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About MostShady

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  1. MostShady

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    The sooner you don't get too attached to all your gear, the more fun experience you'll have in my opinion. Building my gear back up after dying, whether by a bug, character randomly wiping or getting killed is part of the fun for me.
  2. He's just pulling it out of his ass and trying to throw it off as fact to support a very baseless argument. I'm past trying to make sense of it, because there is none. The good thing is the majority of people don't seem to mind and have the common sense to realize the first person only servers have solved the main issue, suiting both play styles. Everybody wins, get over yourselves.
  3. Splitting the community up is backed up with fact? Please enlighten me with where you pulled that fact from. Congratulations, you dodged the main question again too but I'll throw it back out there at ya! How does any of this effect you, now you can easily go into a first person only server? Problems associated with it are gone for those bothered enough about it to give a damn, Simple, you don't join a third person included server if you let those advantages and "problems" get to you. I already explained my facts for enjoying both styles of play in a previous post, if you wish to read back again to get back up to date.
  4. MostShady

    Bandannas as facemask

    They're just headgear at the moment. I'd love to see some face bandanas though!
  5. Split the community? What are you talking about? Why do you attempt to force your opinion on everybody else, just because you don't like something. Things don't work that way.
  6. You're missing how this actually effects you in the slightest, now that you can join first person only servers.
  7. This is the problem right here. These people have got their first person only servers now and still want to push for first person everywhere. Judging from what I've seen, there's fairly a lot of players around here that prefer third, or both, myself included. Don't get me wrong, I can see the immersion factor in first person and the lack of advantages. I'll definitely be hitting the first person only servers every now and then for that deeper realism factor but I enjoy the third person included servers also when I just wanna play the game and enjoy it, in third person for the most part. What exactly was or is the big deal with trying to get third removed completely? Search the server list and join a server which has got first person only in the name, problem solved. No need to thank me.
  8. MostShady

    Do you have a home yet?

    I'm always constantly on the move, never stay in the same place for too long. I guess that'll change once there are more options in the game to actually make a simple base for yourself. Zelenogorsk has probably been my favourite place to visit, heading east now though.
  9. MostShady

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    You're an idiot. Good stuff, happy holidays.
  10. It all comes down to freedom of choice. The moment you start trying to get other players to play the way you want them to play, you've lost the whole point of the game. I try to stay away from Balota, especially if I'm alone. I'll go elsewhere for loot, but if I happen to go into Balota and get shot and killed, should I be mad? No. It was my own fault for being careless enough to go there in the first place.
  11. MostShady

    Glitched through a house now I cant play?

    Had this happen to me, also to people I've been with. It's either dying or running at the wall and jumping (actually worked once), or hopefully until you get one of those FPS/lag freezes and "teleport" outside again.
  12. It's just for storing ammo. You need to put the box into your hands and take out any ammo you've put in there, then load it into your magazine.
  13. MostShady


    Winter ftw. Hopefully one day.
  14. MostShady

    Any way to set Max FPS?

    Wanna throw that 30fps that you don't want my way? I'll take it! :thumbsup: