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camwhyy (DayZ)

What Guns do YOU want to see?

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Ok so I just wanted to open this up for discussion...

What guns would you like to see? Errr Rather weapons in general... I have a few Ideas Id like to hear what others say as well :)


PP Bizon (SD)





Medieval Mace

Land Mines



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Perhaps less guns but more different types. If that makes any since, so there is a variety of guns but at the same time, you don't have a full server armed with machine guns.

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More weak civilian weapons like 22. cal rifles and pistols. I would like to see some cool melee weapons like katanas. We also need crossbows and bows.

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I would really like to see a low number of guns, while holding a huge number of differant ones. Having a gun should be considered awesome! Weapons like an DMR should not be in there. Some SMG's maybe and the AK stuff that is what you could call endgame. .22 Sniper rifles would be nice. More Handguns maybe. Crossbows would be good too. Just pls never get this As50 crap in there.

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Hmmm, I went and asked my neighbours what kinda weaponry we'd find in their houses if we looted them after a zombie apocalypse:


Plenty of super soakers and nerf guns.

Two air rifles.


and one of my teenage neighbours had both a pistol and rifle bb gun.

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Yes please, more and more civilian guns - various shotguns, rifles, hand guns. Crossbows, bows. Axes, knifes, pipes. Someone mentioned katana - maybe 2-3 per server, it would so ruin the game if everyone had them :)


This is of course so awesome how you can keep different M4 parts for different occasions. And I think developers are going to add the same things for other weapons like AKs etc. It is very exciting. But please keep the numbers of military weapons low. Like if you have an AK with PSO optics you are very tough. If you have a sniper rifle or a machine gun - daamn, where did you get that??? - you see my point. And at the same time civilian weapons have to be modifiable as well, like taking optics on and off a ruger.


This is so not fun that currently in the mod you approach Cherno and hear hundreds of DMR shots! Hate that. 


And of course less guns, less ammo. People should think before spending a bullet or two on a fresh spawn just for fun.


Buuut, at the same time the game has to make money, otherwise there is no point. So I think developers should add a possibility for server hosts to add more or less guns in game. Like for instance if the server is Regular you have plenty of guns, but Veteran means less. This would satisfy both people who want hardcore surviving and people who just want to have fun with elements of surviving..

Edited by evil bird of doom

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Rugger 10/.22
Shotguns (pump and double barrel)

AK variants


Compound bow/Crossbow


To be perfectly honest I think western weapons like the M4 should be EXTREMELY rare to find seeing as it's some eastern ex-soviet state. And I personally think that you should be able to find empty mags because full mags are plenty and should be extremely rare. Like the little cardboard boxes with 5.56 and 7.62 I think the spawning of those are perfect right now but there are too many magazines full of ammo just laying around.

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Now THERE'S an idea.


Was thinking the same thing...but after I gave it a second thought....

Add in more weapons, all the weapons.....

BUT keep the total weapon/ammo/mag spawn rate  as it is....


Just imagine, you got 25 different weapons ingame. Whats the chance of finding a weapon and the magazine and the ammo quickly.....

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Lots and lots of Melee! An actual firearm should be insanely hard to find. I would like it if shotguns were the most common weapon, found in farms and police stations. That way the engagement range is kept small, meaning players have to get close, and will then be much more likely to get spotted at some point.

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LESS guns.


yeah, the amount of guns in the game is TOO HIGH, we should decrese it to let's say M4A1 

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Huge rubber dildos and chicks with dicks.

Edited by raynor009
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I would like to see craftable weapons, esp when the animals come in. eg feather + stick + knife = arrow, rope + branch = bow, kitchen knife + stone + bone = dagger. or even bottle + rags + alcohol tincture = Molotov ( like Last of us etc).  

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More melee, less guns

More civilian grade, less military grade

More low military grade, less high grade

AS50, M249, Deagle and M24.

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Rocket launcher and those guns that shoot around corners without putting your body around the corners.

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Rocket launcher and those guns that shoot around corners without putting your body around the corners.

Or a rocket launcher that shoots around corners without putting your body around the corners?

Edited by Roshi
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