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About n1mble

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. n1mble

    Graphic setting config file question

    Yo. I have been having this problem as well and I hope we find a solution. The problem is the 'Objects' quality in your options menu or 'scenecomplexity' in the config file. Try somewhere around 150000 to 200000... edit: looks like you need to have your settings on at least 'high' for full body rendering at range... which means like 500000+ in the config file.
  2. yes. its a bit different than how the 3pp was in the mod. I'm not sure exactly to what extent though. As others have said, experiment. in my experience its accurate enough but I dont like to leave things to chance.
  3. n1mble

    Insanity In The Wasteland

    custom server messages. just be lucky you aren't feeling attracted to that zombie.
  4. Like: everything everyone has said about interiors, the new weapons, inventory, and locations. dislike: melee weapons! so bad!!! synching issues on full servers, especially inventory lag.
  5. n1mble

    Time and Place for everything ( KOS)

    yessir. No KoS is only for the times you are in control. this is really hard to ensure when you are solo. how do you know this random guy is by himself? I try to be friendly but its probably a better idea to just avoid avoid avoid.
  6. I like the idea of maybe the Caucasus mountains like Ossetia, Dagestan etc
  7. because if the devs decide to implement features they want to make sure they are 100% top notch and not just thrown together to appease the forum people. I think right now the devs are trying to make sure their existing featuers are 100% without adding in more complications of additional features. I personally think this is the best way.
  8. n1mble

    What Items are rare?

    Those brown glass medical vials, antibiotics,
  9. n1mble

    Identifying other players

    thats a good point. I dont think if such a thing were implemented that it would work at all ranges. Maybe with 25m. If you were close enough to a team mate IRL you would KNOW, unless someone of an identical build was wearing identical clothes, something much more likely in a video game. At 25+ meters, for sake of game mechanics, you would have to rely on visuals and your communication to identify team mates.
  10. n1mble

    Identifying other players

    I am opposed to most of the 'gamey' suggestions people offer around here, but I like this one. If both players agree, then they should have some kind of prompt when you mouse over your team mates. Whoever said that you can identify someone by their gait is absolutely correct. If I see someone I know walking, I can usually recognize them within 200m. (IRL)
  11. n1mble

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    I have this situation too. I think its a part of the rendereing to not tax your system too much. Its like how grass isn't rendered infinitely but only for like 100m in front of you. I would like to be able to see inside houses from a distance but not if it makes the game laggy to the point of not being playable. Im sure there is a tweak you could try in the config settings.
  12. Rocket has said that this will not happen. They have made a decision and I agree with it, though it would be cool to be a zombie. The surivors in this game are immune to the virus.
  13. Are you sure energy rates don't deplete more quickly than your water or food values? This statement probably shows how poorly I grasp these mechanics, I swear that my 'healthy' status stays longer when I'm jogging but it is purely circumstance. It may be that I loaded up more on food in one instance or another. It seems your tests are extremely thorough so I will take your word for it. Thanks man.
  14. Ladders are up there for me. I voted strange strange sounds but it was tough to pick just one.