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This community....(kos complaint)

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Well ladies and gents, I'm getting super tierd of people shooting on sight. I really am. No warnings, no call outs to see if you're hostile or not, not communication what so ever. I won't lie even I have started to shoot on sight due to other people behing total and uder dooshbags. Even servers that have NO KOS on loggin have had more then there fair share of people doing it, and there is no place to report players, nor can you report them due to I can't see there name tag unless they type useing /. That said I have also in the past 3 days of playing not had 1 person call out to me and see if I'm hostile. I feel like I'm playing with the WoW community honestly and it's really going to ruin this game for me. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

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Servers that have no KOS?

You should know admins or server owners are not allowed to enforce their own custom rules. You can report those servers.

Edited by ProGamerGov

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  On 12/31/2013 at 4:53 AM, BlessedSyn said:

Well ladies and gents, I'm getting super tierd of people shooting on sight. I really am. No warnings, no call outs to see if you're hostile or not, not communication what so ever. I won't lie even I have started to shoot on sight due to other people behing total and uder dooshbags. Even servers that have NO KOS on loggin have had more then there fair share of people doing it, and there is no place to report players, nor can you report them due to I can't see there name tag unless they type useing /. That said I have also in the past 3 days of playing not had 1 person call out to me and see if I'm hostile. I feel like I'm playing with the WoW community honestly and it's really going to ruin this game for me. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

You must be knew here. Welcome. And oh yeah, NO KOS is an impossible factor, so stop complaining please. We all hate it, but we deal with it

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You are playing the wrong game. No really you are I'm not being trollish here. Dayz will always have the ability to shoot another player on sight if you want. Always has. Its part of the game. Learn to avoid it. Become better at being sneaky and judging people by their actions. Not everyone KoS's. Just have to learn how to figure that out for yourself.

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I always facepalm myself really bad if I read those replies saying: "Welcome to DayZ" and "That is a part of the game".......

BULLSHIT. It is NOT a part of the game, Dean did not designed it to be like this.

Instead, the PLAYERS make it like this. So, BlessedCyn is right: this community....

  On 12/31/2013 at 4:59 AM, Zogvarn said:

You are playing the wrong game.

Nice one... well think about it this way: the people that KOS should go and play COD or BF.

That's just my opinion.

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Sever labeled "No KOS" work just as well as ones labeled "Noob friendly", which is terribly.  They can't enforce it at all on SA, so it's basically telling the A-holes of the community "hey, there will be easy prey for you to kill here".


Stay away from those servers and do your best to be as defensively friendly as possible.  Don't stand in front of them unless they don't have any weapon in their hands, don't turn your back to them, and always have an escape plan if they are hostile.


You don't have to KOS to survive or interact with randoms.  I've only killed (as in fired fired) one person in my over a year of the mod and haven't killed anyone (by any method) in SA yet, and I survive just fine.  Yeah the playerbase is filled with A-holes, but the world is filled with A-holes.  DayZ just gives them guns and incentive to kill you.  Give them incentive not to.

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Or maybe, the people complaining about bandits should go play Habbo Hotel or creative Minecraft servers.


It definitely is a core part of the experience, otherwise pvp would be disabled or limited by default. Personally, I've only played as a bandit. I played the standalone before the mod, but always heard "Shoot first, question later" when somebody talks about DayZ. People who KOS should NOT be considered "shitty" people, that's like saying "People who don't give you food are assholes". With the lack of zombies currently, the standalone focuses on human interaction. You're gonna encounter every type of person, some more than others. Some people like creative minecraft servers where they can build peacefully, others play hardcore/faction minecraft servers where the point is to blow eachother up and conquer. People play videogames with different styles and preferences and you have to deal with it or YOU should quit.

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Man KOS is how it is on here right now. Zombies are no threat so other players are your main concern. The clan I run in we help people on the coast that are FS and we kill bandits who screw with em. When we work our way north we change our view to yelling out if no response with chat or voice we assume hostile.

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I dont understand.

Are people suppose to pop out and expose them selves before they shoot you?


And why the hell would you "report" some one for shooting you?

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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Im curious about your opinion on something. Do you think you would feel differently if bandit/murderers were identified by a red armband of which it was said in official DayZ lore to be the armbands of mercenaries paid by the remaining local military/government structure to kill off survivors in an effort to help stop the spread of the virus. Would putting some logic to it help? Also, consider you'd be able to avoid these people with a little observation or binoculars while still having something to fear. You'd also be able to get back at those who choose to be bandits, knowing your not killing a survivor like yourself.

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Even if you knew their info, reporting players for KoSing won't do jack shit.


Be more cautious, get the upper hand, don't let them KoS you.

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As brought up in many threads regarding this topic, one of the largest issues currently is that the individual player is completely valueless to another player, save for being a possible threat.


Why should people work together? There is no reason to. People get to choose whether or not they want to work with someone. But it should be a matter of need; there should be a compelling reason to need to work together. When Rocket adds his thousands of zombies, filling the many cities with hundreds-upon-hundreds, the dynamic of the game will change. If the zombies are made to be a proper threat, not the joke they were in the mod, then people may begin to value the company strangers. It's a selfish value (what can you do for me?) but nevertheless it would be a strong motivator. As in, I can't get that loot, because I need help.


As it currently stands the game plays out like this:


I got my gear, I've got a ton of supplies. There are no zombies; so what do I do now?


And for a lot of people, the answer to that question is to kill people. This causes a chain that promotes playing defensively (aka KoS yourself or completely avoiding contact).


As it currently stands, until there is at least an overwhelming zombie threat on the map, I don't think there is anything you can do about it. Save for heading up north. But if you're trying to survive and still meet strangers, well, expect to die. You can easily just go up North and live happily ever after; but it doesn't sound like that is what you are after.


There will always be killing on sight, and bandits of course however.

Edited by Knightmare
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If I don't kill you, you'll kill me, and you'll lie too about not wanting to kill me, just like the dirty skin walker you are, and that's why I now always KoS.
I used to spare bambi, but now I've come to find if I let them stay alive in my general area they'll try and hunt me for my better equipment.

Honestly you've just gotta learn to enjoy the KoS.

At the moment there's nothing to do but KoS, as you can get high grade equipment within an hour or two generally, (assuming the server hasn't been totally gutted at that point by server hoppers), and then you're left with nothing to do but some good'ol fashion murder death kill.

It's not like I have anything to really build or develop to improve the long term conditions of my game play, you can't do anything constructive in this game infact.

The whole point of the game is to kill stuff, surviving is so simple that it's a non-issue, and that'd be boring any way, as it'd just detract from the point of the game, which is murder death kill of everything you can.

Kill animals-get food, kill zombies-get loot, kill players-steal their loot.

Technically repairing the cars and stuff is constructive, but it's ultimately to make your murder death kill life style convenient like a drive through, or drive by in this case.

I don't understand why you'd want to just merely survive in this game, you might as well play the sims, what draws me to this game is the absolute quagmire of feels created by the success and loss of people's hard earned efforts.

And really when it comes down to it, how else are you going to test your mettle? The zed are nothing to take down, even in larger numbers unless you're without equipment, and there's no reward for doing so whatsoever. Fighting players is where it's at!

Have you ever ran at a player while yelling over the mic, "SNAKES! MUTHA F**'N SNAKES ON THE MUTHA F**'N PLAN!" and hacking him to death with your axe as he tries to kill you in vain with his M4.

That's what I do! I like to challenge myself, dodging the bullets and then hacking someone to death while yelling absurd claims is my high.

That or I'll kill someone in the middle of Electro and then gather up all the best loot I can find and dress them up, and wait for people to come around and try to loot the body, only to be killed in turn! Or if they're lucky they'll grab something nice and bolt because I missed! It's like DayZ charity in my mind.

You've just gotta find creative ways to enjoy the game.

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Really no point in arguing this.

It will never change.

I personally shoot on sight unless they clearly are unarmed.

Then usually ill just shoot them for the LoLz.

Would be nice to meet people and work together but that never happens.

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  On 12/31/2013 at 5:36 AM, Statik said:

Even if you knew their info, reporting players for KoSing won't do jack shit.


Be more cautious, get the upper hand, don't let them KoS you.

I meant reporting servers claiming to have KOS against the rules.

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  On 12/31/2013 at 5:49 AM, ProGamerGov said:

I meant reporting servers claiming to have KOS against the rules.

Servers claiming to have PVP rules dont mean jack shit on official. 

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It's like this. Zeds are no fun, and I am in complete agreeance with Knightmare. Until Zeds bring up a REAL threat no one will NEED you. So you are a target until then, yes this game is about Zeds and surviving the apoc. However until then, the game is a revamped ArmA II . . . and that's that.

