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Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

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Kill em all....



As far as one character per server, I say no.



Just implement timers that increment based on how fast you change servers.  More than one server change in 120 seconds should lock you to that server for 15 minutes minimum.


Oh yeah, I am sure that will stop players from server hopping to other military bases... bahahahaha 

* Good joke +1  :thumbsup:

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Oh yeah, I am sure that will stop players from server hopping to other military bases... bahahahaha 

* Good joke +1  :thumbsup:

How would it not?  They'll still change servers and "hop", but it will be a lot less frequent.  Make it 30 to 60 minutes then.


The static character idea sucks.

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

That goes against all of what this game was built on. Once they add in the timer for when we want to exit, the 'in combat' check then we should be good.


Plus, i was under the impression if one server changed too often the server list would be empty? Happened to me before. Whilst a new spawn, i would try to join a server with daylight. After a while the server list would not update. I would only be able to join a server with a friend. Only way around this was to wait or reboot the PC lol. 

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How would it not?  They'll still change servers and "hop", but it will be a lot less frequent.  Make it 30 to 60 minutes then.


The static character idea sucks.


Keep in mind that traveling takes about 30 min to an hour.

* What is the better choice in getting better gear, travel for a long time or just wait for a timer.


 Not to mention the simple advantage of server hopping is not only to get better loot on the ground but you can also ambush another group of players doing the exact same thing.


As for rocket implementing a timer that long, I am not quite sure. So far from what I've heard he has said that there will be a 15 min timer. 


Locking a character to a server will fix both server hopping and ghosting of which are both doing more damage to this game than the various bugs.

Edited by Sobieski12

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That goes against all of what this game was built on. Once they add in the timer for when we want to exit, the 'in combat' check then we should be good.


Plus, i was under the impression if one server changed too often the server list would be empty? Happened to me before. Whilst a new spawn, i would try to join a server with daylight. After a while the server list would not update. I would only be able to join a server with a friend. Only way around this was to wait or reboot the PC lol. 



A logout timer is the correct way to combat ghosting, not server hopping for loot

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That goes against all of what this game was built on. Once they add in the timer for when we want to exit, the 'in combat' check then we should be good.


Plus, i was under the impression if one server changed too often the server list would be empty? Happened to me before. Whilst a new spawn, i would try to join a server with daylight. After a while the server list would not update. I would only be able to join a server with a friend. Only way around this was to wait or reboot the PC lol. 


Keep wishing, there is a reason that the private servers began to thrive over the public hive in the classic mod.

* Better security 

- White-listed communities


* Character locked servers

- No more server hopping, no more ghosting. Unless the private hive has that option available.


Of course as time progressed the private server began to spoil the community, but it still did better than the public hive.


The timer will not the fix the problem, it's just slowing down the problem instead of just fixing it.

Edited by Sobieski12

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Just add delays and limits, don't lock characters to servers because people do have legitimate reasons to switch servers. Add log-out delays and number of server switch limits. If I'm going to log off or switch servers for whatever reason I run off into the woods and hide under a pine tree, so I won't mind sitting there for 30 seconds or so. And I'm not going to find a laggy or bugged server so many times that I'd run over a daily limit of a couple switches.

Edited by Hells High

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Keep in mind that traveling takes about 30 min to an hour.

* What is the better choice in getting better gear, travel for a long time or just wait for a timer.


 Not to mention the simple advantage of server hopping is not only to get better loot on the ground but you can also ambush another group of players doing the exact same thing.


As for rocket implementing a timer that long, I am not quite sure. So far from what I've heard he has said that there will be a 15 min timer. 


Locking a character to a server will fix both server hopping and ghost of which are both doing more damage to this game than the various bugs.



There is definitely validity to your point.  It would definitely kill two of our biggest problems.



There was another idea someone posted and it was based on timers.  Basically you can switch once.  So you could still server hop, but very very limited.  As far as whether it's easier to wait for a timer or run to another location...meh...I'm never comfortable sitting still.  But that's me, others I'm sure feel differently.


I just don't really want my character stuck on one server.  If the server becomes laggy or crashes/reboots, then I'm forced to make another character.


There's got to be a better way to kill the 3 problems (combat loggers, hoppers, and ghosters) without punishing the rest of us who play in a legit manner....hmmmm.  How could this be done?

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Just add delays and limits, don't lock characters to servers because people do have legitimate reasons to switch servers. Add log-out delays and number of server switch limits. If I'm going to log off or switch servers for whatever reason I run off into the woods and hide under a pine tree, so I won't mind sitting there for 30 seconds or so. And I'm not going to find a laggy or bugged server so many times that I'd run over a daily limit of a couple switches.


Legitimate reason probably only being server population.


Other-wise people server hop for just about anything.

* Food / Water

* Guns 

* Medical supplies

* Military Gear


Why even bother to travel, when you can just server hop?

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I'll admit to having done it a couple of times after I've been killed by glitches, which I feel is fairly justified.


However, I would point out that it's actually not that hard to collect that kind of ammo legitimately. Going to the NWAF and raiding all of the barracks, the air control tower and all the tents will give a lot of ammo. There are many ways of getting ridiculous amounts of loot without any kind of exploiting.


Still not a bad idea though, might actually be worth getting a group together, camping one of the airfields on a low-pop server (cover all of the barracks and the tents, two people to each maybe) and wait. Can always empty the place while you're doing it, which gives a good amount of loot - and if you go on a loot server that restarts every two or so hours, many people will likely hop onto it - as well as the fact it restarts regularly, so you can just keep emptying it and collecting off cheaters.


A timer based system is definitely the way to go in stopping it - and would fix other problems too... The timer is easy to implement though - it's the getting it perfectly balanced that is difficult - but can only be achieved by actually trying it.

Edited by Isaaq

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I'll admit to having done it a couple of times after I've been killed by glitches, which I feel is fairly justified.


However, I would point out that it's actually not that hard to collect that kind of ammo legitimately. Going to the NWAF and raiding all of the barracks, the air control tower and all the tents will give a lot of ammo. There are many ways of getting ridiculous amounts of loot without any kind of exploiting.


Still not a bad idea though, might actually be worth getting a group together, camping one of the airfields on a low-pop server (cover all of the barracks and the tents, two people to each maybe) and wait. Can always empty the place while you're doing it, which gives a good amount of loot - and if you go on a loot server that restarts every two or so hours, many people will likely hop onto it - as well as the fact it restarts regularly, so you can just keep emptying it and collecting off cheaters.


While I approve that your playing the game legitimately, it is sadly the most ineffective way to acquire military loot.


Lets say that you just died and spawned near balota.

* All you need to do is server hop in the prison building about 3-5 times and your fully geared up. 


The time it takes to server hop server and collect gear is less than 15 min. 

* At the games current stage, the game actually discourages players from traveling.

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How about spawning zombies inside of the barracks, towers and hangars? Granted, they're easily taken care of, but shooting them makes noise and they'll deter hoppers. You're really vulnerable the first couple of seconds you log on.



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There is definitely validity to your point.  It would definitely kill two of our biggest problems.



There was another idea someone posted and it was based on timers.  Basically you can switch once.  So you could still server hop, but very very limited.  As far as whether it's easier to wait for a timer or run to another location...meh...I'm never comfortable sitting still.  But that's me, others I'm sure feel differently.


I just don't really want my character stuck on one server.  If the server becomes laggy or crashes/reboots, then I'm forced to make another character.


There's got to be a better way to kill the 3 problems (combat loggers, hoppers, and ghosters) without punishing the rest of us who play in a legit manner....hmmmm.  How could this be done?


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the timer will discourage some players. But there will always be a hardcore group of players continue to exploit this advantage until it's actually removed from the game.


If you want a current example, I'd suggest playing ARMA 3 : Breaking Point. 

They currently have this timer system in place, and while it does help prevent ghosting. People will still continue to server hop to the various military bases for gear since there is a chance that many of the bases have never been touched.


But your going to regret the timer system quickly once the game allows vehicles to the game, people will have no problem in server hopping to steal vehicles. 

* 30 - 60 min means nothing to a group of which can steal a vehicle.


Or once storage tents will be added to the game, people will just continue to server hop till they discover a someones encampment on the borders of the map.


Locking the character to the server forces people to travel, if my base was discovered by someone who traveled allot of distance on that specific server then I would say that is fair. But if my base was discovered by a player that is just server hopping, then I would utilize the same cheap tactic in finding someones base as-well.

Edited by Sobieski12
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While I approve that your playing the game legitimately, it is sadly the most ineffective way to acquire military loot.


Lets say that you just died and spawned near balota.

* All you need to do is server hop in the prison building about 3-5 times and your fully geared up. 


The time it takes to server hop server and collect gear is less than 15 min. 

* At the games current stage, the game actually discourages players from traveling.


I know man - and I can't wait for the problem to be fixed. I completely understand why people server hop - it's the smart way of doing stuff. I just don't like that that's how it works - and I'm also not looking forward to the fix... It's fairly likely they'll wipe characters when they do fix it, I think - which isn't so fun on a legit character.




* Have you heard of the term, "Don't get attached to your gear". 


I don't like that term though. It's a survival game. You're meant to want to survive as long as you can - and it SHOULD bother you when you die.

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How about spawning zombies inside of the barracks, towers and hangars? Granted, they're easily taken care of, but shooting them makes noise and they'll deter hoppers. You're really vulnerable the first couple of seconds you log on.




It's one of those things where that would actually solve the whole logging out inside the building to get free and easy loot but players would simply change their gameplan and logout outside and nearby the building. It would slow them down, no doubt but it certainly wouldn't fix it.


It's absolutely a step in the right direction that's for sure though

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I don't like that term though. It's a survival game. You're meant to want to survive as long as you can - and it SHOULD bother you when you die.



Well that is a problem in it-self.


People are so afraid of death that they will utilize any exploit in keeping their gear. I've played with a couple DayZ players on the various classic mods and the amount of excuses to use alt+F4 is quite sad. 

* The most common excuse : "There is no way that shot was legitimate, I made the right call to Alt+F4 to deny the sniper the kill"


Tbh, I've learned my lesson of not being attached to gear, after almost ever populated server in the classic mod was being nuked by hackers about 3 times a day.

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For server hopping, you could possibly implement some sort of instanced loot.


Basically when you log in, any loot that is within 100m (or whatever seems appropriate) you cannot see, but other players who were already on that server can.


Instanced loot exists in several games, as does phasing technology.


Just a thought.

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How about spawning zombies inside of the barracks, towers and hangars? Granted, they're easily taken care of, but shooting them makes noise and they'll deter hoppers. You're really vulnerable the first couple of seconds you log on.




It would not fix the problem, players would just log once they see or hear the threat in the area.


Here is how most server hoppers react to a threat.


Edited by Sobieski12
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As there is barely any loot on servers that has been up for 1+ hours, no wonder people are server hopping. Only way to get a gun is on a freshly restarted server and to find that hopping is the best alternative. Can't wait until they add respawning loot and zombies.

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Whoa, baby! Much yes. 


Whoever you were and by whatever suspicious means you acquired your stuff, thank you for not logging like a douche and for being a good sport about letting me take you and your buddy's stuff. 

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I just don't understand the fun in server hopping...


I can tear apart an entire town, and if I find a can of beans I get excited.




Maybe we should all just start camping the corners of military buiildings.

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I just don't understand the fun in server hopping...


I can tear apart an entire town, and if I find a can of beans I get excited.




Maybe we should all just start camping the corners of military buiildings.





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Just got killed by what I assume is a server hopper.


I was on my normal server, in the NWAF. I was exploring the military tents - looking for a suppressor. Someone had already emptied the place.

I'd checked the place out very thoroughly - there was absolutely no one around. The server restarted - I felt pretty lucky really.


So, I log out, back in - and spawn a little bit back from where I had been - due to disconnection. I was in one of the tents - on the end of the row (where I'd spawn if I were server hopping.) I looked up - and got shot in a face by a man sat in the corner of the tent. Just wanted to vent a little.


I get what people mean by legitimate players getting pushed to hop due to other people doing it now. The most annoying part isn't even the loot - it's having to run all the way up to the north again.

Edited by Isaaq

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I honestly think that a big part of why people are hopping so much is the fact that loot does not re-spawn. The meta-game right now is based around server restarts, and the availability of loot being directly linked with server pop, and server up time.  

If loot actually respawned, instead of thinking about all that stuff, everyone could just log onto a full server and start exploring the map.

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I honestly think that a big part of why people are hopping so much is the fact that loot does not re-spawn. The meta-game right now is based around server restarts, and the availability of loot being directly linked with server pop, and server up time.  

If loot actually respawned, instead of thinking about all that stuff, everyone could just log onto a full server and start exploring the map.


I love the fact that loot doesn't respawn though. Picking a direction to go and stopping by every house on the way is the best way to play the game.. and seeing doors already open and houses picked clean makes it more authentic. Because then I have to look at a map and go "okay.. someone has clearly been up this way... most likely they followed the road to [insert town here] so I'll cut through the woods and check out this other town.."


In the mod I could, rather cheaply I might add, walk 30m away and come back to any given location and the loot would be completely different whether it was looted or not. You never had to keep moving if you didn't want to.


I agree that the meta is what's forcing these lame players to play the way they do but I don't think the answer is changing the way loot spawns. We just need a way to prevent people from joining X amount of server in Y amount of time. People will still do it probably barring characters being saved to servers but it would be far less rampant

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