddy was trying to get him to a hospital? But where are the corpses then? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aetla 7 Posted January 10, 2014 (edited) Excellent suggestions OP! You have my beans good sir, :) Now the map looks like abandoned but we cant see the tragedy behind that evacuation before evocuation. What happened there? Massacres, deaths, traces of tragedies. Abandones vehicle caravans at highways, rotten corpses. Yay, Thanks for bringing those to table man! Edited January 10, 2014 by Aetla Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
totoro52 0 Posted January 11, 2014 Great suggestions, 100% for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solopopo 330 Posted January 11, 2014 (edited) Beans for you sir. I love this idea. I want the environment to be as immersive as possible. There needs to be more going on in the game world. I'd like to see queued events, like zombies bursting down closet doors and that kind of thing. The world needs to seem alive. There should be endless events that draw your attention as you traverse Chenarus. What's that, a fire in the distance? Is a player making food? Trying to keep warm? Was that explosion coming from that city way over there? I can see it all the way from here! Did I just hear an animal getting killed? Did I just hear an animal killing a player? I can hear a helicopter in the distance. I hope it doesn't come this way. I see headlights coming down the road, I need to hide! No, I'll ambush them! Now I need to run, that drew way too much attention. Ugh, worst timing ever! A zombie horde crossing my path! So many, so fast! They need to put things in the game TO DO (reference anybody?). Currently all there is to do is find stuff and kill other players. So that's what players do. They find stuff. Then head to the biggest city to find other players to kill. The game can be so much more than that, but we need more toys to play with in our playground; things that make role playing something you do even without intending to, simply because it's the nature of the game. Edited January 11, 2014 by Solopopo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites