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Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

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Are you trying to tell me you paid your way in to test the game and when you find what you are supposed to find you quit?


All I'm going to ask is, What did you expect?


I didnt get this game to test it, I got it to save money when its done

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Thank you for informing us that you are quitting DayZ SA for the Alpha. It is really great of you to do this and not let people wonder what has happened to Darkshader.

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LoL, just read the tittle and grinned hard... some people.

OP, have you seen the pop up when your game starts... what does it say?

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That being said... In the long run, I just hope that these types of things don't happen-


You said you understood what the alpha was, but this statement clearly shows you don't. The point of Q+A and testing is to find those bugs and fix them, so that they do not happen in the long run.


Generally it would be someone's job, as in they would be paid to sit there and play the game. They find the bugs, write up the reports, and shoot them back to the appropriate development members. Recently, developers have found that our instant gratification generation are willing to pay to play the games as early as possible, and ultimately end up as free+ labor. Think of it as someone paying you for the opportunity to check for leaks in the pipes under your home. They have their own in house tests, obviously, but this early access stuff is the perfect way to test what the product will ultimately perform like on the grand scale of release (iirc, the main idea is stress and scale testing).


Now you are not obligated in any way to bug-hunt the game. You bought access to an early version with nothing more than a pinky swear to deliver a completed version at... sometime later in the future. But you really should not be involved in early access projects unless you are committed to the idea of the project, and want to help it improve and be the best damn product possible. The early, unfinished product labels aren't big enough. They should lock up your computer until you type out the entire statement in big red letters and read it back to the computer twice.


As someone that has tested games in a very strict and stringent environment before, this format is very bizarre. I think it could be a beautiful thing, but there has to be a way to make it abundantly, face slapping-ly, fool proofing-ly clear EXACTLY what the whole idea of it is.


Please, in the future, when you find a bug in an early access product (even though I still strongly advise against participating in the future) that could annoy players and hinder gameplay in the way it affected you, report it properly. Don't make a thread complaining that you won't be playing the game anymore, claiming "I know its alpha but..." Report the bug, through the proper channels, and if it stops you from playing so be it; don't play anymore. But save the headaches and the drama.


This early access thing could prove to be either one of the best or worst chapters in the history of our still young entertainment medium.

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Everything everyone has said is correct. It's an alpha, I forgive it for its blemishes. Bugs to be expected. I won't be gone forever, like one of the posters said, I'll give it some time and find myself coming back to help build the game right.


That being said... In the long run, I just hope that these types of things don't happen, far more than I care about additional content being added... Although clearly that is a must. Its not like it takes an hour to get a bunch of good gear and get well situated, it takes a lot of time. A lot of close calls. Near misses. Lucky shots. Hours spent strategically moving from house to house at night. Permadeath wipes all that away. And that takes a certain kind of gamer to handle.


And as painful as that may be, I'm ok with that, like I said, if it had been to my own stupidity or the skills of another player.


I'm just hoping that in the future, in addition to bugs like this not existing, there be some form of recourse other than tough luck to being screwed over for no good reason.


Either that, or this game is only worth short bursts of action like a match of Unreal Tournament. But it can't be worth the dozens of hours of careful survival that its supposed to be, if all that can be taken away like that.


I realize in life you can die from some pretty random things, but I think permadeath by itself is already a big leap from casual gamer to hardcore, playing a game where you can suddenly die from a randomly bad pancreas or absessed tooth... Is a little too big a leap, and too bitter for my tastes. Life has enough of that as it is!


Anyways, break time for some Total War: Rome II... See you all out there at some point. And as always, /salute rocket.

I understand what you mean. However, you already have issues with the permadeath thing. This alpha is for testing primarily, any fun you have is just an added bonus ;) Know that dying randomly is just because of Alpha. You now at least had some sort of reason, it could be just as well that your character is wiped in a patch. Therefore as said many times in these forums: do not get attached, you will lose your character over nothing.


Also understand that the game, like life, is just unfair. You can happily start with your character, start walking and get shot 5 meters furthers by someone from behind.

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Please don't be too offended by what I'm about to say, (although you seem by your post to be one who would be) but ffs stop being such a baby. You lost your pixels, so what it happens get over it.

Don't play DayZ if you can't handle your character dying from a glitch.

How are you gonna act in the future when the game has a lot more content and you die from something else? There'll be much more to lose then. This is just a test and dying will happen a lot. Don't let it bother you. You said you had some amazing time playing so why let a bug on a ladder bother you. Just start again, maybe even try to run back to where you were to get the gear on the corpse before the next server restart. I've done that many times playing the mod.

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Please don't be too offended by what I'm about to say, (although you seem by your post to be one who would be) but ffs stop being such a baby. You lost your pixels, so what it happens get over it.

Don't play DayZ if you can't handle your character dying from a glitch.

How are you gonna act in the future when the game has a lot more content and you die from something else? There'll be much more to lose then. This is just a test and dying will happen a lot. Don't let it bother you. You said you had some amazing time playing so why let a bug on a ladder bother you. Just start again, maybe even try to run back to where you were to get the gear on the corpse before the next server restart. I've done that many times playing the mod.

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Had I died to stupidity, or another players cleverness. That would be ok by me, that's the point afterall.



How about you say you "slipped" and fell of the ladders!

Many people die like that :)

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This happened to me as well, just shrug it off and start again.  Also, It's alpha.....

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"[...] We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle."

That means report the bug and go on. It's not that difficult to understand.


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Listen to this guy.


I was fully kitted out, everything pristine, every stitch of top gear. On an AU server and shebazzle, your dead. Nobody killed me, nobody on the server and I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.

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Could you do me a favor Darkshader? I would appreciate if you could send me your DayZ CD Key so that I can give it to somebody who isn't a little b***h.

Thanks :thumbsup:

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This exact thing happened to my brother while we were playing the other day. Rather than wait for hours for him to get gear back or come all the way to Vybor from Solnichny - I decided to jump off the roof with him and share his fate.


Don't get so attached to your gear. You - will - die - again. It happens. Learn to let go, and see it as a chance to improve your tactics as a fresh spawn.


Note: I had completely full packs of food, 3 med kits, all camo gea with tac vests, .45 caliber with 3 mags, fulled spec'd out M4. And I jumped to my death on purpose.


It's just gear. You'll find more.

Edited by genaknosc
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Got out of our Jeep and took a drink from a can of soda.... The End...


Welcome to DayZ!


Weve all been there.

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lol I once had a revolver and I thought it would be cool to stand near the edge on top of a industrial building. I wanted to go in third person looking at myself with my revolver out that i had just found. I stood near the edge for a about 10 seconds and I magically was moved (as if I was pushed) off the building and died. that revolver was also the first gun I ever found, I had it for 1 minute. this game is in early alpha you have to expect these things. :( ( in my next life I found a mosin, shoot my first zombie, got the best bag, and I am not dead yet.) :D


but the next day I spawned in and all my gear was gone. I guess its a bug. but I'm not raging about it.

Edited by gabe2000123

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Its just part of the learning process, add it to the list of things to do/not to do to stay alive. i know i wont go anywhere near a ladder because i know the slippery bastards are just waiting to kill my 'X' day old char and laugh at me while doing so.

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Kitted players die all the time in DayZ mod/SA because of bugs or players. That feeling of helplessness that you had when falling or being sniped and the screen goes black is what makes this game so unique. You don't just get to spawn again with all your shit is what compelled you to play this game where you have everything to lose the longer you survive.


Now the positive bit. It gets easier to deal with the more it happens. You get better and faster at getting a good kit.


Now get back up on the bike and try again kiddo!

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So I've been playing now for a while and been having an amazing time. Died several times at the beginning till I got the hang of it, but I finally managed to go a very long time without dying and had accumulated some great equipment, mostly in prestine shape, good guns, camo, food, and was in great health. Really starting to enjoy myself and looking for action.

Today I logged in and after several hours exploring a remote town for the elusive can-opener, I decided to climb on the top of a big industrial building to get a view of the area for sign of any potential hostiles.

After seeing all there was to see I carefully approached the ladder that led back down. Knowing the danger of falls, I carefully waited for the "use" icon to show on the ladder and pressed it. My screen immedietely showed me rapidly plummeting to the ground and then instantly snapped back up to a brief image of my character on the ladder at the top but the screen went black and said "You are dead."

So I'm dead now, and I fucking didn't do anything other than be victim to a really stupid bug. And considering the perma-death nature of this game, I don't think I'm interested in playing DayZ any more, maybe months from now or a year. But I put some seriously hard action packed, sneaking, and house pillaging man hours into this character... And was very proud of it. VERY PROUD.

Had I died to stupidity, or another players cleverness. That would be ok by me, that's the point afterall.

But to die "correctly" using a ladder.... And to have to start back over from scratch because of it.

That sir, is the end for me, for now.

Best wishes to everyone else. I'll keep my eye on the updates, but won't be returning till that type of thing doesn't happen.


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The sooner you don't get too attached to all your gear, the more fun experience you'll have in my opinion.


Building my gear back up after dying, whether by a bug, character randomly wiping or getting killed is part of the fun for me.

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