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About Wukey88

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Wukey88

    Arma 2/3

    Cool, just reinstalling arma 2 going to give it a go till the stable patch comes for dayZ :)
  2. Wukey88

    Arma 2/3

    Do a lot of people still play arma 2 online or arma 3 any preference? Cheers
  3. mate your going to lose it no matter what you do with this respawn bug
  4. Anyone know about character wipes yet? thanks
  5. Wukey88

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Zzzz zzzz ZzzZzz
  6. Wukey88

    Character Wipe Again

    totally agree, fix priority issues!
  7. Don't buy it yet, you will get gear, if your not taken out in a fire fight or bummed by bandits you will only get a random respawn until that's FIXED ill be back - peace
  8. Wukey88


    Thanks for info tizz, I'm going to wait a while now until further patches are releases with the magical words of, "random respawn: fixed" ;)
  9. Wukey88


    I managed to save my char this morning by going back to server history ASAP. But this time it didn't work. Hope it's fixed soonish ruining the experience, this is the worse bug out. It's worse than being poisoned by bandits.
  10. Wukey88


    hi bud, I said to correct server issues :) Regards
  11. Wukey88


    I'll take a look at the tracker, I'll wait out now till there's a resolve to the problem cheers for info
  12. Wukey88


    Yea have the mod, I'm wondering if there is any info to something that's been around a while
  13. Wukey88


    I can't get my head around why the game is is having a little more loot, new town etc when the respawn bug is in full flow. Is there any point to going to the new places knowing next time you login you find yourself on the coast?a majority of you will really hate this post and no doubt will reply with it's an alpha. Well yes I know that I paid for it, but hey I'm just mentioning this as surely this is more important to correct server issues? I mean I'm not expecting it to be instant but I haven't seen anything mentioned In announcements. Anyone have any info?
  14. Wukey88

    Character Wipe Again

    I also hear there making gear harder to get next patch, so this respawn bug is going to make a lot of angry people.