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This topic is for stories because if you make your own topic people will TROLL you.


I would like to suggest a mod create a topic and sticky it for the sole purpose of sharing events that occur during our game play. I would love to read what others had to go through. Would be nice to have one place where I can read it since I am lazy.

Edited by CrazyandLazy

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I see a guy looting a police station, I go inside, I shoot him dead and I leave. The End.

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Log in at Stary hospital with bad timing.

Full military guy right where I happen to log on.

"I have no gear just relax, I wont do an..."

"You are Dead"

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We talk from a distance, I say "hey" unarmed guy replies with long winded gibberish


I think um ok.. and carry on


Short time later I decide I'm going to need a bandage so I tear up my tshirt and the guy turns back up and starts punching me. So I bop him with my fireaxe.
He stops punching, I stop hitting. Both bleeding now, but it seems I was the only one with a bandage.
He tears off  bleeding all over the place looking for one and I'm not sure if ever found one.


not much of a story but a recent tale

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I hope LeeHarveyEnfield make contribute :thumbsup:  ;)

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Just saw a 17-18 player mexican standoff at Krasnostav airfield ending with 13 bodies and 4-5 survivors escaping the area...  Atleast 5 different coordinating parties of survivors... Half of the server population at the same spot...  I'm quite sure i'm not seeing this again anywhere in unforseen future for a while...

Edited by Jeppe
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Just saw a 17-18 player mexican standoff at Krasnostav airfield ending with 13 bodies and 4-5 survivors escaping the area...  Atleast 5 different coordinating parties of survivors... Half of the server population at the same spot...  I'm quite sure i'm not seeing this again anywhere in unforseen future for a while...


After a fubar login. Me on east side of krasnostav airfield and my mate at klick away to the west. Planned a rendezvous at hangars...


"CONTACT! west barracks second floor. 1 alive and bodies on stairs."


I'm starting to run from Flight control tower towards western barracks *Nothing seems to be inside hangars.*

"I'm overlooking the barracks door." 


I checked the 1st floor windows. not a single person inside. I could hear dude walking at the second floor. Plan comes to mind, I'll take can of sardines and start to eat it by the corner so that the adversary upstairs could hear it.






"Target down."


It had worked, the dude rushed immediately towards me, as I started eating, for a easy kill. moving towards the body to check it out. Most of the stuff ruined by the sole 7,62 bullet...


"CONTACT HANGAR RIGHT!" (from our perspective Right is at south at this conflict)




Leaped just in time inside the barracks to have shot miss by inches.


"He is down. MORE CONTACTS AT RIGHT SIDE! Two, maybe three more"


I Rush towards the small 1st floor room at the barracks to check our left flank. Seeing a flanker immediately running towards the small gatehouse. Had a time to shoot 2 shots at him. both missing by a mile. *Now he knows i'm here*


"Atleast 4-5 contacts at right, outside the fence moving to flank us."

I see a second adversary moving towards the gatehouse. shots start to hit everywhere, mosins, M4s an insane firefight is roaming around me, Around us. I see hits at the gatehouse, at the hangars. M4s bursting rounds in front of me. Someone is shooting at the room above me. *CHRIST! Someone else has to be in this house*


"Most contacts down at right. 2 adversaries are either retreating or flanking us from a far."


I'm crashing towards second floor. *No one here* I see bodies at left side of western Hangar.


"CONTACT RIGHT! moving to left by the side of the hangar in front of us"


I see him clear. Nothing i could do with my pistol. I can see him check couple of bodies and leave towards east.


"I'm quite sure  the right side retreated"


Moving out from the barracks, seeing not a single living sole between me and hangars just 2 bodies. I'm rushing towards hangars having no contacts on the way.


"I'll check the right side"


As I'm Moving towards the front of the hangar, I see more bodies. Four inside the first hangar that we did not even see fighting, and i did not see running past the hangars. Two between the hangars. Couple of more at the right side. Total of 13 bodies at small area.


As we are jugging towards safety i feel a bit of a rush in my veins...

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I played only twice so far ;)


First time I spawned somewhere, found a bottle of disinfectant and drank it by mistake (shit UI). Blurred I got attacked by zombies and died.


Second time I managed to get a hatchet, compass, food and defibrillator, then somehow lost hatchet (shit UI), found water in some village up north and it's when I thought: "ok, now we are talking". Unfortunately I got attacked by zombie and due to crap melee combat system got injured, lost too much blood, fainted and died.


That's my story so far ;)

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I got gltiched and fell while climbing a ladder. Died.


Spawned in Kambiwobo. There was a dude camping new spawns with an M4 and magnum. Managed to fist him four times before getting put down. Spawned again in the same town so I tried to rejoin the same server he was in. Found him again in a slope and tired to trail him. Lost him at some point. Searched the whole town but he had logged.


Took a break to eat, Logged in and ran west a bit and as I was about to leave town, saw a gear dude. He started cussing me out for no apparent reason saying I'm a worthless piece of **** and lol look at you, you are a dumbasss. My hunger and thirst was very low since I had spent a lot of  time searching for a spawn killer prior so I asked the cussing/angry dude if he could kill me. He started talking a lot of crap and taunting me, you want me to kill you noob, you want me to kill you noob? I ran up to him and punched him. Then he started shooting. He missed a lot of bullets but finally managed to get a shot in. He put his gun away and started yelling lol dumbass is bleeding, chase me noob chase me. I then ran up to him and managed to get 5  more punches in. He gets his gun out again started spraying. Funny thing about coastal bandits is that they suck so bad with the gun. He managed to mow me down and I died. He started yellong. Now what *****. Now what. I am going to chop blah blah blah blah.


Seriously sometimes I detest the people in this game. The majority are rude.

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I was looking round the military base north of Kamenka not long after spawning, it had already been looted pretty well so all I found was some old stuff other people had dropped while looting. No weapons just some clothes, a little food and a small backpack.


Anyway 4 guys show up armed to the teeth and kitted out with full cammo, gasmasks, ballistic helmets, lots of cool looking attachments on their M4s etc etc. They shout at me to get my hands up and so I play along because it's either that or get shot. I get cuffed by one of them then one of them takes out a fireaxe and smacks me over the head with it.




Nothing has changed really, until people realise you can make blood bags out of captives this game will still be shoot on sight.

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I was just outside Polana after looting it when two guys with shitty gear walks down the road towards me. One of them tells me "friendly", I wave, while his unarmed friend gets uncomfortably close to me. I bolt it out off there, not wanting to lose all my food. Both of them chase me for miles, telling me to stop. We eventually end up in a forest and I decide that I have grown tired of their behaviour and use my fireaxe.


I no longer know where I am on the map.

Edited by Cute Carl Grimes

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I had 5 encounters today  and they all combat logged, even when I was out numbered 2 to 1 lol..

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I was looting Grishino when I heard someone running by. Looked out the window and saw a guy fully geared running around. Snuck up on him with my revolver in hand and held him up. But I wasn't planning on robbing him, I just wanted to talk (it gets lonely up north :( . I asked him which houses he had looted already and where he was heading. He was heading east, while I had plans to head further north to check out the new parts of the map, so we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

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Last night, three other survivors and I met up in the woods above Kamyshovo to meet and greet fresh spawns and hunt the bandits who prey upon the freshies (these bandits are known as Sharks).  We find two fresh spawns along the road to Solnichniy just out of Kamyshovo.  One is handcuffed, fed disinfectant, and serenaded with the Russian national anthem; the other Alt F4s before we have time to move him from the road.  We move out to the sound of the Russian anthem and a naked fresh spawn struggling in handcuffs.


After making our way along the entire stretch of road between Kamyshovo and Solnichniy without any other signs of life, we enter Solnichniy and begin to look for more fresh spawns.  I move up to overwatch from the Quarry with my mosin.  On my way up, one of our group, who was trying to make friends with another survivor, gets knocked out and beat to death before our two other members could intervene.  Since we were on the coast already, we began to cordon the area and secure his gear for him to run back and retrieve.  The M4 in our group began to patrol around the construction buildings on the south side of Solnichniy while our third member who was still alive moved up to overwatch from the Quarry with his mosin as well.  At this point, there are two mosins overmatching the construction buildings on the south side of Solnichniy from the Quarry, while one member is patrolling the area in town, and the fourth member is running back to retrieve his gear.


As we wait for our fourth member to return for his gear, a plucky fresh spawn runs in and sees our fallen companion's corpse and gear.  I call it out and begin to line up a shot.  We couldn't let this thief get away with a full kit of our gear!  I click up my mosin's long range scope to 300 meters and center my crosshairs on his chest.  I can see the backpack, fireaxe, and gas mask appear on this would be loot goblin, but before he can make a quick getaway, I squeeze the trigger and see blood erupt from the center mass of my target.  Needless to say my friend's gear was mostly ruined now, but it would still be functional for the most part.  Soon, our fourth squad member returns and collects his somewhat destroyed and blood soaked clothes and gear before we run into another survivor.


This next interaction occurred soon after our group of four reunited in the construction/quarry area in south Solnichniy. Another survivor wanders into our immediate area and gets held up and interrogated by two of our group while another sniper and I watch from the top of the Quarry.  The other sniper wanted to test his aim and fires at the survivor with his mosin.  He hits and the target begins to bleed, but he does not go down.  One of our group in the construction area begins to apologize and bandage the fresh spawn, but despite all those good intentions, the fresh spawn begins to beat him over the head with his fists.  Upon hearing the cries of shock and betrayal from my teammate with the words, "Shoot him! Shoot him!", I centered on the fresh spawn and dropped him before he could do any more damage to our would be medic.  That was almost the second time our fourth teammate would get knocked out by fresh spawns.  So much for civility, I suppose.


Now this is where it gets crazy.  Since three out of our four man team carry mosins, we all end up on the Quarry hill overlooking Solnichniy with our last man in the town scouting for survivors armed with his M4.  After some time of chatting and hiding in trees, we spot two heavily armed survivors move onto the north side of the Quarry hill and begin looking around.  The other two mosins open fire and send some ineffective fire down upon them.  Although they might not have hit the two bandits, sharks, or boy scouts, whatever they were, them firing did cause them to flank around the Northwest side of the hill, allowing me to then flank them as they focused on my teammates.  Mosin shots ring out, bursts of M4 fire hit dirt and trees around the top of the hill where my companions now fight for their lives.  I circle around the bottom of the hill and see one of the two attackers.  As I shoot him in the back, laying him low, I relay this to my team and tell them I do not see the other one.  I circle back to where I had previously seen the two at the start and see the other attacker making his way back down the hill and into the brush.  We try to line up shots, but his serpentine was too strong.  Anyways, it ends up that he combat logs, comes back with a friend, and murders three of us by logging in above us on the hill.  It was fun, and I got to really test out the range and power of the long range mosin.  For anyone who read this, hope you enjoyed.

Edited by PoebusApolloHC
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On my way back from sight seeing at Rog picked up a Mossin along the way and some ammo.  Spent a good deal of time hiking in the woods finally see the cost so I stop next to a bush to scope out the area.


Bust my map out to make sense of the land marks I am seeing....... Auto fire out of know where!  Put map away stand up turn around to see a guy maybe 20 feet away full auto at least a clip into me.


-You are dead-


Fresh spawn heading back to where my corpse should be.  Pick up a hatchet along the way some food stuffs.  About to step into a house when some guy explodes from behind the fence bleeding all over with three zombies chasing after him.  I yell for him in voice for him to turn around and run towards me I will peel them off.  He turns around I hack the zeds standing next to him while he bandages.


-you are dead-


Some ass clown with a mossin decided he was going to be savior of freshspawns and kill me for hurting the guy I just saved.


Meh so goes life in DayZ.  I will say SA is 20x worse for the KOS side of things than the mod.

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My first login:  Its pitch black...I'm on a pier or an industrial port loading bay.  The sound of the water is comforting but loud, as crouched behind boxes I see the sloppy, jagged cuts of two or three flashlights searching the container area and associated structures.  I watch with grim fascination as they beat an unarmed man to death.  They are slowly making their way towards me, I scan the far side of the bay frantically, noting some lights on buildings perhaps?  Maybe safety inside... at least I'd be able to see!

So I take a deep breath and jump into the oily dark water, swimming slowly and glancing over my shoulder... they didnt see me or hear me and do not pursue.  I arrive on the opposite side to find, however, no shore, no ladder.  Only an imposing 8 foot seawall.  Assuming there exists a means of climbing up eventually, I paddle along the seawall... calmly at first and then with more aggressive frustration.  Nothing... not a rope, ladder, or drainage pipe...  My swim goes on for far too long: I wrap myself around the entire bay hugging a wall but still hanging up on pillars in the black... searching methodically.  I consider, however briefly, ending it in these cold black waters - what irony to survive the end of the world and die from pitiful laziness, sinking beneath the cold waves.  Something, however, wont let me end it, inexplicably.  Finally I recognize that set of pylons, taking a risky moment to use my flashlight (thank god it still works wet)... I've come back to where I began.  I swim a bit further and see to my chagrin that there is a mound of earth on that far edge that I can climb out on.  Exhausted and gasping for breath I stand up and literally step right back to the place I regained consciousness before my swim.  A chaos of lights and a gruff voice jokes mockingly before an axe smashes in the side of my head and face and I lay in the only warmth I've felt in an eternity - my own blood.

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Yesterday I killed 6 players, today I killed 4, they all had the gear, with no idea I think they were window cleaners and hedge pruner's. Tomorrow someone else will be respawning and if it happens to me then fair game. Last 2 days I have proberly made 10 players really pissed, but the revenge feels so sweet after a long grind.

If the gilly suit comes in it will only get worse!

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Meh so goes life in DayZ.  I will say SA is 20x worse for the KOS side of things than the mod.


Maybe it's because it's more popular now then before.  I hear a lot of kids playing this game. 

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I had just spawned a few minutes prior and was fortunate enough to find an ax. I jogged over to a well and lo and behold another fresh spawn was already there. We exchanged pleasantries and after I had some water, I went on my way. About a minute later while I was doing some inventory inside a house, the same guy comes up behind me and punches the shit out of me. I was in shock since he didn't have any weapons and I clearly had an ax. As he kept throwing punches, I turned around and chopped him to death. I would have given him a pass if he only punched me once but dang, he was just wailing on me.


Then there was a guy that scared the shit out of me on a night server. I was drinking soda in the barracks and I had just switched back to the M4 a guy turns on a flashlight two feet away from me. My immediate reaction was to start shooting.

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A holiday alpha adventure by me. 

I'm roving about on a low pop server at like 5am, no ones around and i seemingly have all of elektro to myself. The night prior left off with Me and Brush hiding in the woods outside the town, He had taken a few hits and needed some grub to start getting himself back up to par. However since we're playing alpha all the food I handed off disappeared thanks to the server crapping out leaving us both low on supplies.

So my solo mission this night is clear. Load up on food and water so I can get my buddy back up on his feet, healthy for our inevitable trip north. I was tricked out with a trusty axe, a mosin nagnant and the fn pistol with a good amount of ammo for both. But most importantly i had my little usa mask.

I weaved my way in and out pillaging a mostly untouched town, dealing with the occasional zed and not before long my bag was full and i was seemingly on top of the world. Then came the inevitable weapon chambering sound effect synonymous with a player logging in nearby. Now I'm on alert, I duck low and try to find where he is, likely he's a new spawn, logged out in a bad spot in hopes of grabbing some easy food in the city or something.

Then I see him, walking down the road. no pack, holding a butcher knife. I could pop him right now but i don't. No sense in telling anyone else I'm around. then i start heading down the stairs and i hear someone say "I hear you bitch, I'm coming for you.". He must have heard my footsteps 'Oh really?' i think to myself. 

Moments later he comes rounding a corner. "Time to die fucker" the man with the knife says as he closes. I take my time, I aim my nagant lining up a headshot. I pull the trigger, and miss. The round slams into the wall behind him, that should have been a clean kill i curse at myself, my next round should be ready in a moment. And the next round never comes.

The mossin fuckin glitched! r doesnt work, dragging ammo doesnt work, its a useless chunk of metal, he's closing on me, I draw my pistol. and my character arms it and then puts it away, i try to arm it again, and he puts it away again,(btw i am trying to move while this occurs but of course my character stands there like a retard as he fumbles with his gun. I sadly and quite embarassingly die and i hear my killers voice saying "yo bro thanks for the loot, Next time you got a gun try shooting me." I respawn as the fucker steals my fully loaded green backpack and sifts through my goods.

I wake up on the beach near balotta airfield, Enraged at my completely humiliating death i begin to progress through the scavanging process. Mind you... this is a newly restarted server, and the airfield was good to me. My new M4 came with conveniently placed mags nearby. And in the barracks was a fancy alice/hunter backpack. i resolve to head east. Theres about 6 other on the server at this time, and their names handt changed at all from when i died. Newly respawned cherno goods loaded me up on the basics. and i head continue east... 

Just west of electro and south of the big mountain is a 3 house spot with a well, a good place to max out my drink and fill my empty canteens. I'm thinkin to myself i'm tired maybe i should log for the night. And then i see movement on the horizon.

A dude wearing a mask and a green backpack.
I kneel down in some brush overlooking the well. The dude runs right up and holsters my old nagant. He starts to drink. I aim and say I say "Easy come, easy go. Merry christmas!". One burst of the m4 into my old mask and he was a corpse. I walk up on him and open his inventory to see all my old gear mostly in place. 

His body disappeared very fast which apparently is a bug happens when you rage quit and exit off a server. so i only had time to get my handgun back and some ammo but
Revenge is such a sweet sweet feeling in this game it made the whole night worth it.

Moral of the story, don't trust the nagant, dont switch weapons in combat because your character is apparently retarded, Every night is a make your own adventure, and avenging yourself is awesome. 

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TL;DR I use my mic for the first time and meet a cool guy. We meet 2 meth addicted psychos who try to kill us. My friend ends up killing me instead.


I am in some town up north and have barely anything and hadn't seen a soul for 30 minutes. All I have is revolver (no ammo), fireaxe, some food and I'm almost dying of thirst. All of a sudden I hear this very faint, "Hello?". It almost felt like it was part of the game... but it was weird sounding so I speak "Ummmmmmmmm". Then I hear it again, "Umm Hello?" this time closer. So I say "Ummmmm" again really awkwardly.


I go out to the street and see a guy a few houses down staring out me. But I can tell by his voice he is a cool guy (probably around my age and non-intimidating) so I don't try to hide, plus I had nothing to lose at that point. So we start randomly talking using voice. He tells me it is his first 20 minutes of the game and I tell him I'm dying of thirst. I told him a few tips on where to find water and we were kind of just shooting the shit. So me being shy I'm like "Well bye." We kind of run away but end up in the same house and he is like "I FOUND WATER!"


So I run in and ask if I could take a sip and he said he was already going to let me have some. So we share our water and all of a sudden we hear this far off voice.. picture the voice of a stoner guy.... and he says "Robot? Is that you?"


