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Hey , sup survivors ? I was wondering if I can get any sort of advice on how to defend myself and how to spot people first . Cause I always find myself getting shot without even knowing where that 4.1gram piece of lead came from .

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Use alt and turn your head to look behind you. When ever i am running i am in third person turning my head and looking constantly all around.

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Turn your monitors refresh rate up if it can, helps spotting people alot! For ex on my benq xl2420te I have my refresh rate up to 144hz.

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Hey , sup survivors ? I was wondering if I can get any sort of advice on how to defend myself and how to spot people first . Cause I always find myself getting shot without even knowing where that 4.1gram piece of lead came from .


-This- video should help you set up your video settings to allow you to see as far as possible. It really does help you see others from a significantly longer range.




As for random tips, stay prone/crouched, stick close to cover or dense foliage and don't be afraid to use third person to peek around/over shit. If someone has a gun. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt, just light them up. Lots and -lots- of bad men play this game. If they can see you, they'll probably shoot at you. Never a good thing. Also, wear a decent quality headset. It usually helps with locating the direction a shot has come from...


Can't think of anything else for the moment, hope this helps!  :D  :thumbsup:

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my tip is:


1: Always get the orange bag, doesnt matter if you have a cool stylist military bag, just pick up the orange one!!


2: Always run wild and free! Its all about freedom, you're "born wild" so dont sneak, sneak are for pussies.






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1 - Stay in third person unless you're looting an item. When you have a gun right-clicking will automatically throw you into first person view, so you can zoom straight in and start firing once you spot someone. Alt+mouse drag is an absolute necessity, and far more useful in third person than first person.

2 - Trust nobody. And I do mean nobody. If you intend to scout for possible friendlies, do so when you first start the game and forgo any kind of major looting. Remain open and accepting of the very probably possibility that this method is going to get you killed multiple times before it bears fruit. Otherwise, treat everyone you meet as a possible bandit. Do not trust friendly calls, or requests for blood/help. Around 5% of help requests are genuine, in my experience. The rest are ambushes of varying size and complexity, sometimes involving explosives.

3 - Don't be afraid to camp in a good spot if you think someone is tailing you, or if you think someone else is in the area. Find somewhere difficult to see and wait. You will find as you go through the game that a massive chunk of PvP is preparation and placement. Insanely good players will be able to fight and survive on the fly, but the rest of us have to make use of what the map offers us by way of terrain and the like. And if you just want to kill people, be prepared to camp for extended periods of time.

4 - Look for aggroed zombies. Probably not as good an indicator at this stage of the game's development as it will be later/was in the mod, but nonetheless, when you see zombies haring off after nothing, it generally isn't nothing.

5 - Important: Keep your music (ingame or otherwise) EXTREMELY low. Footsteps can be detected a fair distance away if you're listening for them, especially if a player is walking over hard materials. Gunshots too. Even melee strikes, which tend to make a ricochet noise if they miss the target, though I imagine this will probably be fixed at some point.

6 - Look for good ambush spots. If you haven't got the gear to use one, or suspect someone is hiding in it, avoid it like the plague. Stay low, put buildings/foliage between it and yourself and keep an eye on it as you move away. Don't be afraid to move slowly unless the aforementioned ambush point is sending bullets at you. 

7 - Unless you're willing to risk death for gear or consumables, avoid large cities and barracks. People are drawn to them like flies to crap. Find somewhere with a lower loot yield and put in the time to empty it.

8 - Invite friends to the game, get them to play with you and watch your back. No matter how good you are, two pairs of eyes is better than one. Three pairs is preferable.

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Don't think like its a video game, think like your really there but with a better field of view. Common sense and patience go a long way.


A few examples...


Never travel directly on a road. Run about 50 meters inside the nearest treeline for cover. Don't be like Andrea on Walking Dead.


When you happen on a settlement; before you enter the area, look at the treeline for activity. If you want to be completely safe, sweep the outer perimeter before entering any settlement. Also, look at the doors...are they open or closed? If they are open, someone opened it and they might be in the area.


Protip: Shut doors after looting a building to keep an element of surprise. If someone see's an door open, internal alarms go off. You want folks looting carefree, makeing all the noise in the world.


Lack of zeds in a high profile area means they are dead, which means you aren't the first one through there. If someone has been through any area you have to think they might be there.


High ground is always an advantage, use it when you can. Also, scan every building that has ladders or roof access. Bandits use high ground religiously. Keep an eye on 2nd and 3rd floor windows.


Not sure if they are disappearing, but I'm seeing footprints on the road and not from wet feet. Something to consider.

Edited by Bennet

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Play it like someone is always pointing a gun at you.

Always try to avoid crossing open fields.

If you are looting, don't let your guard down too much, always look around you.

If you have to fire your weapon, always expect that someone will come and investigate, change positions quickly. And expect that you might run into someone flanking you.

If you see someone say, a guy that you know killed your friend etc. Someone you know is a bandit. Do not shoot unless you know you can hit him. If you shoot and you are not sure if you can hit him or not, you might just give away your possition and get shot in the process.

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Thank you all . Very useful tips, <3 all of you .

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I'd like to add;


- Don't always run for building cover, scout an area out from the trees.

- Look for open doors (means someone has looted there)

- Take high ground if possible

- crouched run is faster then normal run

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