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Its been snowing at my place for like weeks now and i wondered how cool it would be for Dayz to have have snow, and not just on Namalsk.


While i was browsing youtube i stumbled upon this video.  Its a new weather engine or software whatever it is lol made by Bohemia Interactive.  It generates procedural snow on any terrain at real time.  This means when it snows in game, the snow will actually change the landscape instead of being just a visual affect.  Im sure it can do so much more things.


Anyways check it out.  I really hope this gets implemented into the release of the game.



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Rocket said he used the Frostfall mod when he played Skyrim and liked it, so its definitely a possibility i would think. Im hoping for it too...badly. Did i hear he hired the guy who made the Namalsk (sp?) map?

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With this global warming i think we cant expect any snowfall then next couple of zombie apocalypses

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ive been posting topics about the VBS3 already and forum staff told me that VBS3 is nowhere close to the engine of DayZ.

But I really hope we will get snow later the next year(s).


Its a big project since you have to change terrain, every object and flora.

(snow covered objects etc)

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Its been snowing at my place for like weeks now and i wondered how cool it would be for Dayz to have have snow, and not just on Namalsk.


While i was browsing youtube i stumbled upon this video.  Its a new weather engine or software whatever it is lol made by Bohemia Interactive.  It generates procedural snow on any terrain at real time.  This means when it snows in game, the snow will actually change the landscape instead of being just a visual affect.  Im sure it can do so much more things.


Anyways check it out.  I really hope this gets implemented into the release of the game.



vbs 3 its there ultra expensive mil sim aimed at training soliders the tactics etc of a battle last time i checked VBS 2 cost a couple thousand bucks (that was quite a while ago though maybe much cheaper now. I would love to see this in Dayz but im not sure they are going to put it into a 30 dollar alpha not just yet lol but hey we can hope but you have my beans for the vid(actually didnt know VBS3 was out or coming soon

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Would love this, we can have Namalsk style cold where you have to be near a fire or/and wearing warm clothes so a hoodie, T-shirt, shirt won't cut it and a Rain Coat won't keep you warm for long.

Proper winter clothing would need to be found... this is the east and eastern countries can have really harsh winters... just think of the Russian winter.

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This would be pretty amazing to have in terms of dynamic weather systems. In addition to other kinds of weather, of course. Shouldn't bring too bad a framedrop with it if properly implemented.

Edited by lawine

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it'd be great, but with the current engine its probably not gonna happen.


Its a big project since you have to change terrain, every object and flora.

(snow covered objects etc)


not necessarily. in the unreal engine, you can add a single dynamic shader to every mesh in the scene, thus easily covering objects in snow without any performance issues.

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Didn't rocket mention that he would like to add snow biome somewhere around the map? Would be neat if they expanded it even more, making some snow areas :)

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vbs 3 its there ultra expensive mil sim aimed at training soliders the tactics etc of a battle last time i checked VBS 2 cost a couple thousand bucks (that was quite a while ago though maybe much cheaper now. I would love to see this in Dayz but im not sure they are going to put it into a 30 dollar alpha not just yet lol but hey we can hope but you have my beans for the vid(actually didnt know VBS3 was out or coming soon

They might create a more accessible and cheaper version so that it is more easy for the common player to get their hands on it.

Source: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?109702-VBS2-Discussion-thread-the-one-and-only&p=2575812&viewfull=1#post2575812

Edited by ProGamerGov

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I finally was on a server the other day in which it was raining.  Very cool experience!



I would love snow!  Makes perfect sense seeing as how it's obviously very cold.  I'd also like to see hypothermia and actual cold mechanics introduced (which is what I think that other thread talks about, going to read it now).


Gives more use for portable gas stoves and lanterns, as well as crafting fires and having to find actual clothing like hoodies.

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Can the engine even support dynamically changing all the terrain textures to snowy versions?

Yes Dayz and VBS are on the same engine basically.

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Hello there


Remember the VBS engine is its own fork and technically by a completely different team.


So, as much as we would like all of vbs' loveliness in dayz its not a simple case of just porting it over.


But, it shows that the engine is capable of such feats.


Whether the devs would put the resources into this is also another thing.


I think dayz will be a happy player friendly medium between A2/3 and VBS and the mod, with some tricks of its own.





Edited by orlok

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If this is not implemented then what the f*ck? We are playing basically on a Russian map without any snow. Where is the logic? If the team is going for the realism this would definently must be in no matter how difficult it is to port it over. The cold mechanic when you need to wear a lot of clothes and build a fire every now and then is perfect for North on the map where there will be constant snows. It just makes the game very different and cool. I just hope they don't release this 2 years from now in an expansion, because that would blow a lot.... consider adding this in the late alpha/beta at least.

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If this is not implemented then what the f*ck? We are playing basically on a Russian map without any snow. Where is the logic? If the team is going for the realism this would definently must be in no matter how difficult it is to port it over. The cold mechanic when you need to wear a lot of clothes and build a fire every now and then is perfect for North on the map where there will be constant snows. It just makes the game very different and cool. I just hope they don't release this 2 years from now in an expansion, because that would blow a lot.... consider adding this in the late alpha/beta at least.


Russia isn't only snow, infact the russian landmasses spread all over the different types of climatic-zones. You basicly have cold-ass-shit up in the north and hot-sweaty-stuff down in the south, not only ice cold weather across the nation. Because you know, russia is big.

Edited by AlphaX

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Russia isn't only snow, infact the russian landmasses spread all over the different types of climatic-zones. You basicly have cold-ass-shit up in the north and hot-sweaty-stuff down in the south, not only ice cold weather across the nation. Because you know, russia is big.

I never said across the whole nation. I specifically said "north"

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would love to see something like this in the random weather. At the very least though a snow part of the map would be great, with loot specific to that terrain.

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Yes!, yes! a hundred times yes!

OMG, I have always wanted this!

I hope that someday this may be a finishing touch that gets added after the game is close to done.

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