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Vehicles needed asap?

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Just looking for what you other fine people of the DayZ community think on this.

I think that cars should be added pretty soon, they will need to be tested anyway as part of the alpha, maybe test them before ramping up the zombie count, we do know that vehicles work on the engine so for me it would seem like the next step is to add them into the testing mix.

and above all that I am kind of bored running around even in sonic mode XD.


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I can't wait for vehicles! =D I totally agree! 
(Heli wars ftw!)

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well, they are far from being ready and nothing will make that process faster

Everyone would like em asap but also everyone knows Rocket will take his time and put in game only polished stuff

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I really want vehicles and can't wait for all the new vehicles and maybe even customization (no source, just my wants), but I do not think it is a ASAP issue when there are much more severe things like items falling through the floor and zombie ghosts.

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Although this has been covered in multiple threads(search function), I will say that at the present time there are much more important things than implementing vehicles.

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well, they are far from being ready and nothing will make that process faster

Everyone would like em asap but also everyone knows Rocket will take his time and put in game only polished stuff

I agree about them not being ready, that is kind of the point, I would love to test them and help in making them ready, no better way to find out what is wrong with them than to wack them in the game and let the Alpha testers put them through their paces

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They need to be done right. So it won't be pretty soon. I belive the roadmap says early 2014, therefore I expect them with early functionality around about march. Finished by the summer, alongside other thngs. 

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I believe the games basic fundamental pillars need to be fixed before we implement more things into the game..

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If they are adding them I HOPE that they are in rare quantities so that it's a gift to get them and gives you some responsibility by finding one and keeping it.

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we do know that vehicles work on the engine 


We don't know that. A major issue with vehicles, even in default ArmA 2, was how they interacted with the netcode. Now that the netcode has been overhauled, we don't know that the vehicles still work.

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Well I cant wait for them but tbh at the beginning cars where so rare in DayZ (before the 1k+ vehicle servers came...) so I am used to walking....

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If they are adding them I HOPE that they are in rare quantities so that it's a gift to get them and gives you some responsibility by finding one and keeping it.

Yea exactly - maybe like 3-5 vehicles per server.

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Adding in Vehicles  Would require massive work to create the physics for, As Currently there are no Physics, and they are required to be made specifically for Dayz


I'm Hoping the focus after Work Continues on the game would be to fix the bugs and problems caused in it,

Don't expect many things to be added Quickly,

Treat it like KSP , Or Zomboid  And expect the game to change with better features in a few months 

Edited by Star Thornberry

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We don't know that. A major issue with vehicles, even in default ArmA 2, was how they interacted with the netcode. Now that the netcode has been overhauled, we don't know that the vehicles still work.

Arma2 is the mod my friend, the SA is running on the Arma3 model, and I did say work on the engine, the best way to find and get rid of the major bugs is to let the community of alpha testers to test.

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well, they are far from being ready and nothing will make that process faster

Everyone would like em asap but also everyone knows Rocket will take his time and put in game only polished stuff

far from being ready rocket said at launch vehicles where nearly done :lol:

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Although this has been covered in multiple threads(search function), I will say that at the present time there are much more important things than implementing vehicles.


You took the words right out of my mouth :D

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Arma2 is the mod my friend, the SA is running on the Arma3 model, and I did say work on the engine, the best way to find and get rid of the major bugs is to let the community of alpha testers to test.

The standalone isn't running on the ArmA 3 "model". Even if it was, ArmA 3, like ArmA 2, is peer to peer. DayZ is the only example of a Real Virtuality based engine using client server architecture. 

Edited by Imbalanxd

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The standalone most certainly is not running on the ArmA 3 "model". Even if it was, ArmA 3, like ArmA 2, is peer to peer. DayZ is the only example of a Real Virtuality based engine using client server architecture.

The standalone is using the ToH engine including base code from arma 3, it also uses parts of the Real Virtuality engine, Again I say we know that vehicles work on the ENGINE as if you have played any arma3 or ToH you have seen them in action. now this is the point I am trying to make, I would like to test them sooner rather than later, as I feel that they are a huge part of the game and should be tested asap.

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I dont think vehicles will be added soon, cause you don't see any wheels or engine parts anywhere.

While features that'll be included in the near future, like cooking, already have many relevant items among the loot pools (gas canisters etc)

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Yea exactly - maybe like 3-5 vehicles per server.

Me too, I hope they're not everywhere. I'm also them not being 'instantly driveable by the first person to find them (server reset?)

This would encourage a lot of gun and run. Rather the person who finds it has to spend a little time getting it to run, like maybe 10 seconds or so on a hot wire or something under the hood. This could also be coupled in with a 'class system for survivors' which has been discussed elsewhere. You spawn a new character with a blood type and a primary ability, mechanics, weapons, explosives, medical knowledge etc. Maybe you need to find a mechanic to get it to run in the first place? Maybe you already have that 'ability' already so your'e ahead on your own? It would encourage a little more 'needing other people' rather than just seeing everyone as potentially expendable?


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Yeah vehicles are not even close to the top of the list of things needed to be worked on or tested. In vanilla dayz vehicles were super rare anyway so even if they added them most of you are not going to find one unless you do some serious server hopping which is pretty lame anyway.

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Yeah vehicles are not even close to the top of the list of things needed to be worked on or tested. In vanilla dayz vehicles were super rare anyway so even if they added them most of you are not going to find one unless you do some serious server hopping which is pretty lame anyway.

in Vanilla dayz the best hiding places were not known by many, these days most people know where a vehicle is likely to be, as long as you make them respawn if they are out of the map bounds all should be gravy, also in a real end of the world type scenario vehicles would be common as hell but the fuel would be the hard thing to find, lets hope they take after this XD

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