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How butthurt do you get when you die in Dayz? :)

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6 actually happened to me yesterday,

well. Fully equipped me in berezino; suddenly see movement; zoom in and walk towards it to see it better.

Fall of the construction building. You are dead.

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8. Being KoSed... There is no feeling worse than the one you get after being shot by someone camping in a bush waiting for someone to shoot.

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none of the above, every time i die i uninstall my dayz, and after 5minutes i want to play again

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Are you 8?

Edited by Diddums
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6. Happened to me at the military base near Pavlovo after about 5 days. Literally had everything. R.I.P.


Normally I don't care if I die, it's inevitable, but that one actually got me mad. xD

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I spawned at the coast at three valleys, and literally 15 seconds later I met a guy with baseball bat, I waved my hand, I told him i just spawned and I don't have anything, he took out his baseball and killed me, what a cancerous faggot

Edited by Gdaddy22
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in the shipwreck I fell off and died ^^


but I am, not angry anymore. in fact im happy when I die, cause the more loot I have the more paranoid I get, and it slows me down..

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Not anymore.

After dying dozens of times with fully geared chars due to hackers, doors, gates, trees, roots, rocks, fireplaces and 5 cm high bumps in the ground, im all raged out.

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The more stuff I die with, the more I stick to the forest on the next character.  I'm turning into a hermit....

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I lost a character that had survived a gunshot wound and a broken leg which i crawled for 30 minutes to a shed that had some sticks that i remembered i passed agers earlier and had to down zombies on the way so stand up cut them down to fall back down and crawl some more ... he was a super hero he was invincible then the game decided he was too OP and glitched him off of the ship... my heart still cries for him!

He is the death so far that got me legit annoyed! 

Edited by twingunz

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6 happened to me....fully geared up, tons of food, mosin with LR scope and bipod, coming from the NW airbase on my way south to meet a friend on the coast, climbing a ladder to get to the top of a building because i thought i was being tailed, got to the top of the ladder and fell all the way back down it, died


Closed my laptop and didnt play for a couple days

Edited by Tizzle

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Had a number 6 after a server wiped my character. (known bug) Then got a number 4 after finally getting a gun and ammo again...damn this game. Right when I think "Hey they should add more content!" I remember I can't live long enough to see it...

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I finally had good gear, weapons, etc, when some dude asked me if i had some spare food. So i gave him some, he took it and kills me shouting "surprise motherfucker".


I shed a man tear for losing my gear and swore to never play again. 3 minutes later, *plays again*

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I can honestly say that I don't get mad if I am killed by another player, but when I fall of a 3 foot structure and break my leg, then a Zombie comes over for a light snack, that's when I am pissed.

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I finally had good gear, weapons, etc, when some dude asked me if i had some spare food. So i gave him some, he took it and kills me shouting "surprise motherfucker".


I shed a man tear for losing my gear and swore to never play again. 3 minutes later, *plays again*


Love those man tears. lol

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I honestly never get mad. If a player kills me I am disappointed that I allowed it to happen. If the DayZ gods decide to take me I just shrug and get to looting.

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I had full army cammo, gasmask, m4, pistol and whatever already bled 2 times and bandaged so there was less color in my screen and i got hit by a zombie which I usualy one hit kill easily with the axe but this time he got me and offcourse at that moment I had lost my medic kit a little while earlier because of desync so i franticly started to look for clothes to rip and even considered ripping my own cammo pants and actualy wanted to but nothing I found gave me the option to tear into rags... and then I was unconscious...

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