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About BlessedSyn

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    Ohhhh stop it you (✌゚∀゚)☞
  1. BlessedSyn


    There isn't much to talk about with us here on this, I'm pointing directly at server hoppers which don't leave the server in the same way as someone who is lagged out. They're on the logs differently and can be seperated from server hoppers. That is up to dean not us, however the fact remains server hoppers need to spawn away from the buildings due to being blind sided by someone who wasn'y there a second ago.
  2. BlessedSyn


    Not to mention once I CLEAR a building with my team it shouldn't have a magical guy apear in it. It should stay clear untill we leave and someone else enters.
  3. BlessedSyn


    So you want to side with server hoppers? They're my main target in this post and I'm pretty sick of them spawning ontop of me. Plus they can always set it so they spawn far enough away that if they're being chased they will be fine, or not, its just like spawning in now just YOU know that you won't be in the building anymore.
  4. BlessedSyn


    Update their mcdonalds wifi. :D
  5. BlessedSyn


    Well we didn't kill anyone yet so mehhh
  6. BlessedSyn


    So, just as a suggestion, can you have it so people cannot spawn in the buildings? Me and my friends were inside of a building (we closed the doors) and we seen a player running around outside, so we were waiting to "light him up" when he opened the door. Well little did we know that the reloading we heard (from outside in my 7.1 surround sound headphones because sounds in this game are questionable) was a guy spawning in, upstairs. So I would like to purpose that we not lot people who log out log back in at any time in some places like the prisons or even the airbase period. causes to much confusion.
  7. BlessedSyn

    This community....(kos complaint)

    I looked at about 2 lines of what you said, and I can already tell you're one of the issues in any game, not only in those 2 lines can I tell you're an overzealous pompous taint licker with maybe 1 friend and no real life social skills, please kill yourself. N stop trolling forums I have a girlfriend and she's annoying enough.
  8. Well ladies and gents, I'm getting super tierd of people shooting on sight. I really am. No warnings, no call outs to see if you're hostile or not, not communication what so ever. I won't lie even I have started to shoot on sight due to other people behing total and uder dooshbags. Even servers that have NO KOS on loggin have had more then there fair share of people doing it, and there is no place to report players, nor can you report them due to I can't see there name tag unless they type useing /. That said I have also in the past 3 days of playing not had 1 person call out to me and see if I'm hostile. I feel like I'm playing with the WoW community honestly and it's really going to ruin this game for me. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
  9. BlessedSyn

    Clothing ideals!

    Dat troll doe.
  10. In my oppinion (as a computer person) if someone has the same equiptment as you, and the game runs fine, then I would say something is running on your computer that is taking up to many reasources or! you have a virus.
  11. BlessedSyn

    Clothing ideals!

    haha! I like you, when I rule dayz ur death will be quick and painless (-̮̮̃•)۶.
  12. BlessedSyn

    Clothing ideals!

    I would LOVE to have a beret like this and the face cover! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/129/b/6/mgo_orange_beret_by_squall_darkheart-d3fyo1w.jpg This is a little off topic but, face paint wouldn't be a bad idea, I don't think anyways. http://mgohaven.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/l_270_270_02a4b7a7-fed0-4aa9-a4cb-789c0a6eac27.jpeg how you plan to put that in game is up to you but, I would sugest a makeup box with a list of face paints you could do. Put it in your hands and there could be an image of the face paints under it. could tell group memeber apart with that just saying. Different types of night vision goggles! http://night-knight.com/mgo/blog/10.jpg this only covers 1 eye so the left side of your screen should be night visioned and when you scope in on the sniper scope or whatever, after all you do only aim with 1 eye, so imo if you want it to be realisic half of the screen should be in scope and the other half should be the normal view infront of you, just an idea. Maybe a system like this? http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3063/2414050745_ee5185bf75_o.jpg So you can identify your team mates? Well not just like this obviously however maybe an icon of some sort after tagging them? (the would have to be standing within 5 feet or so and would dissapear after they went behind something. OKAY BACK ON TOPIC PLEASE!!!! A handgun holster for you waist and leg so you don't have to choose between a vest or a holster because, well, that's not a choice. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/cop-policeman-security-guard-gun-holster-isolated-15398736.jpg I wan't a duster jacket 2bh. http://www.montanawoolenshop.com/F46506.jpg I want this helmet as an easter egg D: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/295/a/6/Pyramid_Head_helmet_detail_by_CruftForce7.jpg A watch with a compas. http://gadgets.boingboing.net/filesroot/sector_compass_torch_watch.jpg I would like some like bands and stuff to so I can actualy personalize my character. http://www.loserkids.com/common/images/products/large/LKKBWA0000020.jpg That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  13. BlessedSyn

    To stop lag switchers

    So I've come into contact with lag switchers in game, They will either teleport or just dissapear and re-apear and I have also been taken out by one before, if its not to much to ask I would like something to be done, for instence when the player shuts off his internet he has to be stationary while red ping. or even completely disconnected if red pinged for more then 1.5 seconds.
  14. BlessedSyn

    Coloured markings.

    Well my idea is pretty simple, this goes into a couple things that are off topic however revilent to me point. First of all name tags, yes, name tags. However not constent name tags for obvious reasons. My first point is there are servers I have found that say "No shooting on sight (sos)" or something of that nature, that said, there should be a name that shows up of who killed you. secondly that server would need to put up a website so we can list said person. That actually has nothing to do with this so let me get into my actual idea. Now I said name tags :D which is my idea however with a special way of working, first off if you put your dot on said person you have to press said button for there name tag to pop up (press it on the person not hold it cus then you can hold the button and sweep an area to find people) and I would also say implament that at said range it automaticaly pops up, so if they're say 5-10-15 feet away they have a name tag. mainly due to i can't tell if that person is part of my group or not and I LITTERALY just had an insadent when we found someone that seemed hostile while talking to us and my friend shot him, well my other frient shot HIM and so, I ended up being the last man standing. In my oppinion this shouldn't be an issue in a game like this and I do believe fixing it would be a game changing idea due to, well no one wants to play something they can't tell there friends apart in. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)