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I have noticed that themajority of servers I go into that say "3PP:ON" are in fact 1PP only. Is this a server feature that must be reset every time the server resets? If so, Why make 1PP ONLY the default? Shouldn't it be 1PP/3PP by default and then make 1PP only an option?


Yesterday I started to bookmark servers that were 3PP and found that after I came back to servers that said 3PP and I know WERE 3PP that they had been switched back to 1PP only, but were still labeled as 3PP:ON


Or is it just me?


Edited by BLFonsworth
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I've noticed this as well. My guess is what you said above, as it probably resets when the server is restarted. Beans for the gents who think it should be 1PP or bust :beans:  :beans:  :thumbsup:

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In my opinion, they could just delete the 3ps-function from the whole game. 


Opinions are like assholes. So because part of the community thinks 1PP is "bad" they should remove it? They should only cater to a certain crowd? What about people who say people who play on Day servers are wrong? Or people who say night servers are wrong? There are different ways to play for a reason.


It's an open world sandbox that allows you to play however you like. I like using both 3PP and 1PP depending on the situation. People who come here and cry about KOS vs NON-KOS or "You shouldn't use #pp because I don't think it's the 'real dayz'" and "It should be this way because i like it this way" are nothing but detrimental to the community. It reminds me of people who go to the eve online forums and cry because they were ganked.


Your input literally did nothing to help this discussion



Thanks to those who have replied / will reply with something helpful

Edited by BLFonsworth
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1st person only is the default because they want to encourage people play like that. Devs want to encourage people to join the hardcore side. That's the reason why it's like that.

Though I really don't know is it the default but I assume it's like you said.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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1st person only is the default because they want to encourage people play like that. Devs want to encourage people to join the hardcore side. That's the reason why it's like that.

Though I really don't know is it the default but I assume it's like you said.


I don't think the Devs give a shit which way we play one way or the other.  I think you may have made that up entirely.

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Opinions are like assholes. So because part of the community thinks 1PP is "bad" they should remove it? They should only cater to a certain crowd? What about people who say people who play on Day servers are wrong? Or people who say night servers are wrong? There are different ways to play for a reason.


It's an open world sandbox that allows you to play however you like. I like using both 3PP and 1PP depending on the situation. People who come here and cry about KOS vs NON-KOS or "You shouldn't use #pp because I don't think it's the 'real dayz'" and "It should be this way because i like it this way" are nothing but detrimental to the community. It reminds me of people who go to the eve online forums and cry because they were ganked.


Your input literally did nothing to help this discussion



Thanks to those who have replied / will reply with something helpful

do yourself a favor... dont even try talking to FPV fanbois... u are seriously just wasting your breath..


its their way or no way, everytime...



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I don't think the Devs give a shit which way we play one way or the other.  I think you may have made that up entirely.

Actually http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/


Server Management Options


Target Delivery: Ongoing


Additional options for those hosting servers will be rolled out as soon as we can. We want to encourage a "hardcore" mode that will operate on a separate database, featuring things like first person only, no hide body, etc...

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In my opinion, they could just delete the 3ps-function from the whole game. 


I love you now :)


Seriously, FPV should be default, TPV is just... i don't even know what it's for, 'xept abusing it to view around corners

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How about 1PV just hurts and i'd rather play in 3rd coz its smoother to my eyes ?

I dont give a sh!t about looking at corners, all I want is a way to play the game that does not give me a headache after 90minutes.
I think that both modes should stay ingame and you choose the one you want and dont mess with people using the other since you are not forced to use a different one.
You got the choice.

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Why is it more hardcore to play 1st person? I find it harder to hit anyone in 3rd person(with a gun that is)...

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Why is it more hardcore to play 1st person? I find it harder to hit anyone in 3rd person(with a gun that is)...

because shoot guys is not harder thing

see player is harder thing ;)

and if you using 3rd person is possible see guy more easy but he never see you :huh:

you can watch player but stay safe behind wall/tree/house no expose nothing

in first person mode if you can see guy HE CAN SEE YOU ALSO!!! :thumbsup:  ;)

same for zombies

so if guy play 1st only on 3rd person server he having MASSIVE DISADVANTAGE same like play against wallhacker guys >:(


if you seeing less expose yourself to danger more THIS is harder mode = HARDCORE MODE :P

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Can we have wallhack hives with aimbots and instant gear-boxes on the coast?






Seems to fit every taste. 

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I love you now :)


Seriously, FPV should be default, TPV is just... i don't even know what it's for, 'xept abusing it to view around corners


TPV is good for photos :P that the only things i miss on FPV only, but i cant have it all.

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TPV is good for photos :P that the only things i miss on FPV only, but i cant have it all.


Wut? noo, it's the other way round lol! how can I take a decent pic if half of the screen is covered by my char's behind? :P My best screen shots were all made in FPV

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In my opinion, they could just delete the 3ps-function from the whole game. 


It would make sense in a simulator such as this.


Third person is only necessary because 1) It's a supreme disadvantage vs anyone using third person, B,) It gives you a headache because the movement is terrible(pressing W to take one step and moving 3 steps forward instead; going through doorways is retarded) and 4) You can't even see the ammo that spawns on top of the blue lockers.


These 5 reasons are exactly why first-person-only servers are 100% useless right now. I'm new to this game, and the only reason I can think of to include third person is to keep any would-be-whiny ARMA vets quiet, disirregardtheless of the fact that third person has absolutely no place in a 'military simulator'.  The problem is that Bohemia  included it in the first place.This is why I have not nor will ever buy a self-labeled simulator that includes third person. Why label your game a simulator when all it's simulating is a hovering camera-drone following some guy around? The option to disable third person is not an excuse. "But I wanna see muh kewl d00d in third person looking cool!" The fact that people are using the term 'FPV fanboys' shows how immature they too can be. I haven't used the word enough so I'll say it one more time for effect: "simulator". ARMA was designed for gamers, this is why VBS even exists; to be taken seriously.


DayZ is an obvious exception to this rule since A) it's amazing and II) the mod was originally built with the limitations set forth by the game.

When it's fixed, I will be happy with the fact that first person servers exist, given there is no way to hack into 3pp on 1pp only servers.


In the meantime this is the most fun I've had in a game in all of 2013, and it will likely continue as I wade through my own blood and tears each day, waiting for each pending patch. I'm happy to contribute in whatever ways I choose, and ecstatic that I've finally spent the most well-placed 30 dollars that I can remember. This relatively bare alpha is more rewarding than most 2013 shipped titles twice its price.

Edited by lifelonghalo

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Only thing I don't like about first person is the inability to turn your head... Not very realistic IMHO. Having the option to Alt about 45 degrees in either direction in first person would solve it for me. You'd no longer be able to look around corners really but could at least survey your surroundings without having to swivel your body around all the time.

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C'mon guys this isn't a 1pp vs 3pp thread again, just stay on topic.

I think you're right i've experienced the same thing with server titles being incorrect it could even just be the host changing it and forgetting to update the name *shrug* 


Can we have wallhack hives with aimbots and instant gear-boxes on the coast?






Seems to fit every taste. 

that is a terrible example as 3pp is in game already, it's part of the game and part of the mod if you don't like it you don't have to just don't play on 3pp servers (quite simple really) i dunno why it's so hard for people to grasp, we don't all have to agree all the time to get along as you are no more right than someone else with differing opinions on a purely preference based opinion seeing as what he enjoys is part of the game itself a hack comparison is silly seeing it's not a normal part of the game. both crowds are being tended too and we all have servers to play on so whats the problem?

NOTE: i am saying this as a 1pp preferring player. can't we all just get along *cries*

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Only thing I don't like about first person is the inability to turn your head... Not very realistic IMHO. Having the option to Alt about 45 degrees in either direction in first person would solve it for me. You'd no longer be able to look around corners really but could at least survey your surroundings without having to swivel your body around all the time.


That feature is already in the game. When you hold left alt you can move your mouse to look around. Alternatively you can use the numpad buttons to look around, 1 for back and left, 3 for back and right, 6 for right side, etc.

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My provider is defaulted to 3PP...  My server lost its 1st Person setting once since that option was made available, otherwise I have not seen any issues...

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In my opinion, they could just delete the 3ps-function from the whole game. 


Im my opinion they should remove the 1pp only server option from the whole game and force all the 1st person cry babies to play with us 3pp "exploiters" just so I can masturbate with their tears as lube. 


Forcing things on other people is only cool when its the way you want it... funny how that works 

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