Edited by FoamNinja
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  On 12/31/2013 at 4:53 AM, BlessedSyn said:

Well ladies and gents, I'm getting super tierd of people shooting on sight.


You know what prevents being shot on sight? Don't be seen. Sight is a requisite component of shooting people on sight.



No warnings, no call outs to see if you're hostile or not, not communication what so ever. 


I love to break it to you mate, but I don't give a shit whether or not you're hostile, and I don't want to communicate with you. I have plenty of friends. I don't need more. If you want some, get your own.



 I won't lie even I have started to shoot on sight due to other people behing total and uder dooshbags.


So, you're a total, utter douchebag? Or, wait? What? I'm confused. You're better than them just because it took you a little longer to adopt this play strategy? Because they did it first, they're terrible and you're awesome? Is that really what you're going with?



Even servers that have NO KOS on loggin have had more then there fair share of people doing it



Fucking good. Those servers shouldn't even exist. I hope they have 2x the number of people KoSing just to punish them for running bullshit servers with bullshit rules.



there is no place to report players


Sure there is. www.giantsoppywetvaginas.com.


Fill out the form there, and you will get a fresh diaper in the mail with a free powder sample within 2-3 business days.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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  On 12/31/2013 at 5:38 AM, Knightmare said:

As brought up in many threads regarding this topic, one of the largest issues currently is that the individual player is completely valueless to another player, save for being a possible threat.


And as I point out every time some starry-eyed newmeat brings this up, there's a huge difference between the value of an individual player I know, trust and can communicate with and the value of some random schlub I've never seen before, will never see again, and can't trust as far as I can piss into the wind.


Very, very few people are ever going to just randomly team up with strangers they meet in the game. No matter how beneficial cooperation is made. No matter how rare ammo gets. No matter how dangerous zombies are. No matter what, people are going to join up with their trusted friends, squad members and clan mates and they're going to bulletrape everyone else forever.


Get fucking used to it.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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  On 12/31/2013 at 6:21 AM, ZedsDeadBaby said:

And as I point out every time some starry-eyed newmeat brings this up, there's a huge difference between the value of an individual player I know, trust and can communicate with and the value of some random schlub I've never seen before, will never see again, and can't trust as far as I can piss into the wind.


Very, very few people are ever going to just randomly team up with strangers they meet in the game. No matter how beneficial cooperation is made. No matter how rare ammo gets. No matter how dangerous zombies are. No matter what, people are going to join up with their trusted friends, squad members and clan mates and they're going to bulletrape everyone else forever.


Get fucking used to it.


Well I agree, but you're talking about playing with friends / known associates. That kind of behavior ("bulletrape"), unless you're in a group specifically trying to help other survivors is to be expected. That isn't what I am referring to. I am more referring to random lone wolves coming together (such as what the original poster appears to me to be). And I still think a strong zombie presence would reduce (emphasis on reduce, as in, not eliminate) certain types of KoS behavior.


But as I say, KoS will always happen.


For me personally, I'll still be shooting folks. Why? Because of the same reasons you listed - I don't know you, or trust you. Because it's part of the game. But I don't go down to Balota with the intent of gunning down fresh spawns. But if you wander into me while I'm searching for some loot up north, you're going to get plugged.


I know for me, when zombies become the threat they should be - I'll be waiting for those random strangers to come together, do the tough job of looting, I'll be outside of the city waiting for them to leave. Some old school banditry. But even with that said, I still would like to see strangers working together, just for sake of the spirit of the game. Whether I choose that play style myself is irrelevant, but I still would be happy to see it.

Edited by Knightmare
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Not the game for you maybe? 


The aim of the game is to survive. In any situation its better to shoot someone than not to, since once he's dead he isn't a threat to your survival. 


We in the Medical Division don't just shoot people on sight most of the time, but we always do kill every single person we can. We only kill people right away if they are armed or if they don't cooperate, everyone else we poison, give random blood, or handcuff before terminating them. Our mission can be summed up in one word- "exterminate."


We are up to 17 tonight which puts our running total at 122. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain

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I came here thinking it was about the forum.



" I'd like to discuss this in the discussion forums."



Predefined Responses:

" Stop whining."

" It's an alpha, stop whining."

" How dare you even think about breaking my immersion. "

" What makes you think anyone values your input."

" This is DayZ uninstall plz"

" You're expletive stupid for thinking X you dumb expletive."

" I have 1200 posts. 1000 complaining about the Epoch mod. This is a survival game. Except when it's not."

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