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Need an Antihack NOW¡¡¡¡

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Please devs we need a antihack i was looting for 5 days i had a mosin with large scope , more than 180 bullets..., now i loose it everything. why? because a hack shoot me with a silent shoot. i think it was with a silenced weapon but silencer dont work, so then the only way is a hacker. Im tired about loot for days and loose it in few minuts because a stupid guy who dont know to play and enjoy a survival game come and ruin my day.



So then, Please First of All PUT AN ANTIHACK. Sorry for my bad english.

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How do you know you were shot? May have been some guy with an axe or something..

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It's being worked on.


Also, just because you didn't hear the shot doesn't mean that it was a hacker that shot you - there's a bug where gunshot sounds aren't travelling as far as they should.

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You don't hear the gunshot that kills you. It was a legit kill. 

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you know the building in balota with the windows glass? i was with a friend , my friend was cover down and i was up the roof i was lying on the floor and pshiuuu to me and my friend. so then dont tell me its not a hack when the 2 shots was silenced.

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Turn your speakers up. >.>

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i have the speakers to max volume. never i got killed like this and i was killed more than twenty times, never happens to me i always hear the shoot. but today i dont hear the shoot mine and my friend.

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  On 12/29/2013 at 11:03 PM, Django56 said:

you know the building in balota with the windows glass? i was with a friend , my friend was cover down and i was up the roof i was lying on the floor and pshiuuu to me and my friend. so then dont tell me its not a hack when the 2 shots was silenced.


  On 12/29/2013 at 10:58 PM, Target Practice said:

there's a bug where gunshot sounds aren't travelling as far as they should.


If that's correct, there's your answer. Also, sorry about your character. But I honestly don't think this was hacks. Who knows? It could have been someone sniping from apartments. Those long range shots are possible.

Edited by colekern
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nevermind. days SA will turn like mod arma 2. Just wait and watch

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I wishing you were silent same like 'D' >:(

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  On 12/29/2013 at 11:07 PM, Django56 said:

nevermind. days SA will turn like mod arma 2. Just wait and watch


Yes, because it's totally not possible that you got sniped.

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  On 12/29/2013 at 11:05 PM, Django56 said:

i have the speakers to max volume. never i got killed like this and i was killed more than twenty times, never happens to me i always hear the shoot. but today i dont hear the shoot mine and my friend.

Was probably a distant aimbotter.

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what i dont understand is why people need a hack to ruin a game, we can just play and enjoy  the game of the year (for me), with a hack you got everything, see al people never understand the point of that shit. What i love of those games like dayz is tha ambient where are you at, (you need to be alert in all moments if any bandits is behind you, or someone following you) that is because i play dayz. Wherever thx guys for the reply

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It is being worked on; the forums already have a multitude of these kind of topics.



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