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Why is the world of dayz so static ?

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Though I agree with Op to some degree, you got to take into account that Rocket and his team is not as big as a development team as most commercial studios. Yes the alpha is really shitty at the moment, with barely any features worth getting excited over. But that's what it is, an alpha and DayZ is a game with massive scope, you gotta deal with the phase that Dean is going with the SA if you wanna see it grow. If DayZ will have combat that is as well developed as that of the last of us, it's not gonna be today, or tomorrow or next month, shit, the alpha barely showcases any features that Dean promised us to their full potential. All I'm saying we gotta wait a while for the game to become solid universe before we start shitting on Dean's priorities with the SA because I don't think adding an interact-able world and better graphics is as important as fixing the zombie ai, adding better vehicle physics or making servers stronger to handle more stress. 

Edited by landfish

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Fair enough Max.

On topic then @ OP- I think it is mostly because the Real Virtuality engine is doing a lot of everything, whereas most other game engines are created to be more specific and concentrate on a much smaller and tailored area of gameplay that you just can't get out of.

In this regard I think it does what it does exceptionally well, and it's testament to its flexibility that we're now playing on yet another variation of it.

It just didn't/doesn't need to be fully "physics based" to fulfil its intention. Most medium to large sized objects in the real world are mostly immovable when it comes to human collision contact.

Just think, we've all played games were you run past a large car tyre and the tyre slides away across the road or something equally as ridiculous. HL etc, even though fantastic.

That just doesn't happen in real life.

Now for a game/simulator like ARMA/DAYZ SA, collision based movement is only needed at a practical level, not "just" because other games have it.

There are more important and rewarding areas they can concentrate on at the moment, like zombie behaviour and finishing the map in places.

Plus, all these areas are less demanding than a huge number of bouncy objects jumping around the map.

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I for one think the Graphics are amazing. It is such a beautiful game maybe you are dying or your computer fails? 

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Minecraft has more bugs than I care to count. And graphics that are on the level of DOOM. Which still makes it a hell of a lot of fun.

Since this thread has derailed and I have given my well-thought out answer, adios.

Edited by DMZ_Sniper

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Third person cover shooters would ruin this game. I am all for locking it to first person. Third person "peeking" around the corner is an immersion breaking and horribly cheap move. Anyone who intentionally plays in first person with the current set up is putting themselves at SUCH a disadvantage.

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Lets not forget that the whole idea of these forums is discussion on the games development. Some people like it, some people dont its as simple as that but either way its discussion.

I personally like the game...i played the mod for months and months and I purchased the EARLY ALPHA standalone (which was the communitys idea btw) to help support it!!!

Now this development is just that...a development of a game that will be, its not a game yet and many many features, visuals and touches are not added. What also needs to be noted is this will be a long haul with many new incoming players that think they've just purchased a game because they're either to impatient to read or just plain ignorant (i can build flatpack furniture without instructions kinda people).

Feedback and bug reporting is whats needed, not bashing or other game comparisons.

We've already seen many differences between the SA and mod so just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Static world:

-Why is the world in the game so static.I cant even destroy a wooden fence or door, with an axe.Even half life 2 , nine years ago , had destructible wooden objects.

 You must not even look at games like crysis,battlefield,the division or infamous-second sun, which have state of the art physics.Almost every game since the last 10 years has a physic  engine to some degree, you have none, not in the slightest!!Beside of text-fade ins and opening animations for doors, there is absolute no hint of interacting with the environment.

-We are talking about a single continuous world, not a string of very small levels linked together to give the illusion of an expansive world (any loading screen in most games usually means a level change, even if it's made not to look like it, world destruction sometimes is simply not in the best interest of the game devs, most mmos out there do not allow any kind of world alteration because in a persistent world it usually means everything will be broken at any given time of the day.

What sense makes a large map, when players on the map cant even interact with objects on the map in a physical way, because the server cant handle the traffic, or runs out of memory.

Your netcode is terrible optimized since arma 2. I cant even play arma 3 with an geforce gtx 780 on high settings(high not ultra!) on most server, without heavy framedrops almost everywhere on the map.

-The RV engine is a mix of FPS and flight simulator with lines of sight of up to 10 kilometers and combat engagement distances of 300 meters with grass, realtime shadows, realtime day/night cycle and ballistic simulation, you can't have everything. Lots of players, lots of zombies, there is your framerate issue, a gtx780 isn't a silver bullet.

Nearly every action in this game from opening a waterbottle/can to climbing over a fence , drinking water, eating , fighting with an axe or your fists feels ether:


-is clipping

-incorrect animated(opening waterbottle and drinking out of it without taking of the lid,...)

-is only represented by text fade ins.

(Is it to much to ask to put animations for pumping a well, in the game, instead of fading in text.This game is not a text adventure like "myst")

MYST was never a text adventure, get your facts straight.

-has no physical impact-animation on the enemy/object, if hitting it.

(If you hit a man with an axe in the face, then his head should split. If you hit him with a dull objekt like a fire-extinguisher he should bounce to the ground asap )

Realism versus Authenticity (making the game interesting) Also, you can't have everything, again.

or most of them at the same time.

Have you ever heard of "the last of us", "mirrors edge" or "zeno clash" (plz google them if you need to see how good combat/-animations should be made):

the last of us combat:


zeno clash combat:


Zeno clash is an indie game , if you try to argue that last of us has higher production value...

Those games are good at the little that they do, but they are not trying to be everything, they made choices on what kind details they wanted.

look not even these guys having fun and they get paid for having fun at games. Look at 1:22:00 and at  1:30:40  in there stream:




-Why are the graphics so mediocre. Why don't you at least use the graphic-engine of arma 3 instead of arma 2.5.

 There are so many good engines out there, look at games like :

 -the division


 -crysis 3


 -dying light

- the witcher 3

- destiny

You made so much money with games like arma 2 , arma 3 and dayz so far. So why not invests some of that money into a good,stable  engine for dayz to give the fans something

back for their money.

Typical gamer speech who think it's all down to the "mighty" engine and that programmers are just glorified modders.. They spent years developing an engine that they know perfectly and you want them to ditch it for something they know nothing about?

Have you ever heard of proper shader use, dynamical lighting or just even bump mapping when you want to simulate the shape of a brick wall, instead of putting an absolutely flat looking  texture on the wall of a brick-building.

And do you think that those run for free on a graphic card?

Are you planing on developing this game for direct 9 + graphic cards  ?

Here are some videos for you so that you can look up at all the dx 11 features:



There is a ton of developpers that have either no interest in DX11 features, or what they need can be made on DX9 cards, why would you fix something that isn't broken? If they wanted they could jsut bump the version check to DX11 since most DX9 functions are in DX11, but why would they as it would bar entrance to anyone without a DX11 card?

Nontranceparent developmentprocess:

-Why is your developmentprocess so nontransparent. Can you at least say how many developers are working at the moment on dayz and have worked on the game in the past?

Because they do not owe you any transparency you are a customer, not a shareholder!

 You are working since almost three years on dayz now and all you have to show us is the map which alleady existed in arma 2 sligthly altered, with accessible indoor areas now, changeable clothes and an inventory and item managment system.

If you felt it wasn't enough then why did you buy it(if you bought it)? You cannot complain for not reading what's in the tin.

 I have never seen that some developer is so proud of his inventorysystem. You act like an inventory is something groundbreaking which has never done before in video game history.Nearly every itembased game has an inventorysystem in some form.

Writing a good inventory system is a royal pain in the ass, and i can speak from experience, making one that isn't clunky and does what you need it to do for the gameplay is HARD.

So plz stop this copy and paste mentality and give us something worth our money . Why would anyone buy arma 2 again for 60 dollars just because you renamed it as dayz.I don't care how you call it, at this point its still arma 2 mp with more indoor areas which look even worst than the outdoor environments from a graphical standpoint.

Then don't buy it, it even says in bold letters on the steam page "DO NOT BUY"

If you sell it on steam for 30$ as alpha version and if you planning to sell it in the price-area of arma 3 after release, then we should get at least the same quality as in other triple A titles which coast the same amount of money , which means same graphics ,same physics.

And some zombies which are not stucked in the furniture and can actually kill you, where also nice to have.

If arma2 and 3 where priced only with 20 dollars at there release date, i would not care or rage , but you where priceing them as triple A (60$) and delivering every time a very unfinishedexpirience, which was even broken to some degree and had to rely heavily on mod suport , made much money out of it and thank it to your costumors in this way by delivering this state of the game after three years of alpha.

Development cost time and money, you expect people to work for nothing for your own enjoyment?

Where did all the money went into? If you want people to pay for premium quality than you need to give them premium quality and there for you need to invest in infrastructure

like a healty amount of developers a good stable and bugfree engine,good netcode. I cant see any of that in your products.

I expect a lot of hate from the mindless fanboys :

Fanboys AND people who know a lot more about game design than you do AND people with a much lower sense of entitlement.

So dont dissapoint me.


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While I can see you're trying to be passive and undermine the "fanboy" hate, you have underestimated what it takes to create what you're asking development wise, so unless you actually have a basic knowledge of what goes in to create a game like DayZ, please leave your 2 cents in your pocket.

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never never ever compare MMOs to single player games, it simply is rubbish to do so. like comparing a family-van to a porsche and arguing "but why is this car then much faster?"... different design, different purposes.

Edited by joe_mcentire
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You should just go and create an ultimate engine on your own and show the world how much smart you are! Better shut up and be happy that you can play what they give you, because it looks like that you are not enough smart to even post on forums, complaining about engine and static world, man, wake up and think, why should you even bring out your sad opinion about engine when its simple, if you dont like it, dont play it, but dont come here to be a smartass, try not to talk shit about things that you dont have a clue how they work or just how complex they are, and like i said, use your energy to create better one, gona buy it first! Now go s.m. d. 


I just finished reading your first post and came back to tell you again, go su*k Deans beans :) i vote + for your removal from dayz forums!

Edited by Max Planck
Better stop it now.

