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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

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to bad you cant use a windows fix on unix

and rocket said it can be fixed fast so herpderp someone else :S

if you are running any flavor of Un*x (what ever distro of linux you're using) and can't fix mouse troubles yourself... you really shouldn't be running that OS...  I think from this reply you Sir are the derp.

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Did this update wipe any characters? I lost a fully kitted avatar in Skalitzky. Logged out with M4A1 and 7 magazines (assorted STANAG, CMAG, 10 and 30 round magazines), logged back in on the beach near Cherno. ??? 

It's an Alpha. 

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No mouse accell?

Spawn points turnet this game into a suicide simulator? Cmon you have been in alpha since the mod.

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Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options


^- how to access?

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No mouse accell?

Spawn points turnet this game into a suicide simulator? Cmon you have been in alpha since the mod.

You sir have no idea what your talking about.


On a side note, thanks a lot Hicksi! Happy new year!

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It's an Alpha. 


I'm aware; I was just curious.

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No more despawns!


I'm just liking your stuff for the signature :D

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thanks for patch really didn't expect a patch in 2013 you guys are great! Happy new year everyone.

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Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options


Does this mean ban/kick tools for servers?

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Will people spawn in or near Rify?


Edit: Also, how does spawning people on the west coast help anything? Instead of Balota, people will just go to NEAF and follow the train tracks to NWAF.

Edited by Publik

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Unreal. If I could slap you two via HTTP right now, I would.


Seriously, it is freaking Christmas. These guys have families and so on, yet they've managed to get an update out to fix some of the bigger issues, yet apparently that isn't good enough?!


And people wonder why gamers have a reputation for being whiny and entitled. Ugh.




Best. Reply. EVER!

I registered just to say this.

It's nice knowing that the internet still has people with brains, patience, and understanding.

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Honestly, what was the point of only putting spawns for the eastern side of the map, there might as well be no kamenka or komarovo because people are going to need to go the there. People will reach balota then run, to the kamenka military base then straight the NWAF.

I thought the point of putting a military base near kamenka, was so people wouldn't spawn there then just suicide.

The way the loot spawns at the moment doesn't benefit the spawns at all.

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Have you been enjoying your christmas? What about new years eve?


Not really a time to push out updates, be happy about it actually happening right now.

you know to fix mouse acceleration they just need to allow it to turn off in options menu? not that hard to add OFF button ;) 

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you know to fix mouse acceleration they just need to allow it to turn off in options menu? not that hard to add OFF button ;)


Not exactly. The problem is that nobody wrote the disabling of mouse acceleration. It does have a gameplay purpose, such as controlling how fast you can move around with a rifle. For example: With a CQB buttstock on your M4, your dexterity is much higher (you can move faster), but your dispersion is much lower. Disabling mouse accel will disable dexterity entirely.
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All I see is people saying fix mouse acceleration. No. Fix the glitching where you crouch down on vantage points and fly off of fucking rails. Fix the ladder bugs where it throws you off as well. Fix those major issues first, then fix mouse acceleration.


If you're concerned with mouse accel... you're probably a garbage omg360noscopebbq player. Use your Razer Synpase or other software that actually accelerates your mouse. I play with 500 dpi and 0 acceleration and I can aim and scope people just fine.


Functionality / actual bugs that are more gamebreaking than mouse acceleration should be a priority. The mouse accel should be low on the totem pole instead of you wanks complaining about that.


Lets see some priority bug fixes for interaction and playability first. Ironing out those would be a step in the right direction in comparison to tweaking settings for your mouse. Some people have their priorities so backwards it makes me question their actual brain capacity.

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-snip- double posted by accident.

Edited by jSharp

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Server: First Person only servers are now supported (Seperate Hive coming later on)




Can't wait for that shit to hit the servers later on this year :D


3rd person noobs can finally be separated from the core people.

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thats not much though

how about mouse acceleration ? :S


Please leave this forum and don't play the game....


OT: Cool update! Happy new year!

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I think they should force mouse acceleration to get rid of the twich aimers.

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