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This will be a huge forum post with ongoing updates of bugs that I have found or thought up! PLEASE feel free to add your bugs/comments and keep this going. Let's keep it all nice and neat for Rocket and the boys! 


  • When dragging an item to the action bar to bind it to a number, it actually binds every item of that same type that you have in your inventory, and hitting that number selects the item of that type which is in the highest slot in your inventory. While this seems convenient (like if you have 5 cans of opened beans and want all opened bean cans bound to slot 6 so you can easily eat), it's actually quite a problem. Imagine you have two pistols in your inventory; One is at the bottom of your backpack with a magazine in it and one that you found for a friend (with no magazine) is in your tactical vest. Now, in relation to eachother, the vest is located higher up in the inventory screen than your bag, so if you bind your pistol to slot 2 and then in a heated combat scenario, press 2 to select your trusty sidearm, what happens when it wrongly selects the one with no clip and you hear the horrid "click" indication of no ammo?


  • Force feeding rice to someone empties the entire bag as opposed to 10% increments and force feeding the last sip of water bottles/canteens make the container disappear. 


  • Upon entering the game, you are automatically standing in an upright position, regardless of the position you logged out in.


  • Not able to cancel the use or consumption of items. Getting attacking while applying bandages or eating food is extremely annoying. You cannot change posture while using an object. If you are bandaging, you cannot change from a crouched position to a standing one, etc. This applies to everything that you must stop to use. (Food, bandages, blood bag kits, etc.)


  • When you attempt to use/consume an item that's on the ground, nothing happens. If you try to use it again, it tells you "You are already using something." However, if you take it into your hands after attempting to use it on the ground, it automatically begins using it.


  • Rotten kiwis look extremely similar to fresh ones.
  • You automatically go from prone to crouch when using a saline bag, bandages, food, etc. This makes some sense for bandages (seeing as it would be very hard to wrap a bandage around a part of your body when it's on the ground), but the saline issue can prove fatal in a combat situation.
  • Swimming is EXTREMELY slow. By a side by side expirement, I found that the "fast swimming" is the same speed as plain old walking. That makes normal swimming OMEGA slow.


  • Logging off with broken legs will fix them.


  • Upon pulling out/putting away an item, your character will continue moving until the animation of putting your item away finishes. By this point, you could have fallen off of the roof by then.


  • If you attempt to reload with the Mosin while prone, the reload sound will loop continuously and your character's arms will spasm. Putting your gun away or waiting for the sound to stop will fix this. 


  • Disabling Post-Processing effects creates an unfair playing field for people with it enabled. It removes the blurry effects when wounded and is therefore ideal to disable it.


  • Down Jacket glitches confirmed? I haven't found this item in the game yet.


  • Can't swap magazines in guns using the inventory interface. You have to remove the one that is currently in there and then put the new one in. The "reload" function does this automatically but it doesn't always work.


  • The shovel sits at an awkward angle on your back.


  • Sometimes while running and attempting to vault, you stop running and step-over instead.


  • You are usually forced to completely stop running to change your weapon. (As opposed to slowing down your run speed a bit but continuing to move) This makes you a HUGE target if you're trying to chase someone down with a melee weapon.(Needs confirming for exact circumstances.)


  • Melee weapons hit walls/roofs instead of target in front. This can be solved by crouching, and I suppose is semi-realistic (The lack of swinging room in your average house) but it's just too touchy.


  • Occasionally, player's arms glitch in a looping animation of them pulling out an object. This is just a wild arm movement that seems to repeat until one of them re-log.


  • Your inventory automatically compresses itself into the most compact way possible. This sounds convenient, BUT IT IS NOT. If you're like me, you like to have your inventory organized and this completely messes it up! Not only that, but if the auto-organize organizes it in such a way that there is not enough room for a certain item it will actually DELETE IT!



  • Just like dropping an item on a populated or laggy server, when you change an object's state (i.e. opening a can, tearing a shirt, or loading a magazine), the object can actually take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute to appear in your inventory.


  • Occasionally when switching from walking to swimming, or vice versa, your backpack, primary weapon and handgun appear to fall off of your person. This is just visual and everyone else will still see your items on you. After re-logging, they are still there.


  • You are unable to remove hand-guards from M4s. You can only swap them with another one.


  • If you have your fists up when attempting to prone, you will instead crouch, requiring you to hit the prone button one more time to complete the position change.


  • Clothes that you take off of a dead body and equip onto your character (in one motion) will make them appear on the ground (in loot form, as in, a folded shirt) instead of your body. Pulling out an item will fix this and they will be displayed properly. (CAN ANYONE CONFIRM IF OTHER PLAYS CAN SEE THIS?)


  • Melee weapons sound like gunshots.


  • If you "Aim Down Sights" with an item (or lack thereof) that has no sights, it still moves you at the speed it would with a weapon that has sights. You are not able to use shift to change your movement in this situation and you have "un-aim" down the sights that don't exist.


  • Although rags can be stacked up to 6 times per slot, they do not automatically stack when crafting new rags. This means you have to drag+drop on top of another stack of rags to combine them.

TO BE CONTINUED... (Post below so I can add your bug to the list!)

Edited by mistahyebba
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If you put on the Down Jacket...then put on a shirt then the Press Vest, you are able to have a vest over the Down Jacket(tooltip says you cannot and it doesn't allow you to with any other vest or even the press vest if not done in the right order). Only works with the press vest and no other Vest.

Also you cannot put the Down Jacket over existing clothes when the tooltip says you should be able too.

Eating while prone, makes you sit up.

Going to video options will fix any blurry effects.

Just some super random ones =P

Edited by Dontstealmycheese

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Mosin reload bug while lying prone. 


Yes, this shit is annyoing, I have to stand up if I want to reload mosin, becuase when I'm lying trying to reaload, the sound will glitch, and i won't be able to move my character until i log out and log in

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How about a bug when you try to get on a ladder with weapon in hands? You just start running until animation ends. Usually, by it's end you already ran off the roof you was at to embrace your death like a proper lemming.

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Thanks for the added bugs guys!

Edited by mistahyebba

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Yeah half of these things aren't bugs. Just weird suggestions. You might want to rename your thread. + for effort though

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You can now double-tap while swimming which you couldn't do in the mod. It makes your character do the cross-stroke and move faster.

I only swam once so far in SA DAYZ but didn't think it was that slow.


Are you saying that even with double-tap it is too slow?

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You can now double-tap while swimming which you couldn't do in the mod. It makes your character do the cross-stroke and move faster.

I only swam once so far in SA DAYZ but didn't think it was that slow.


Are you saying that even with double-tap it is too slow?

Cross-stroke swimming (Double-tapping W) is about the same speed as walking. Compare it side by side and you will see for yourself. Now imagine walking to Elektro from Kamy while walking and tell me that isn't slow! If you can run 20mph forever without tiring, you should be able to swim at least 10.

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Yeah half of these things aren't bugs. Just weird suggestions. You might want to rename your thread. + for effort though

Agreed. Sorry about that.

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  • If you attempt to reload with the Mosin while prone, the sound will glitch and your character will freeze, requiring a re-log to fix. (Confirm?)

it doesn't require a re-log. It just takes some time while it makes those multiplied clicking sounds.

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  • If you attempt to reload with the Mosin while prone, the sound will glitch and your character will freeze, requiring a re-log to fix. (Confirm?)

it doesn't require a re-log. It just takes some time while it makes those multiplied clicking sounds.

Thanks! Fixed.

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  • Soda cures hunger.

Not a bug... It's coded that way.

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Sometimes if you put on clothes from dead bodies including backpacks it lays on ground glued to your feet and corresponding part becomes invisible.

There's also a dupe glitch with any administer able item

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Not a bug... It's coded that way.

Removed it. I wasn't sure, to be honest. I mean, soda is thick and creamy, so I guess it could cure some hunger, but I just wasn't sure. Thanks! 

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Sometimes if you put on clothes from dead bodies including backpacks it lays on ground glued to your feet and corresponding part becomes invisible.

There's also a dupe glitch with any administer able item

Good one! Thanks for the reminder! Pulling out an item will snap them into the correct position on your body.

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  • You are usually forced to completely stop running to change your weapon. (As opposed to slowing down your run speed a bit but continuing to move) This makes you a HUGE target if you're trying to chase someone down with a melee weapon.

I think this only applies to melee weapons & Pistols, since i can successfully switch between Nothing > M4/Mosin. Might need a confirmation though, since i haven't tried it for a while.

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  • You are usually forced to completely stop running to change your weapon. (As opposed to slowing down your run speed a bit but continuing to move) This makes you a HUGE target if you're trying to chase someone down with a melee weapon.

I think this only applies to melee weapons & Pistols, since i can successfully switch between Nothing > M4/Mosin. Might need a confirmation though, since i haven't tried it for a while.


Yeah, honestly I can't figure out a repetition here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I run, sometimes I don't. I know there has to be some sort of pattern, I just can't seem to find it! Thanks for the comment. I'll have to double check and confirm.

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Some conditions I've gathered from the primary weapons causing you to stop vs. continue movement:


1. Stance. You will ALWAYS come to a complete stop when prone or crouched. Only when fully upright will you continue movement.


2. Current Gear: Depending on what you already have equipped, you often are forced to stop to put away your current item. This applies to ANYTHING that fits 'within' a container-type item, whether it's an assault vest, pants, hoodie, or backpack. For example, if you currently have a pistol equipped, even when fully upright, you will still come to a complete stop in order to put the pistol away. If, however, you currently have a melee weapon equipped, you can continue moving and sling it onto your back, then pull out your rifle in one fluid motion without ever stopping. This applies to any current equipment: compass, canteen, handgun, you name it. If it has to go back inside something, you'll come to a stop in the process.

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