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-Why is the world in the game so static.I cant even destroy a wooden fence or door, with an axe.Even half life 2 , nine years ago , had destructible wooden objects.

Comparing a open world game with a corridor game. Funny. :P

Static... You never blow up houses in dayz, right? You can.

You never drive a ural through the woods, right? All trees get can get down.


In HL2 two types of wooden objects can destroyed.

Wooden boxes and baricaded windows.

You can remove in dayz player set barricades.

If wooden boxes get implemented (I hate games with wooden boxes, they are 90´) than I bet you open them like in RL. (like the cars etc...)

Edited by NoCheats

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You should just go and create an ultimate engine on your own and show the world how much smart you are! Better shut up and be happy that you can play what they give you.

With that logic, I shouldn't be able to complain about Call of Duty for pumping out the same crap every year if I can't recreate MW2. Criticism(assuming its not a troll) should be welcomed and reasoned with if you don't agree with it, not frowned upon with childish personal insults that doesn't contribute to the discussion like you just did. 

Edited by landfish

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I waited til yesterday to buy the Standalone. From the short sessions i played yesterday and today i must say i like what i see. It has bugs (whoah big surprise) and the 24 € might not be justified but still the game feels very different than the mod in a good way. I love that you can enter almost every building now which gives the looting a whole new feeling imo.

Anyway i see that there is a strong foundation and i'm excited about the future of that game.


I'm surprised about the OP though, either you buy an alpha because you know what you are paying for or you don't. It's simple as that. Well everyone who is on this forum for a while should have known that people like that would come here to complain once the alpha is released.

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Graphic is nice, why would we need a new engine.


I agree to the point everything is clunky and some mechanics are an unfun experience. But this will probably change in the future. Rather work on the whole game experience instead of graphics. Content so much as possible, smarter zombies, more interaction etc.

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Please stay on topic and leave the insults, however thinly veiled they may be, out of your posts.



You should just go and create an ultimate engine on your own and show the world how much smart you are! Better shut up and be happy that you can play what they give you, because it looks like that you are not enough smart to even post on forums, complaining about engine and static world, man, wake up and think, why should you even bring out your sad opinion about engine when its simple, if you dont like it, dont play it, but dont come here to be a smartass, try not to talk shit about things that you dont have a clue how they work or just how complex they are, and like i said, use your energy to create better one, gona buy it first! Now go s.m. d. 


I just finished reading your first post and came back to tell you again, go su*k Deans beans :) i vote + for your removal from dayz forums!


Enough with the pointless insults, three days posting suspension.

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You have some good points about this game but some pretty ignorant ones too.

What a lot of people don't realise is there is a whole birth of games out there waiting to be played, don't get so caught up on DayZ if it's not living up to your expectations.

My advice would be play another game for a while and pop back here in 6 months and hopefully your opinion might have changed. Either way, don't lose sleep with this game's current build, I imagine a lot will change/be added in.

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I think the warning message on steam should be even bigger, and add this question.


Did you understand the highlighted part of the warning- Yes/No



If you don't like the game at the current state and have no ideas to make it better (because most people just complain) then play a other game you like till DayZ is finished.

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Before i start:

Plz dont answer the following questions with :"Its just an alpha!"

Its just an alpha for almost 3 years now.



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Personally, I'm waiting for the update when they add exploding barrels.

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not even going to read your sh1t.......


this is a multiplayer game. i want to see the server hardware that could run a giant non-static world with 50 players, zombies and variable loot spawning.


and to be fair, buildings in arma CAN be destroyed. just the scale of destruction is kinda high leveled. you cant destroy a fence with your fist, but you can bomb a building down.


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I don't think destructible environments in this game would be appropriate.  Maybe high powered rifles shooting through wood doors, fine.  Or even the occasionally boarded up door that requires a crowbar or axe to get through for more potential loot.  But outside of that, nothing in this world should be destructible.  And why would you want it to?  Way too much stress to handle that kind of stuff with this draw distance and map size.

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It's like you did no research on anything but want to complain about everything. I can't be bothered responding.

Hahaha, pretty much sums up what went through my mind as I finished reading the OP  :P

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The ARMA engine is like 15 years old or something like that. It's ancient with ancient features and ancient capabilities. Even the ARMA III engine is built on top of this 15 year old core engine. I would love to see them build a new engine too. I think it's time. A lot of people will defend them on this but 15 years is a long time. I agree with you on the static-ness of the game but that probably wont change at anytime during DayZs development process. 


Its a core engine issue and I really hope that BIS takes the money they make from this game and starts working on a new engine. I think their loyal fans deserve as much at this point. It is almost 2014 after all and like you said, destructible environments and physics engines are becoming standard. 


That being said I don't agree with you on the transparency of development. No company in the world is like BIS in their interaction with their community. 


They've made ALOT of money off DayZ so far. So it'd be silly of them in the future to not put a majority of that money back into the game and develop a proper engine for DayZ 2 or something.

Rocket wants realism. We want realism, so the goal is to provide a realistic real life experience. So one could assume all these will eventually be added to the game. Could take many many years, but im sure its the goal.

Edited by muggerfugger

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