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Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

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So I have noticed a huge increase of stream sniping lately. Apperently there is a group that has been started on 4chan to go and stream snipe many streamers. It doesn't matter if you play offline on steam or change your name. All they have to do is find your name once and then track you though external tracking, eg: server tracking websites. These websites also have a way to see previous names of players so changing your name doesnt help.


Is there anyway that external tracking could be disabled for SA? That way you can stream and be offline on steam and not get stream sniped.

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stream snipe is only HUGE PROBLEM for streamer guy and fan boys :o


for every other guy is add something fun for watch :D


best stream I watching show sacriel dying from stream snipe guy 4 TIME :lol:


but is also true every time sacriel die is stream snipe guy :huh:


point is it happen


and when it happen don't worry nothing, relax make joke and start again enjoy game ;)




if you cant accept don't make stream :thumbsup:  :P

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Everytime I see one of KoS posts, my brain dies a little.


But yeah, there is no real way to prevent it at this moment, I believe.

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You can stream snipe in every single game that is online/competitive and being streamed...


Dota, LoL, and hundreds of other games have people who try to snipe a streamer...


It affects less than .01% of people who play the game.


In all honesty... It is so insignificant, except to maybe the 2-3 streamers who have a decent viewerbase.

I honestly can't believe a thread was even made about this...


I'm obviously watching the same stream you're watching at the moment... But I'm dumbfounded that you felt this was such an issue you had to make a thread about it.


The bigger problem is Combat Logging...


That affects EVERYONE...

Edited by PabloFajita
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 


Video game streamers want attention, it sounds like they're getting it. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain
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Couldn't this be solved by just providing the option for private password protected servers? Then steamers could hand-pick who can and can't play on their server. Most of the bigger streamers who have this issue have enough fans/friends to organize a game with 40 like-minded people.


I imagine clans, groups and PVE players would probably want to do this too. So it also doesn't mean that you're investing a large amount of effort into specialty options for a very small percentage of players.

Edited by Hoax2

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I never got stream sniped.. But I don't stream so maybe that is a solution, maybe Its just me..


btw, most streamers play with other people and thru them stream snipers join the server..

Edited by Chauz
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Couldn't this be solved by just providing the option for private password protected servers? Then steamers could hand-pick who can and can't play on their server. Most of the bigger streamers who have this issue have enough fans/friends to organize a game with 40 like-minded people.


I imagine clans, groups and PVE players would probably want to do this too. So it also doesn't mean that you're investing a large amount of effort into specialty options for a very small percentage of players.

moment guy stream from closed server hand pick friend for play is lose all integrity and take away danger ;)


and guys watch stream only for fun :thumbsup:  :D

imagine how shit stream is only 'friend' on server :huh:

and how you know if guys who are 'internet friend' don't get info from real life friend and do stream snipe anyway :lol:

streamer are egotist :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

they hate to die in public is humiliate for them

is why 90% watch :D

take away wild nature of public server you kill atmosphere of stream also show coward side


and only strange mind fanatic fan boys staying for watch and for me this is nightmare scenario :o

Edited by KoS

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Couldn't this be solved by just providing the option for private password protected servers? Then steamers could hand-pick who can and can't play on their server. Most of the bigger streamers who have this issue have enough fans/friends to organize a game with 40 like-minded people.


I imagine clans, groups and PVE players would probably want to do this too. So it also doesn't mean that you're investing a large amount of effort into specialty options for a very small percentage of players.


Password protected servers are strictly forbidden on the public hive, and for very good reason.


DayZ is a survival game. Broadcasting your exact location and the direction you're looking, in real time, is a tremendously poor survival strategy. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain
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Hahah, ya sacriel, psisyndicate...im sure they hate all that attention...more viewers = $$$

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I want too share my game play but people see where I am and come too kill me?  :huh:

What wait....

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Even if it affects only a very small percentage of the player population, streaming helps a game get popular! If the streamers can't properly play then they might stop streaming and nobody will watch DayZ anymore.. which is sad.


If possible it would be nice that this issue is fixed in the future, but there are many more important issues right now so imo this one can wait a few weeks/months. It's an alpha after all, streamers have to deal with it atm.

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Don't stream DayZ if you can't handle the stream snipers. As annoying as it is, there is no way to fix this issue.

One minor fix is to increase the stream delay to a couple of minutes (and never to show your server).

Edited by ClassifyLP

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I dont know why the streamers dont add a delay to the stream. I know its possible as I'm an editor for a streamer and I have the ability to put a delay on the stream. I understand alot of them like to interact with the chat, but if ou dont want to get continually stream sniped then its a sacrifice you have to make. Besides you can still interact, the chat just gets a very delayed reply. Just put a 2-5 minute delay and the info/location that the stream snipers have is always old and not as accurate, which gives the streamer more of a chance against them.

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As already mentioned stream sniping is only a 'HUGE PROBLEM' for the streamer, I have a lot of respect for streamers and content creators as they help to showcase said game and I can see how it can be annoying but it sure is not a huge problem

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One sentence



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Couldn't this be solved by just providing the option for private password protected servers? Then steamers could hand-pick who can and can't play on their server. Most of the bigger streamers who have this issue have enough fans/friends to organize a game with 40 like-minded people.


I imagine clans, groups and PVE players would probably want to do this too. So it also doesn't mean that you're investing a large amount of effort into specialty options for a very small percentage of players.


No, unless they use a private hive or something. It would be terrible if groups could isolate them while still writing their process to the hive.



Even if it affects only a very small percentage of the player population, streaming helps a game get popular! If the streamers can't properly play then they might stop streaming and nobody will watch DayZ anymore.. which is sad.


If possible it would be nice that this issue is fixed in the future, but there are many more important issues right now so imo this one can wait a few weeks/months. It's an alpha after all, streamers have to deal with it atm.


This is not an issue to be fixed, or a bug. There is simply no way to block this, unless you have an idea. The point is, either you use some superficial method to keep them safe which would break immersion or punish people which would be retarded. If you want to stream, you just have to accept the consequence. The only thing we can do is disapprove of it.


For now, streamers should find ways to circumvent the security risks. Use a delay for example, but that will only help a little bit.

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I think the Devs have better things to do than make life easier for Streamers - it is hardly a Huge Problem.  Sure it is a pain for them but as has been said why not delay their broadcast.


It's the price of "fame" - think of them as being chased by an online Paparazzi.

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I think the Devs have better things to do than make life easier for Streamers - it is hardly a Huge Problem.  Sure it is a pain for them but as has been said why not delay their broadcast.


It's the price of "fame" - think of them as being chased by an online Paparazzi.

Yep this, besides if they did not have stream snipers hackers etc chasing them no one would watch them lol.

IMHO streamers are just bandits on steroids, and if I am being compleatly honest half of them run hacks server hopping exploits before going live and generally act like arses because that's what the public wants.

9 times out of 10 people go and watchtower his crap to see the hackers in action (jay Owen wannabes) and not fort he amazingly boring gameplay there would be with out the so called hacker stream sniper fans.

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Look I see it like this. Those big name streamers get mad and cry about Stream Snipers. They get random pledges of 1000s of dollars from some rich kid that found moms purse all night. I watched a stream recently of LoL and a guy got a $25,000, yes I said Twenty Five THOUSAND dollars, pledge. I don't know who it was a friend of mine linked me to a guy that was making crazy amounts of money thinking of the idea that we should try it. Me I have a bit more self pride than that. I'll stick to making free no ad youtube videos. Yes, I know half of that usually goes to Charity, however where does the other 12,500 go? You got it right straight to that guys wallet. And anyone who has seen this big name streamers knows money can get crazy high. The way I look at it is, if you're going to scream, kick, whine, and cry about Stream Snipers and you're to stuck up to start your own white listed server form the stacks you sit on? Go fuck yourself with a cactus AND the horse you rode in on, you deserve to be Sniped.

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Look I see it like this. Those big name streamers get mad and cry about Stream Snipers. They get random pledges of 1000s of dollars from some rich kid that found moms purse all night. I watched a stream recently of LoL and a guy got a $25,000, yes I said Twenty Five THOUSAND dollars, pledge. I don't know who it was a friend of mine linked me to a guy that was making crazy amounts of money thinking of the idea that we should try it. Me I have a bit more self pride than that. I'll stick to making free no ad youtube videos. Yes, I know half of that usually goes to Charity, however where does the other 12,500 go? You got it right straight to that guys wallet. And anyone who has seen this big name streamers knows money can get crazy high. The way I look at it is, if you're going to scream, kick, whine, and cry about Stream Snipers and you're to stuck up to start your own white listed server form the stacks you sit on? Go fuck yourself with a cactus AND the horse you rode in on, you deserve to be Sniped.

Those big numbers are fake / dev's rewarding for bringing new buyers to the game.

No-one gives that much without a catch. If it looks too good it ain't true etc..

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Sounds like a confidence trick. Make out that other people are anonymously donating huge sums of moneh and it guilt trips other viewers into loosening their own purse strings somewhat.


That said, I know of very rich players IRL in Quake that have donated thousands in prize money and subscriptions to less well off players. In a similar vein the Quake clan I was a member of sent out some gaming mousepads, subscriptions and other bits and bobs to various younger clanmates (who didn't have jobs and lived in poorer areas of the world).


So, donations *might* happen, although $25000 sounds pretty excessive for someone just streaming.


OT: Streamers are a tiny percentage of players and as already stated, celebrity stalkers are the price of chasing fame.

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If you really believe anyone can just start streaming and make that kind of money is just BS. Getting 25.000 is fake, period. And I don't really believe you have to much pride to legitimately make 25.000 (even though it is not that simple as you propose).


Still, streamers should not cry about being killed tbh.

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You can stream snipe in every single game that is online/competitive and being streamed...

Dota, LoL, and hundreds of other games have people who try to snipe a streamer...

It affects less than .01% of people who play the game.

In all honesty... It is so insignificant, except to maybe the 2-3 streamers who have a decent viewerbase.

I honestly can't believe a thread was even made about this...

I'm obviously watching the same stream you're watching at the moment... But I'm dumbfounded that you felt this was such an issue you had to make a thread about it.

The bigger problem is Combat Logging...

That affects EVERYONE...

A streamer with a high viewer base is significant to the game, well for to the developers them selfs and the growth of the game. Just look at the steam weekly sales when a big streamer starts playing a new or old game they always seem to be in the top ten. So if they do nothing for them they will go and stream another game and all that revenue that dayz could have gotten would be lost. Think of all the aspects before your own when you want to make a comment.

And tht goes for everyone say that this doesn't matter

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