SploogeMcDuck 0 Posted December 29, 2013 I've been playing DayZ since the initial release of the mod, I know that map like the back of my hand and I used to fucking love the game so much. Eventually new people joined and the killing on sight started which more or less fucked up the entire experience. After about nearly year of playing I took a break for a while and just couldn't seem to get back into and enjoy the game as much but then standalone came out. So far I've loved the standalone, it does a much better job of immersion than the mod and there isn't even that much there to do yet but one thing I've noticed is that there are A LOT of players who live by the rules of being an asshole. The other day I had an axe, no food, no water, nothing really and I had just trekked from Drakon to balota to meet a friend and went inside the control tower, one guy comes down the stairs and claims friendly I lower my axe and he walks towards his two friends standing outside, they stand for a minute looking at me and then unload a pistol into my face...I've met one person who was genuinely friendly, a youtuber, I think his name was ManBearPig or something but we parted ways fairly quickly after a little chat. Really, I'm posting this thread because I want to know how you guys play, are you all around friendly no matter what the cost, do you KOS for shits and giggles, destroying all loot in the process, do you hold people up or do you just avoid people as much a possible? I've came to the conclusion that if they have a gun the best bet is to stay hidden or if they're moving towards you, seem like a threat and aren't responding to VoIP, as much as i hate doing it, take the shot. I'm actually quite interested in how people play the current game just to see how many people Call of Duty it and death match in the middle of cherno :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semipr0 402 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) My stance is generally one of two positions. 1.) The player I've spotted has a melee weapon is of little threat to me...so I make sure they can see my loaded weapon and let them keep moving, unless they're dumb enough to not keep moving. 2.) The player I've spotted is much more heavily geared than I am, and they haven't seen me at all and won't if I have my way about it. Or the optional third position; 3.) I'm dead...cause I'm not such an internet badass as to act like I can't occasionally get my shit pushed in by someone that got the jump on me...or a ladder that decided to catapult me off a roof. Edited December 29, 2013 by semipr0 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted December 29, 2013 My character is a complimentary whore in Chernarus, throwing himself at every piece he lays eyesight on. Sometimes he dies, other times he dances in the streets naked with success surrounded by others who wish to parkour in underoos. He spends majority of his 40 minute life spans unarmed frolicking into other characters testing their patience and sometimes walking away with friendships. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminal_boy 860 Posted December 29, 2013 Seen one other player so far in the couple of hours I've played.As he had a long rifle (I'm guessing a Mosin) and I had a fire axe, I backed away keeping trees between us. Judging by the way he took cover and then disappeared from sight, he either thought I was armed as well or wasn't interested in killing a relative fresh spawn.I'm still playing the SA as I did the Mod: trying to be very stealthy and see other players first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phL (DayZ) 63 Posted December 29, 2013 i try to be friendly if possible, get killed a lot obv. but i blame rather the devs than the players. after all there is no challenge besides pvp... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desryachri 95 Posted December 29, 2013 Hand gestures that's all I do sure it gets me killed most of the time but yeah few good experiences 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haruhb 1 Posted December 29, 2013 My character is a complimentary whore in Chernarus, throwing himself at every piece he lays eyesight on. Sometimes he dies, other times he dances in the streets naked with success surrounded by others who wish to parkour in underoos. He spends majority of his 40 minute life spans unarmed frolicking into other characters testing their patience and sometimes walking away with friendships. this guy ^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AP_Norris 1018 Posted December 29, 2013 I say hi, and when they raise their gun instead of saying hi back I slunk into dem bushes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted December 29, 2013 this guy ^ My philosophies are similar to that of young William Wallace only converted into a metaphorical DayZ sense, you can take my soda, but you cannot take my naked dance sessions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L-Rick 6 Posted December 29, 2013 KOS to anyone but bambis, for the bambis hold them hostage, take their clothes, feed them spray and rotten food, then execute them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semipr0 402 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) KOS to anyone but bambis, for the bambis hold them hostage, take their clothes, feed them spray and rotten food, then execute them. Man you are BEAST. Do you masturbate while you do it? You gotta have your pants around your ankles when doing this shit or you're simply not doing it right. EDIT TO FIND A GODDAMN EMOTICON TO SHOW THAT THAT WAS A VERY TONGUE IN CHEEK STATEMENT IN CASE SOMEONE SOMEHOW THINKS I'M FUCKING SERIOUS. :rolleyes: Edited December 29, 2013 by semipr0 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sooden 301 Posted December 29, 2013 Normally i back away, wave and drop some loot on the floor for them to investigate. You know, as if it was a bear encounter. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L-Rick 6 Posted December 29, 2013 Man you are BEAST. Do you masturbate while you do it? You gotta have your pants around your ankles when doing this shit or you're simply not doing it right. EDIT TO FIND A GODDAMN EMOTICON TO SHOW THAT THAT WAS A VERY TONGUE IN CHEEK STATEMENT IN CASE SOMEONE SOMEHOW THINKS I'M FUCKING SERIOUS. :rolleyes:L-Rick, <--- my virtual autograph for when you request. I have screenshot of me tied up, naked being fed spray and a rotten orange, would you like to see it? :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doctorbadsign 645 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) I've been playing DayZ since the initial release of the mod, I know that map like the back of my hand and I used to fucking love the game so much. Eventually new people joined and the killing on sight started which more or less fucked up the entire experience. After about nearly year of playing I took a break for a while and just couldn't seem to get back into and enjoy the game as much but then standalone came out. So far I've loved the standalone, it does a much better job of immersion than the mod and there isn't even that much there to do yet but one thing I've noticed is that there are A LOT of players who live by the rules of being an asshole. The other day I had an axe, no food, no water, nothing really and I had just trekked from Drakon to balota to meet a friend and went inside the control tower, one guy comes down the stairs and claims friendly I lower my axe and he walks towards his two friends standing outside, they stand for a minute looking at me and then unload a pistol into my face...I've met one person who was genuinely friendly, a youtuber, I think his name was ManBearPig or something but we parted ways fairly quickly after a little chat. Really, I'm posting this thread because I want to know how you guys play, are you all around friendly no matter what the cost, do you KOS for shits and giggles, destroying all loot in the process, do you hold people up or do you just avoid people as much a possible? I've came to the conclusion that if they have a gun the best bet is to stay hidden or if they're moving towards you, seem like a threat and aren't responding to VoIP, as much as i hate doing it, take the shot. I'm actually quite interested in how people play the current game just to see how many people Call of Duty it and death match in the middle of cherno :P To be honest dude, you were at an airfield. You should have killed the guy despite him saying he was friendly. And you definitely shouldn't have stood around waiting for them to shoot you in the face. I tend to be friendly most of the time. If you're armed though and a threat to me, I'll kill you if I can. I know some friendlies might get shot this way, but the risk is too high. Edited December 29, 2013 by DoctorBadSign Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjacalypse 551 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) I'm actually quite interested in how people play the current game just to see how many people Call of Duty it and death match in the middle of cherno :P I take everything on a case by case basis. I saw 3 players yesterday. The first one I saw around Balota, the town proper, with a motorcycle helmet and an axe. He came around the corner of a house staring straight at me. I told him I was friendly, asked him if he had any friends around. No response. I told him if I wanted to kill him, I would've killed him already. He was acting really weird, he kept sitting down, standing up, going prone, standing back up, putting his hands up. It was kinda funny but he didn't talk. I dropped some food for him but he ran off. The second one tried to sneak up on me, tried to crawl up from behind me on the ground making all kinds of noise near the Balota airfield. I shot his body full of holes and he combat logged. The next person who looked like he just arrived from the coast, I spied running around the airfield while I was in one of the barracks buildings. He walked into the barracks right into the barrel of my gun. I asked him what his name was, if he could talk, did he have a mic, was he hurt, was he alone? I tried several different languages and tried typing too. I gave him an extra canteen, some tuna and beans that were taking up space in my inventory. He did manage to type in thanks twice, but I don't think he was an English speaker. Hell, I don't know what he was. I tried german, french, japanese and thai (just for shits and giggles). I suppose I should brush up on some conversational Russian and Czech too. He was unarmed mind you. If someone had come through that door with a gun pointed at me, I probably would've shot them. Balota isn't very conducive to making friends. I'm not sure what I would classify myself as. Ambivalent perhaps. Edited December 29, 2013 by NeedsFoodBadly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semipr0 402 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) L-Rick, <--- my virtual autograph for when you request. I have screenshot of me tied up, naked being fed spray and a rotten orange, would you like to see it? :-) I really only care if the people that were doing it were masturbating at the same time. Theres really no room for halfway measures once you've gone here....its gotta be full on nutbag or nothing cause it simply makes no sense in reality otherwise. Edited December 29, 2013 by semipr0 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gamer222 86 Posted December 29, 2013 How I deal with them? Well i sometimes shoot them... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
victusmortuus 1074 Posted December 29, 2013 If I have the upperhand then I'm aggressively friendly "I'm not going to shoot you but back the fuck away and get in the corner, we'll part ways now, good luck friend". Or if I don't have the upperhand I am the nicest guy ever doing my Franky "Hey buddy :) " 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L-Rick 6 Posted December 29, 2013 I really only care if the people that were doing it were masturbating at the same time. Theres really no room for halfway measures once you've gone here....its gotta be full on nutbag or nothing cause it simply makes no sense in reality otherwise.Only one was sort of talking on direct, and he sounded like English was his 14th language, so quite possibly the other two could of been Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDayman 1 Posted December 29, 2013 I tie them up, bring them to a dark shed and force feed them all of the rotten bananas I can find. Nothing else. Just... rotten bananas. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 13 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) #Well I am genuinely friendly to people with no weapons and like helping them out or even team up . If they don't respond via chat ... I just leave . #The ones with melee weapons ? I talk to them but from a little distance and help if needed or have a little chat .If they don't respond via chat ... I just leave . #As for geared up badasses ? I just avoid them, but if they see me I just take cover and ask if friendly ... if they respond ?Well and good, I ask them to holster their weapon and do the same myself BUT if they don't respond via chat . . . a) I try to warn them and leave ...b> If no way to get out and they are aiming me ? SHOOT THAT MOFO ! Also ... how I greet ? Hey dude or Hey buddy am friendly ( inspired by Frankie offcource ) Edited December 29, 2013 by Starsandspace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
musketeer 33 Posted December 29, 2013 With current char, I've seen 2 people, both at Balota. The first one shot at me as I was leaving one of the barracks, the other had an axe and told me he's freindsly and that I shouldn't shoot him. As people have said, I don't shoot people I can better because there's no point. I already have all the stuff I need. But when moving north I generally KOS, because I don't want to be shot after finding an m4 and tons of ammo. However, if I am able to sneak up on someone, I will tell them to stay still or be shot. I may loot them, I may not. I suppose it depends on how they react to me :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MantricRoscart 0 Posted December 29, 2013 After several bad experiences, I always run like hell the moment I suspect there a other players near. If I get cornered I'll shoot back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lemonater47 11 Posted December 29, 2013 KoS is often risky. As you don't know who heard you. And bandit hunters will kill you as you murdered someone else. Not to mention other bandits. Or players who are super jumpy. Some players KoS and then get a bullet through the head immediately. As they were being followed by a bandit hunter.People gotta calm down and talk. I often yell out "don't move" several times. If they move I shoot and call them an idiot for moving. If someone yells don't move it means they aren't gonna shoot you unless you move. If they wanted to shoot you they would have done it already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zogvarn 118 Posted December 29, 2013 Basically I handle any interaction with other players in just a few ways assuming I'm solo and not with my group.. 1. Bambi: will try to help as long as they keep distance >15m, come closer and get shot. 2. Armed melee bambi: same as above except I'll watch them a bit before announcing myself to see how/if they react to others. If aggressive w/out provocation shoot them. I don't run into many bambies seeing as how I'm normally in the North. 3. At/near a Military spawn location: Free fire zone usually unless they aren't armed. If they find a weapon I assume they found ammo also and treat them as a threat. 4. In one of the northern towns: Depends really if I need food/water. If I do, I'll engage any target seen. If not sometimes I shoot, but often I just watch them. 5. Someone gets the drop on me: Depends, but usually I'll shoot unless they try to communicate over voice comms. If they talk to me I'll see how the situation goes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites