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So I'm geared up and know how to be careful. What now?

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I mean, yes I know the game's in alpha stage, far from content completion and is still buggy, I'd just like to know what kind of things should I strive for.

After looting enough things to fill my character with weapons and means of survival, what left is there for me save helping other players, replacing my existing equipment with pristine conditioned parts, or becoming a bandit?

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Become a cranky old man in Elektro and yell at everyone who passes by to stay offa your lawn.

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As you've highlighted already - right now, not very much. I've been taking some time to just wander round and explore Chernarus - a lot of stuff has changed since the mod, so I've been taking it all in.


Once a few more key parts of the game are implemented, your options will expand a bit, but right now it's a bit of a case of 'make your own fun'.

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Since we are in the alpha there isn't alot left "to do".  So my recommendation is rather than becoming a bandit, why not explore and look for bugs.  I'm not trying to say bandits are bad, or helping players is good, those are parts of the game that will always be there.  However, assisting in finding bugs and problems will be far more beneficial to getting more content out faster.


We all want more content and more things to do, but if you feel like you've done what you can, I say, explore and find problems.  Search for the places people aren't going, and try to find bugs and issues, write them down and post them.  Be something better than just a player in the alpha.  Or, you can always just explore and look for the best places to scope areas from from helping or being a bandit.  There are alot of things you can do right now, just not alot of progression you can do right now.


That's my beans :-)

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Since we are in the alpha there isn't alot left "to do".  So my recommendation is rather than becoming a bandit, why not explore and look for bugs.  I'm not trying to say bandits are bad, or helping players is good, those are parts of the game that will always be there.  However, assisting in finding bugs and problems will be far more beneficial to getting more content out faster.


We all want more content and more things to do, but if you feel like you've done what you can, I say, explore and find problems.  Search for the places people aren't going, and try to find bugs and issues, write them down and post them.  Be something better than just a player in the alpha.  Or, you can always just explore and look for the best places to scope areas from from helping or being a bandit.  There are alot of things you can do right now, just not alot of progression you can do right now.


That's my beans :-)

I thought we bought the game to play it,not test it. Oh wait...

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You have 3 options.  Continue to survive on your own, hunting for better and better gear and hoarding medical supplies.  Even if you never use them, it's kinda fun to be a supply pinata for the lucky guy that bags you.


Option 2, become a bandit.  Hunt players.  Experience PVP.


Option 3, become a carebear.  Protect new players, give them food, water, treat their wounds.  You'll meet friends this way for sure.  But you will also meet backstabbers....


Otherwise just try to survive as long as you can, master the map, and wait for them to fix/add more :)

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Read a book.

Tom Sawyer for example.

Or you could start collecting them and do some trading.

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I am exploring Chernarus atm. I take screenshots of buggy things, glitches or ideas for better map design.

I also check possible hiding spots for later tents ;)

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I thought we bought the game to play it,not test it. Oh wait...



Sadly a lot of people think that way :(


Maybe they should just have ALPHA written over the ingame screen so people wont forget

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Explore the new areas

Go on a hike to the north and see the incomplete areas

See how long you can survive in the NWAF

Hide in the bushes near the coast and hunt bandits who are griefing "bambis"

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I nearly started a topic like this yesterday but refrained.


Part of me says: "Oh, this is alpha, don't complain about content. We're just here to test it."


And then another part of me says: "Maybe this should be brought up. What if it is an important question to ask so that the developers can work on more endgame content?"


Anyways, I guess the next thing to do is build a base once they are ready to implement that.

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Become a cranky old man in Elektro and yell at everyone who passes by to stay offa your lawn.



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I nearly started a topic like this yesterday but refrained.


Part of me says: "Oh, this is alpha, don't complain about content. We're just here to test it."


And then another part of me says: "Maybe this should be brought up. What if it is an important question to ask so that the developers can work on more endgame content?"


Anyways, I guess the next thing to do is build a base once they are ready to implement that.

The question should be "should we have endgame content at all?"


I'm partial to an unforgiving game that simply doesn't "let" you gear up.

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If I remember correctly, they stated that the endgame content of DayZ would incorporate underground bunkers and hideouts of some sort.  Sounds good to me.

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Steal pants and can openers and make a video

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Search for Bigfoot

I WOULD PAY DOUBLE!!!! They should so put that in. just for an easter egg type thing. 1 per 100 servers or something

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