AmirDayz 54 Posted December 31, 2013 Regardless of the crosshairs situation, I'm pretty sure that the fact that you get better zoom when not aiming down sights than when you do is a bug. It has nothing to do with FOV as I've reset mine to the default value and I still get that issue. I'm not sure if it's reported or not. Gonna check. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green_machine 179 Posted December 31, 2013 (edited) Lame excuse imo...zoom renders binocs and scopes obsolete so why have them? Exactly, the verge between Game and Real Life gets blurred, But why make Bnocs obsolete? the VIEW range in the SA is Already SHIT, sorry for saying. I'm seeing a GREY boundary. Dammit, My system wants to flex. At what point would I need any optical enhancements? The majority of the map is within Eye-ZOOM range. If I find a Pair Of B-nocs, I'd try them as a novelty. Edited December 31, 2013 by DaveZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmirDayz 54 Posted December 31, 2013 Added a report for this issue: Hope it gets addressed. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green_machine 179 Posted December 31, 2013 Added a report for this issue: it gets addressed.Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted December 31, 2013 I think zoom should be reduced a little bit, and normalized across resolutions ideally, at least fixing it so that different FOV values don't effect zoom level. But if they do that, I think they should also increase player view distance because right now avatars just about disappear while i can still see their guns swaying. This would help us see them better with lower zoom levels. It is already a little too difficult to find players without spawning zombies and the addition of interiors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted January 1, 2014 You're getting too deep, again as other people do. No. You still have a lot of details unless you player on 640x480 or 800x600 or 1024x768 in which case you should really buy another computer because 1080p has been standard for a long time. Lame excuse imo...zoom renders binocs and scopes obsolete so why have them? It has always been disturbing me that a player using no magnification has almost the same advantage or let's say more advantage because no scope zoom comes with a wider fov than a player looking through a scope and sees almost the same amount of details afar. 1 trillion players have the same issue world wide with all other games because we all have the problem using a monitor for display pusposes and even a 4K monitor won't change that ( if you happen to have a supercomputer to run it in that resolution ) and there are less to no complaints in other forums about distance related detail matters than here.What? Zoom doesn't render binocs and scopes obsolete at all. The fact is, the size and resolution of a, say, man at 300m is nowhere even close to enough in zoomed out view compared to real life vision. If anything, removing the zoom because there are no complaints about distance related detail in other games would be a "lame excuse" to not try get it right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atomizer 53 Posted January 4, 2014 After playing around with the FOV slider, I realize it is not restrictive enough, I know people have posted about it already, but if you put your FoV slider all the way to the left, it is almost as effective as a long range scope(using my normal FOV setting as a benchmark, which is almost full right), but at the same time, you can't see the compass at all without free looking down. In my opinion, minimum FOV should be to the point you can still read your compass without free looking, that will also get rid of the massive zoom effect it provides.I could never play with my FOV that low because it seriously feels like I'm looking through a cardboard tube. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted January 4, 2014 [...]I know people have posted about it already, but if you put your FoV slider all the way to the left, it is almost as effective as a long range scope [...] I will say this about FOV and scopes: be default the PU scope has a zoom of only 1.39x. With the FOV all the way left, it effectively doubles to 2.78x. But even still, it's much less than the real value of 3.5x. Personally I don't care about fixing the FOV slider until they fix the magnified scope and the iron sight zooms. The way it is currently just completely kills it for me. We have kind of a "half zoom" which is engaged when entering iron sights, it's worse for close combat, it's worse for ranged combat, and it doesn't make sense when you can zoom in and out just like in the mod when running around normally. ArmA 3 and ArmA 2 and even OFP I am happy enough with the combat, but DayZ... right now this ties with realism stats for my biggest issue with the game, I can live with no zombies and alpha bugs galore, but I can't live with the current iron sight mechanics. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spockrock 18 Posted January 4, 2014 Ah, yes, the bionic superman eyes. I posted photos of this in another thread. I'll post them here for visuals. You're not picky. It is entirely unrealistic. People say it accounts for your eye being able to focus on something from the distance. Why they simulated that with a zoom that intense is beyond me. you see, that's what I thought as well for some time, until someone explained to me how it really worked. so I'll do the same for you, maybe then you'll understand that removing that zoom will be a handicap rather than something that would add to realism. in Arma (and by extension - DayZ) this zoom actually represents normal human vision. but since this is a video game and it doesn't give you peripheral vision, like normal humans ought to have, BIS decided to zoom out the default FOV for players, to let them see what's happening in their supposed periphery. you can easily see this is you encrease your FOV, your screen will have a "fish-eye" effect. now, just zooming out would mean players would have a hard time spotting things at a distance (imagine always looking through a set of binoculars - the wrong end of it), so they added the ability to zoom in to your normal level via the "hold breath" action. tl;drthe game lets you have peripheral vision (increased FOV) at the cost of zoom (zoomed out by default), it also lets you get your normal zoom temporarily at the cost of your FOV. I think it's a fantastic idea and should be in all FPS games. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fig0451 85 Posted January 4, 2014 (edited) Personally I don't care about fixing the FOV slider until they fix the magnified scope and the iron sight zooms. The way it is currently just completely kills it for me. We have kind of a "half zoom" which is engaged when entering iron sights, it's worse for close combat, it's worse for ranged combat, and it doesn't make sense when you can zoom in and out just like in the mod when running around normally. ArmA 3 and ArmA 2 and even OFP I am happy enough with the combat, but DayZ... right now this ties with realism stats for my biggest issue with the game, I can live with no zombies and alpha bugs galore, but I can't live with the current iron sight mechanics.Yep, completely agree with this. Iron sights, holo sights and reddots shouldn't give you any zoom at all. Utterly baffled as to why they do at the moment. You'd think that the only noticeable difference would be that your head moves forward a bit as you assume a firing stance.Perhaps 'hardcore' mode will remove the gray dot that currently acts as our crosshair. It is also baffling that scopes would act as a multiplier on your current FOV and not just instantly snap to the correct FOV for that scope. Edited January 4, 2014 by fig0451 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rissou 42 Posted January 4, 2014 The zoom has the same magnify as a red dot sight in the game, so whats the big deal. Acog and Longrange scope both have higher magnify. Zoom is alright for your mosin or m4 if you dont have any of those sights, which are very easy to find atm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZlobaRUS54 441 Posted January 4, 2014 The zoom has the same magnify as a red dot sight in the game, so whats the big deal. Acog and Longrange scope both have higher magnify. Zoom is alright for your mosin or m4 if you dont have any of those sights, which are very easy to find atm. Iron sights zoom is still BROKEN. It's less then naked eye zoom. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted January 4, 2014 Iron sights zoom is still BROKEN. It's less then naked eye zoom. I have a suspicion that might have been done on purpose. Maybe to give red dots more of an advantage. Regardless, I highly dislike it... naked eye zoom should match iron sight zoom and vice versa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites