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camwhyy (DayZ)

What Guns do YOU want to see?

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Machete, shotguns, AK47 or something similar,  no sNyPyRz.


Our guys really want to get machetes and AKs to do an african death squad roleplay. 

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I would really like to see a low number of guns, while holding a huge number of differant ones. Having a gun should be considered awesome! Weapons like an DMR should not be in there. Some SMG's maybe and the AK stuff that is what you could call endgame. .22 Sniper rifles would be nice. More Handguns maybe. Crossbows would be good too. Just pls never get this As50 crap in there.

They've said they won't be adding anti-material rifles like the AS50 and the M1017, and they said if they did there'd only be one per server.

Edited by Kingfury4

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The vz. 52 Rifle, Scorpion MP, CZ 75 Pistol, Ruger Mini-14, AK47,

FN P90, Ruger 10/22, Pistol Makarov, Molot Bekas M, PP-19 Bizon, Kevin ZP98, Walther P99.H&K MK 23.


In general more civilian and entry level weaponry, preferably more local ones and a variety of older weapons reaching from 30-70's

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Agree on the whole less military more civilian trend. I want a mixture that is balanced where there is no "best gun" similar to the current choice between nosing and m4, do I want more range and accuracy or do I want a high fire rate closer quarters weapon

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heres what weapons i want, i wanna be able to take the 'sticks' which are normally used for broken legs and duct tape a gas canister on the end of it and use it as a sledgehammer, or i could douse it in fuel and throw it and it EXPLODES that would be sweet, yeah thats the only other weapon i want in dayz

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Ive done some thinking and... well since it is Russia we should have Russian weapons right?? They are higher caliber true... but they are variants from US weapons (somewhat)


Saiga 12

RMB 93





Things like that... which i have researched and are "common" in Russian homes

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Just more civilian firearms in general.  Less full auto spray-n-pray weaponry.


Things you would realistically find in this area.  So not really a Desert Eagle of any sort, too expensive and the military doesn't use them.


Sig P226


WWI and WWII 1911s

Variety of bolt-action weaponry (common on farms).

Semi-auto AK-47's (can't imagine there isn't still a ton of these around)



I do NOT want to see things like:


Any form of .50 cal weapon

anything full auto beyond standard military rifles, and police SMG's.  And those should be ultra rare.  But no reason you wouldn't find an occasional H&K MP5 (both variants) or a UMP45.


I don't know how many would end up in Russia, but the M1 Garands are still around.  I'd use the hell out of one of those :)

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more makeshift weapons. as crappy as Dead Island was, the makeshift weapons were kind'a neat.


other than that, i'd subscribe to the list of Bakercompany above me, but make ammo very limited

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more makeshift weapons. as crappy as Dead Island was, the makeshift weapons were kind'a neat.


other than that, i'd subscribe to the list of Bakercompany above me, but make ammo very limited


Agreed.  It makes more sense that someone wouldn't try to cart out 4 rifles with them, but they'd certainly take as much ammo as they could carry.

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Pistols -


Stechkin w/full auto


Rifles -


SVD Dragunov

SVT Tokarev

MK-14 -US

M39 - US


Assault weapons -






PPSh-41 w/ drum mag


Steyr Aug - Austria

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I see too much military stuff.

What we REALLY need are guns that are effective only up close and personal, either due to accuracy or firepower.

A large array of pistols, civilian shotguns and .22 carabines.

A few SMGs like ppshs, mp5s, bizons, skorpions.

Long range weaponry should be limited to battle rifles (m14, m1 garand, sks), bolt action rifles (kar98k, mosin nagant (that we have), the Springfield model used in ww2), but not actual military grade high caliber sniper rifles.

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I would like to see these included within the normal spawns at the same rate as the magnum for example:


Various model .22's/.30-06's

S&W Model-36 .38

Remington 870



I would like to see these included but with a much lower spawn rate and chance, milspec spawn only etc:


Glock 19

Sig Sauer P220

H&K G3

M-24 sniper


AK-47 - Not sure where I would place this tbh... Given that the area is Chernarus, I would assume they would be laying around everywhere, though, given they pack a punch, it would probably need to be as rare as milspec loot.

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I would like to see craftable weapons, esp when the animals come in. eg feather + stick + knife = arrow, rope + branch = bow, kitchen knife + stone + bone = dagger. or even bottle + rags + alcohol tincture = Molotov ( like Last of us etc).  

This and...potato gun, pipe bomb, boomerang, and sling.

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Pistols -


Stechkin w/full auto


Rifles -


SVD Dragunov

SVT Tokarev

MK-14 -US

M39 - US


Assault weapons -






PPSh-41 w/ drum mag


Steyr Aug - Austria



That will turn DayZ into Battlefield 3....

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SVT Tokarev



The SVT-40 is already confirmed... in the form of an SKS that shoots the Mosin's 7.62x54R ammunition. 



Couldn't resist :lol: hopefully it will be changed before it's introduced.

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Just import everything from arma3!

all that shit!.. not!

Edited by Zeppa

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I agree with a post earlier about western guns like the m4, I think those should be extremely rare. I think mosin's, AK's, .22's, shotguns (pumps, semi-autos WITHOUT magazines, and double barrels NOT SAWED OFF), and bows (compounds, recurves, long bows, and crossbows) should be the primary weapons, definitely have a low ammo and magazine count

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