We were like... wtf? But I'm high and I feel like being weird so I say, "This is robot."


And my friend is thinking it is a friend of mine but I tell him it is just some random guy.


So the guy keeps asking for robot and I keep laughing and telling him I am robot. Then all of a sudden he BARGES into our room with his axe screaming "YOU AREN'T ROBOT!" and tries to kill us.

We awkwardly fight and my friend wants to run but I'm cracking up and try to kill this guy. I'm chasing him screaming "You are a psycho! I'm gonna kill you."


Finally after 1 minute of chasing him around I kill him. My friend comes back and says "OMG you killed him!"


So we share his loot and my friend finds a syringe on him. We joke that he was probably a meth addict. After we grab his stuff we agree to go exploring together. Heading up a hill we decide where to go next when all of a sudden we hear this very faint "This is robot. I was meeting my friend. Where is he?"


I start cracking up and am like "no fucking way" and we try run away but the guy sees us and comes running at us. His character is an asian lady and he has no weapons.


I tell him that we killed his psycho friend because he was a maniac who tried to axe us. Robot starts sprinting around us in circles. Just sprinting in circles, screaming shit about how his friend led troops in Nam and that we were wrong to kill him. We try to kill him but he is too fast and if we let him get close he can punch us to death. So we have this mexican stand off.


While robot is running in circles around us I joke "Wow this game is so immersive." and my friend says "Ya it really captures the post apocalyptic feeling perfectly."


All of a sudden robot gets close us, swinging his fists at us and we take swings at him and... the last thing I hear is "Oh shit I think I hit you with my axe".


I fall to ground and die.


The fate of my friend and robot is something I will never know. I like to believe that robot and my friend made peace and they continue on today as 2 adventures searching for food and guns.


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Took a break to eat, Logged in and ran west a bit and as I was about to leave town, saw a gear dude. He started cussing me out for no apparent reason saying I'm a worthless piece of **** and lol look at you, you are a dumbasss. 


Interesting. Yesterday or the day before I ran into a guy who starting calling me the same thing. Was just rambling on with a barrage of insults. So I did what I normally do to almost anyone. Played "eye of the tiger" over direct while I chased him down with an axe and chopped him up into bits and pieces. I wonder if it was the same guy.


Actually, if you ever hear "eye of the tiger" over direct, you can bet it's me. I'll be on tonight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals.

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Interesting. Yesterday or the day before I ran into a guy who starting calling me the same thing. Was just rambling on with a barrage of insults. So I did what I normally do to almost anyone. Played "eye of the tiger" over direct while I chased him down with an axe and chopped him up into bits and pieces. I wonder if it was the same guy.


Actually, if you ever hear "eye of the tiger" over direct, you can bet it's me. I'll be on tonight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals.

Maybe. My cussing guy talked how black people taled[not trying to be offensive]. He had no other accent.


Anyhow, just ran straight into two guys near Stary. I had my guns held up and that was probably why I was saved! They immediately yelled friendly even though they outnumbered me. Note to self: Always have your guns held up and ready to shoot.

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While robot is running in circles around us I joke "Wow this game is so immersive." and my friend says "Ya it really captures the post apocalyptic feeling perfectly."


All of a sudden robot gets close us, swinging his fists at us and we take swings at him and... the last thing I hear is "Oh shit I think I hit you with my axe".


I fall to ground and die.


The fate of my friend and robot is something I will never know. I like to believe that robot and my friend made peace and they continue on today as 2 adventures searching for food and guns.



That happened to me too. I had a gun and this other dude[he was a kid] had a gun. He was with his friend I think cause later I suspect that he killed me for my gun when our group of 3, me, him, and his friend was trying to killing a new spawn cause it asked us to kill him. I think the dude with the gun used it as an excuse and shot me for my gun cause I spoke on voice and they weren't saying anything.

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