[email protected] 122 Posted January 1, 2014 (edited) gamegeɪm/ an activity that one engages in for amusement."a computer game"synonyms: pastime, diversion, entertainment, amusement, distraction,divertissement, recreation, sport, activity, leisure activity; I think you missed the point here. Not all games cater to the same target audience. Exactly how I would probably like the battlefield series if it was less casual-friendly, realistic, and what you would probably call "bothersome", you would probably like this game more if it was more casual friendly. The fact I don't like Battlefield in its current form doesn't mean it's not fun, or not a game. It just means it's not the game for me. Same goes for you. It doesn't mean this game doesn't cater to your specific kind of "fun", doesn't mean it isn't "fun". It's subjective, and I -as a member of the gaming community that isn't casual, and likes in-depth games with features that don't allow one to "jump in and get going"- am very glad there's at least a COUPLE of games that cater to people like me. If you want to be casual, there's a wide variety of games especially catered to your preferences. I am not asking to make Battlefield a hardcore milsim, either. "Fun" is subjective, and you don't seem to be part of the target audience for this game. Edited January 1, 2014 by Ratiasu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RatedTForTom 20 Posted January 1, 2014 I don't mind the spawns, but the problem is that the south-west part of the map is one big military base atm. They should remove nearly all the barracks between Zelenogorsk and Balota. That's the real imbalance/problem here. Instead I'd prefer if they re-added a tent or two at Cherno, like in the mod, some Humvees with a bit of loot on a random dirt road, etc. I want to spawn at Kamenka again... Instead of them being removed, they should be moved to the north of the map. The only thing I want is for military bases to be something that takes time to get to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CGNoodlePot (DayZ) 149 Posted January 1, 2014 Instead of them being removed, they should be moved to the north of the map. The only thing I want is for military bases to be something that takes time to get to.Eventually they will. For now they need to make the new players happy. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zogvarn 118 Posted January 1, 2014 If you spawn at Krutoy Cap you are basically at the same distance between Balota and NEAF. If you spawn at Kamyshovo you are closer to Balota and you have two big cities to loot on the way there.There are more than just those 2 spawn locations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leto (DayZ) 72 Posted January 1, 2014 All the towns and all the cities need to give equal chance of good loot. Guns should be spawned in ALL houses RANDOMLY. When more civilian weapons are added, I hope this is where they will spawn, but rarely. I think the Makarov, Lee Enfield, Winchester and double barrel shotguns were a bit too common in the mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 122 Posted January 1, 2014 Instead of them being removed, they should be moved to the north of the map. The only thing I want is for military bases to be something that takes time to get to. Fair enough, though I'd still prefer less barracks and more "small" military spawns. Like car wrecks and tents scattered across the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BonnyBrown 28 Posted January 1, 2014 I wouldn't waste too much time with many of the folk here. Mostly just pathetic fanbois that will agree with absolutely any change that is made and then hide behind "it's alpha" to pretend that makes their view of the dev approach 100% correct. Honestly, most of these idiots think it's a good thing that you have to run 40+ minutes to get to the endgame loot while there is absolutely nothing to do in the game during that 40 min run. This change was just a blatant running simulator time sink created by the devs when in reality they should be spending time creating things to do during that 40 minute run before creating it. There should be vehicles to find while I walk towards the endgame, there should be heli crashes to find, tents, random events, loot that isn't just food/water in small towns, etc. Instead all we got was 40 minutes of running with no reason to stop outside hunger/thirst. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 1, 2014 Put randomly dropped military crates all around the map and make all military items spawn only there = problem solved. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnarchyBrownies 1383 Posted January 1, 2014 (edited) Totally agree. We should spawn directly into Military Zones, of course only after being prompted by a box that allows us to pick which military zone specifically. I just want to find a clicky-clicky-bang-bang stick and use it to kill other players immediately upon spawning in. Sometimes looting is too tiresome, and sometimes there isn't even any loot there! I know everyone loves to throw around that Alpha word, but I'm really struggling to understand how anyone could think this game is anything other than Balota Field 4. It does make me laugh, these people who think this game is about survival. LOL! Can't wait for the introduction of perks, I'm definitely going to pick the "Fresh-Meat" perk: Detect recently spawned players with your psionic powers killing them instantly. ...but uh-yeah, ha ha ha that guy really is missing the point. These spawn points forcing us to navigate the expanse of the game world? Pfftt No Thanks! Rocket is completely forgetting that this is a...GAME GAY'MMM"An activity that involves using the least of a person's cognitive abilities in order to effortlessly miss the point entirely" It's here, we've found it! The perfect post. Everything I want to say, but with the flawless execution of concise description and sarcasm! Edited January 1, 2014 by AnarchyBrownies 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Simn 8 Posted January 1, 2014 All the towns and all the cities need to give equal chance of good loot. Guns should be spawned in ALL houses RANDOMLY. This makes literally no sense. To me, Dayz should be as 'real' as possible, how often do you go to a friends house and find a military grade weapon? IMO, houses should be limited to civilian weapons, such as the lee enfield/DBS, and military camps/bases should be the only places to spawn military spec weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RatedTForTom 20 Posted January 1, 2014 Devs are getting metrics right now by moving the spawns to see how players react. Its a good thing. I'll bet dollar to donuts that the mil spawns will be adjusted as time goes on and probably move around a bit as well. What I find amazing is that all those people would rather run to Balota when the majority of them are closer to the NEAF. Boggles my mind. I've been travelling to NEAF and I must say, the last time I was there was the most people I've seen in NEAF. As opposed to when the game first came out, I never saw anyone. All the towns and all the cities need to give equal chance of good loot. Guns should be spawned in ALL houses RANDOMLY. If that were to happen, I think it should be the towns inland, not the coastal ones. And only IF the spawns stay on the coast that is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king_of_the_beans 92 Posted January 1, 2014 After reading this thread I lost like 5 I.Q. points 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BonnyBrown 28 Posted January 1, 2014 Totally agree. We should spawn directly into Military Zones, of course only after being prompted by a box that allows us to pick which military zone specifically. I just want to find a clicky-clicky-bang-bang stick and use it to kill other players immediately upon spawning in. Sometimes looting is too tiresome, and sometimes there isn't even any loot there! I know everyone loves to throw around that Alpha word, but I'm really struggling to understand how anyone could think this game is anything other than Balota Field 4. It does make me laugh, these people who think this game is about survival. LOL! Can't wait for the introduction of perks, I'm definitely going to pick the "Fresh-Meat" perk: Detect recently spawned players with your psionic powers killing them instantly. ...but uh-yeah, ha ha ha that guy really is missing the point. These spawn points forcing us to navigate the expanse of the game world? Pfftt No Thanks! Rocket is completely forgetting that this is a...GAME GAY'MMM"An activity that involves using the least of a person's cognitive abilities in order to effortlessly miss the point entirely"Yawn, pathetic strawman from a lacking mind. It's not about spawning and being auto full gear, it's about having things to do during your 40 minute run towards full gear before they make the run 40 minutes long. Currently it's just a timesink running simulator where you do absolutely nothing of real value in terms of character progression from spawn to full gear. There's no heli crashes to find, no vehicles to repair, no tents, random events, nothing. It's just running towards military loot with small towns which have nothing of value along the way. Before you make people run 40 minutes towards the endgame, you should have some content of value in there between the two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted January 1, 2014 Medical Division. You've been found guilty of crimes against noobs. Your gang will swing from the gallows, as soon as they add that to the game. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serenityrick 218 Posted January 1, 2014 All the towns and all the cities need to give equal chance of good loot. Guns should be spawned in ALL houses RANDOMLY. Handguns? yes. Albeit a small chance. Hunting rifles? Yes. Albeit a small chance (higher chances in farms/rural barn areas Ammunition? Yes. Again, small chance. Military weapons/gear/clothing? No. Never. - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevilDog (DayZ) 455 Posted January 1, 2014 Character didn't load correctly today so had to respawn. I loved it. Took about 6 minutes to get to Elektro. Also I love seeing more people travelling now instead of just sitting in chernlota-dieing-spawning-sitting in chernlota Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serenityrick 218 Posted January 1, 2014 Devs are getting metrics right now by moving the spawns to see how players react. Its a good thing. I'll bet dollar to donuts that the mil spawns will be adjusted as time goes on and probably move around a bit as well. What I find amazing is that all those people would rather run to Balota when the majority of them are closer to the NEAF. Boggles my mind. Tunnel vision. In their mind this is the total size of the DayZ map of Cheranus: Spawning in the NE must be a complete panic for them. So they make a bee line to this so they can feel warm and fuzzy again. Everywhere else is just a developer debug zone. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leto (DayZ) 72 Posted January 1, 2014 This makes literally no sense. To me, Dayz should be as 'real' as possible, how often do you go to a friends house and find a military grade weapon? IMO, houses should be limited to civilian weapons, such as the lee enfield/DBS, and military camps/bases should be the only places to spawn military spec weapons. What you suggest would be true if DayZ was happening just days after the zombie outbreak, But judging by the state of abandonned vehicles, it has been months if not years. So military gears should be scattered around a bit. Do all the players who find military gears stay in military area until they die? No, they move around. In fact, if servers never had resets and left dropped gear on the ground, The military area would be the last places where you would find the gear. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 1, 2014 What you suggest would be true if DayZ was happening just days after the zombie outbreak, But judging by the state of abandonned vehicles, it has been months if not years. So military gears should be scattered around a bit. Do all the players who find military gears stay in military area until they die? No, they move around. In fact, if servers never had resets and left dropped gear on the ground, The military area would be the last places where you would find the gear. In addition to random crash sites or miltary crates all around the map, some dead soldiers who carry military equipment would be nice too. The point is military equipment should NOT be in a specific and known place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnarchyBrownies 1383 Posted January 1, 2014 Yawn, pathetic strawman from a lacking mind. It's not about spawning and being auto full gear, it's about having things to do during your 40 minute run towards full gear before they make the run 40 minutes long. Currently it's just a timesink running simulator where you do absolutely nothing of real value in terms of character progression from spawn to full gear. There's no heli crashes to find, no vehicles to repair, no tents, random events, nothing. It's just running towards military loot with small towns which have nothing of value along the way. Before you make people run 40 minutes towards the endgame, you should have some content of value in there between the two. But things like that are coming. So what's the problem? Also, the things you're suggesting people do as they "run towards full gear" all suggest making the game easier. 40 minutes is nothing to get geared up. In my mind it should take hours and hours of playing time to get decent gear and getting "fully geared" should take much longer. High end loot should be SO scarce. DayZ has always been a "running simulator." I don't think it was ever supposed to be in your face type of action and progression. And I would argue whether there is any real "progression" in a sandbox game. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cinnabuns 45 Posted January 1, 2014 Hahaha. You have to love ignorance to be a member of these forums. Otherwise... there's not much to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Al Bobo 53 Posted January 1, 2014 There should 5 minute timer preventing you to respawn each time you die. If you and your pal spawn to different sides of map....tough luck. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serenityrick 218 Posted January 1, 2014 But things like that are coming. So what's the problem? Also, the things you're suggesting people do as they "run towards full gear" all suggest making the game easier. 40 minutes is nothing to get geared up. In my mind it should take hours and hours of playing time to get decent gear and getting "fully geared" should take much longer. High end loot should be SO scarce. DayZ has always been a "running simulator." I don't think it was ever supposed to be in your face type of action and progression. And I would argue whether there is any real "progression" in a sandbox game. Exactly. It should take days or even weeks to get the best stuff and set up a home base on a server where you don't really have to worry about ammo, food or water. At the moment it takes.. well.. 40min or less to do all of that. But, again.. it's alpha. That will come. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floj 393 Posted January 1, 2014 Boohoo, we want our Balota spawn camping back so we dont have to move to get more bullets to kill unarmed Bambi's and stroke our tiny e-peens. Let's make a forum thread about it, with pictures and a story from first grade YAY. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted January 1, 2014 Scatter spawns around whole map (near cities and villages ofc). Problem solved. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites