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Book Collecting

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Much as in real life, in the game I have developed an interest in collecting books. 


Does anyone else have a similar interest in this game?


Down the road, when the work of the Medical Division is finished and the game is fleshed out, I plan to find a home in some lovely part of the countryside where I can settle down, hunt animals, entertain weary travelers, and store a collection of rare and interesting books. 


I know it's unlikely the books I find now will survive until then, but I've been making a bit of a mental list based on the ones I find, and I am diligent about searching book spawns for new titles. 


It's really the only other thing I do besides Medical Division work. 


I've found a volume which includes a selection from the Mahabharata, the extraordinarily long Hindu religious epic, a copy of l'Enfer, which means "hell" in French, and several other interesting titles.  I am given to believe copies of the bible exist, and along with the Mahabharata volume, I am lead to wonder whether there are also copies of the Talmud and the Quran.


Has anyone spotted other interesting books?

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Much as in real life, in the game I have developed an interest in collecting books. 


Does anyone else have a similar interest in this game?


Down the road, when the work of the Medical Division is finished and the game is fleshed out, I plan to find a home in some lovely part of the countryside where I can settle down, hunt animals, entertain weary travelers, and store a collection of rare and interesting books. 


I know it's unlikely the books I find now will survive until then, but I've been making a bit of a mental list based on the ones I find, and I am diligent about searching book spawns for new titles. 


It's really the only other thing I do besides Medical Division work. 


I've found a volume which includes a selection from the Mahabharata, the extraordinarily long Hindu religious epic, a copy of l'Enfer, which means "hell" in French, and several other interesting titles.  I am given to believe copies of the bible exist, and along with the Mahabharata volume, I am lead to wonder whether there are also copies of the Talmud and the Quran.


Has anyone spotted other interesting books?


Not too long ago I found the Aeneid which is an old Roman poem by Virgil, and it's in Latin. I love it! It was about 348 pages if I remember right.

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I'm going to write my own book in game and it shall be titled " liquidcactus's story time from the old world "..

it will probably be more like a detailed pamphlet..

Edited by liquidcactus

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I'd like to see some Military books, detailing strategies for infantry, vehicles, armoured vehicles, tank etc etc. They are out there, I have an book called "Iron Fist", detailing Tank warfare in WWII. 

I'd also like to read a LOTR book.

If it's raining, I'll lock-down a house and read. If I'm injured, I'll do the same after eating a bounty of food. 

anybody else find reason to read? other than just to do it..  

Edited by DaveZ

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Much as in real life, in the game I have developed an interest in collecting books. 


Does anyone else have a similar interest in this game?



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I find frankenstien :D


is book I want to read and plan is doing in game use head torch in quiet place ;)


but I don't manage to find way for read :huh:


I try use hot bar :|


I try drag to player hand   :|


nothing working for me

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I've run across the Magna Carta, the Origin of Species and the New Testament among others. What I really want to find is that damned English to Cyrillic guide! At this point I think I've learned maybe 1/3 of Cyrillic characters from road signs lol.

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I've run across the Magna Carta, the Origin of Species and the New Testament among others. What I really want to find is that damned English to Cyrillic guide! At this point I think I've learned maybe 1/3 of Cyrillic characters from road signs lol.


I found a book that was something like Conversational Russian for Beginners.  It had the Cyrillic alphabet in it.

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I did find a bible in a church though I have to admit I didn't actually read it but quickly tossed it away. That said, after playing a bit today, I picked up a copy of Alice in Wonderland and for some reason, just found myself sitting my character in a quiet spot in the forest near a lake and started reading, with the forest sound in the background...  :)


It was VERY relaxing after the stress of moving around in DayZ. LOVE that they put books in there. I read a lot in real life already, but never really gave a chance to many of the classics. For sure gonna do it now :)



to read a book in game, put it on your hotkey bar and press the relevant number. It'll take a second or two to load the thing properly usually.

Edited by Mutonizer
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Cool, something else to do in alpha other than bandit hunting and helping bambis.

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I found a book that was something like Conversational Russian for Beginners.  It had the Cyrillic alphabet in it.


Damn, thats what I'm looking for. I'd ask to come trade you something for it if I wasn't convinced you'd murder me on sight lol.

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Has anyone checked how many pages the bible (black one) has? I got bored on the page 1200 :D

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i really wish i would have kept that book on womens rights.  Ill bet that was interesting....

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You guys are fine with books but not guitars because the have no point.. *shakes head*

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You guys are fine with books but not guitars because the have no point.. *shakes head*


Musical instruments in game with Numpad 1 to 9 notes activation would be kind of awesome actually. Make it playable while walking or standing still/sitting and you can end up with travelling minstrels and whatnot!


Plus, you can shoot annoying musicians, something I ALWAYS wanted to do :)

Edited by Mutonizer
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Much as in real life, in the game I have developed an interest in collecting books. 


Does anyone else have a similar interest in this game?


Down the road, when the work of the Medical Division is finished and the game is fleshed out, I plan to find a home in some lovely part of the countryside where I can settle down, hunt animals, entertain weary travelers, and store a collection of rare and interesting books. 


I know it's unlikely the books I find now will survive until then, but I've been making a bit of a mental list based on the ones I find, and I am diligent about searching book spawns for new titles. 


It's really the only other thing I do besides Medical Division work. 


I've found a volume which includes a selection from the Mahabharata, the extraordinarily long Hindu religious epic, a copy of l'Enfer, which means "hell" in French, and several other interesting titles.  I am given to believe copies of the bible exist, and along with the Mahabharata volume, I am lead to wonder whether there are also copies of the Talmud and the Quran.


Has anyone spotted other interesting books?


 The apoc needs people like yourself. I intend on a large book collection when we have some sort of storage solution, starting with this one CLINT,  'Bower delights in showing how they deal with rage and frustration without resorting to violence'..a message for all of who wander the land.


 Found a few bibles, but i don't know if a guy like me can carry one of those, i may have to stick with Lovecraft ;)

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Musical instruments in game with Numpad 1 to 9 notes activation would be kind of awesome actually. Make it playable while walking or standing still/sitting and you can end up with travelling minstrels and whatnot!


Plus, you can shoot annoying musicians, something I ALWAYS wanted to do :)


 Yes please.

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Ah well, I tried anyway!


*Pun Police arrive*

That's it. Book him!

/facepalms at terrible pun...


Do we currently have a complete list of full-text books in-game?

EDIT: Found it! Surprising amount of text so far.


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This is just a dump of the 168 titles currently in the pbo. Not sure if they're all in game yet but I'm making a check list and new year resolution: read them all (in game of course!)  :)


  • 20000LieuesSousLesMersParts1amp2
  • ADollsHouse
  • AdventuresOfHuckleberryFinnComplete
  • AfterLondon
  • AJourneyToTheInteriorOfTheEarth
  • AlicesAdventuresInWonderland
  • Andersen
  • AndersensFairyTales
  • AnInquiryIntoTheNatureAndCausesOfTheWealthOfNations
  • AnnaKarenina
  • AnOldBabylonianVersionOfTheGilgameshEpic
  • APrincessOfMars
  • AroundtheWorldIn80Days
  • ATexasMatchmaker
  • ATravelerInTime
  • AVindicationOfTheRightsOfWoman
  • AVoyageToArcturus
  • BettyZane
  • Bible
  • bilaNemoc
  • BlackBeauty
  • BlackJack
  • BogPravduVidit
  • Buddenbrooks
  • Candide
  • CinqSemainesEnBallon
  • ContesMerveilleuxTomeI
  • CrimeAndPunishment
  • DasNibelungenlied
  • DeadSouls
  • DeLaTerreLaLune
  • DeLorigineDesEspces
  • DesertGold
  • DonQuixote
  • Dracula
  • Dummy
  • Erewhon
  • ExperimentalResearchesInElectricityVolume1
  • FatherGoriot
  • Faust
  • FaustDerTragdieErsterTeil
  • FlyingURanch
  • Frankenstein
  • GargantuaAndPantagruelComplete
  • GreatExpectations
  • GulliversTravels
  • GunmansReckoning
  • hamlet
  • HeartOfDarkness
  • Herland
  • HinduLiterature
  • HopalongCassidysRustlerRoundUp
  • Hunger
  • Ivanhoe
  • JapaneseLiterature
  • Kidnapped
  • KingLear
  • KingSolomonsMines
  • KrasavitseKotorayaNiuhalaTabak
  • LaChartreuseDeParme
  • LaComdieHumaineVolumeIScnesDeLaViePriveTomeI
  • LaDbcle
  • Lenfer1Of2
  • LeRougeEtLeNoir
  • LesCorneilles
  • LesFleursDuMal
  • LesTroisMousquetaires
  • LingnieuxChevalierDonQuichotteDeLaManche
  • list.txt
  • LleMystrieuse
  • LonesomeLand
  • LordJim
  • MadameBovary
  • Metamorphosis
  • Middlemarch
  • MobyDick
  • MrchenFrKinder
  • NjalsSaga
  • NostromoATaleOfTheSeaboard
  • OnTheOriginOfSpeciesByMeansOfNaturalSelection
  • OthelloTheMoorOfVenice
  • PangHuang
  • PhilosophiaeNaturalisPrincipiaMathematica
  • PrideAndPrejudice
  • Rasselas
  • Raven
  • RobinsonCrusoe
  • RomeoUndJulia
  • RonickyDoone
  • Russian
  • RussianCheatSheet
  • Scaramouche
  • SelectedStories
  • She
  • Shinel
  • Skyrider
  • SonsAndLovers
  • SpinifexAndSand
  • SunsetPass
  • The Works of Edgar Allen Poe
  • TheAeneid
  • TheArtOfWar
  • TheBarrier
  • TheBibleKingJamesVersionBook18Job
  • TheBrothersKaramazov
  • TheCallOfCthulhu
  • TheCallOfTheWild
  • TheCanterburyTalesAndOtherPoems
  • TheCaveOfGold
  • TheComingRace
  • TheCosmicComputer
  • TheCountryOfTheBlind
  • TheDayOfTheBeast
  • TheDecameronOfGiovanniBoccaccio
  • TheDesertOfWheat
  • TheEssaysOfMontaigneComplete
  • TheFurtherAdventuresOfRobinsonCrusoe
  • TheHeritageOfTheSioux
  • TheHiddenChildren
  • TheHoundOfTheBaskervilles
  • TheHouseOfTheSevenGables
  • TheIdiotByFyodorDostoyevsky
  • TheIslandOfDoctorMoreau
  • TheJungleBook
  • TheLastMan
  • TheLastOfThePlainsmen
  • TheLastTrail
  • TheMagnaCarta
  • TheMahabharataOfKrishnaDwaipayanaVyasaBk4
  • TheManWhoWasThursday
  • TheMetamorphosesOfOvid
  • TheMetamorphosis
  • TheMonkARomance
  • TheOutlet
  • ThePictureofDorianGray
  • ThePitAndThePendulum
  • ThePoemsOfGiacomoLeopardi
  • ThePossessed
  • ThePrisonerOfZenda
  • ThePrivateMemoirsAndConfessionsOfAJustifiedSinner
  • TheQuirt
  • TheRaven
  • TheRedBadgeOfCourage
  • TheScarletPimpernel
  • TheShunnedHouse
  • TheThreeMusketeers
  • TheThunderBird
  • TheTimeMachine
  • TheTragediesOfEuripidesVolumeI
  • TheTrial
  • TheTurnOfTheScrew
  • TheVariableMan
  • thewaroftheworlds
  • TheWhichWeeFinde
  • ThroughTheLookingGlass
  • TonyAndTheBeetles
  • TovarnaNaAbsolutno
  • Trailin
  • TranslationsOfShakuntalaAndOtherWorks
  • TreasureIsland
  • Ulysses
  • UncleSilas
  • Verwandlung
  • VoyageAuCentreDeLaTerre
  • WarAndPeace
  • WielandOrTheTransformation
  • WutheringHeights
  • Youth
Edited by Mutonizer

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 The apoc needs people like yourself. I intend on a large book collection when we have some sort of storage solution, starting with this one CLINT,  'Bower delights in showing how they deal with rage and frustration without resorting to violence'..a message for all of who wander the land.


 Found a few bibles, but i don't know if a guy like me can carry one of those, i may have to stick with Lovecraft ;)

I can see that somebody is planning on opening a book shop. 

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Opening day will be a fire sale, literally ;)

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I found the Frankenstein book. I thought I remembered someone here wanting it. I also have the Call of Cthulu and there seem to be multiple more spawning in the new police station. If you want Frankenstein / Cthulu you can send me a pm or quote this post.

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