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People...WTF is wrong with you?

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Ok, so firstly, I understand, that at this point, there is no real reason to team up with people, BUT, what just happened to me, is stupid, and pointless.

I spawned on the beach, started running for the nearest town, i just get into town, and get shot in the back with a shotgun, i dive for cover, get on direct chat, and tell whoever is shooting me, that i have just spawned, have no gear...they proceed to walk upto me, and shoot me while im proned, for what? my bandage and painkillers?

all they did, was force me to re-spawn somewhere else, they gained nothing...what's the point?

can someone please explain this mentality to me?

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Some people are just like that.

Stop whining about it and do what I do:

1. make sure your mic is working and you're on direct channel.

2. try and get as close to them as possible. (run zig zags and stuff)


4. If you can get close enough, run in circles around them.


I've only ever managed this once, but the guy actually disconnected. :D

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hahaha thats excellent.

im not trying to whinge, i'm not that bothered by it in the sense i lost nothing really, it was more a post trying about trying to understand the mentality behind it :)

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Some people are damaged and just want to burn the world.

essentially the cowardly bully mentality.

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trying to understand the mentality behind it :)

If you understood the mentality, you would be one of them. Be thankful that you aren't.

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Rocket said he doesn't want the game to be purely pvp. Although right now I can't help but thinking that it is.

No matter where you are, what you have in your bag, you will get shot instantly. It's like counterstrike with zombies.

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no side chat = people are more likely to treat you as a AI not a real player and just shoot whoever they see

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i'm only guilty of shooting people in the leg to make them take the hoard agro i had (thanks to the horrible audibility in 1.7.1- I thank everyone who took a bullet to the knee for me.

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Or you can be smart and do it again. ESPECIALLY IF HE HAS A GOOD WEAPON WITH RARE AMMO Go back, circle him, let him burn ammo. Die, respawn, go back, do it again. You lose NOTHING when you die with a new character, you had a painkiller bandage and a flashlight. When you respawn again, you still have those things. Each time he fires at you, hes wasting rare ammo on a target with nothing, each bullet is ensuring more and more runs back to deer stands/the killing fields that are airstrips, so don't stop, make the moron burn all his mags if you can, sprint right up to him, trail some zombies with you, hell, grab a melee weapon if you can, he will fire, cause that's what deathmatchers do.

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Its cause Dayz favors players acting like that over them working together.

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Because right now there is fuck all to do but PVP.

Zombies are never gonna be dangerous if Rocket doesn`t drastically change how they work.

The fact that you can tell there will be zombies 100% if you see a building, the zombies take only about 3 hits to the body to kill, they are slow as shit indoors, etc.

They are not a threat.

Rocket will most probably keep on adding stupid shit like bigger zombie vision, better hearing, a million hitpoints and so on while still having the retarded AI. That will not make them dangerous, it makes them annoying to deal with.

There is zero atmosphere so even hiking is boring as shit.

There are no interesting places or set-pieces- Three big towns that look the same, 2 airfields that look the same and villages that look the same.I doubt the real Eastern Chernarus is just as boring and bland as the in-game one.

Real life is not this boring.

All major fighting is in only 3 places because that is where all the worthwhile loot spawns. There is no point going anywhere else. I have top gear and I have never gone anywhere but NWAF. I have been to all the towns and seen that there is absolutely no point in visiting them.

So yeah, nothing to do and the map is boring for a zombie game.

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you do realize that chernarus is a fictional country that doesn't exist in rl? Skipped geography classes? :3

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He wanted your bandages and painkillers obviously. Once i couldn't find any painkillers for a couple of days for some reason and my screen was shaking like mad, I'd of shot you too for your starter gear. (meager as it was). It's nothing personal.

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Ok' date=' so firstly, I understand, that at this point, there is no real reason to team up with people[/quote']

I usually read an entire post before responding, as it almost always results in a more productive conversation. However, in this case, I had to stop here. Why do so many people spout this tripe?

There are many, many very important incentives to cooperative play.

All these exist already, and we're only in Alpha! We can talk about other mechanics but when you start your post by saying there are no reasons to team up, it's difficult to carry on a serious discussion with you.

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can someone please explain this mentality to me?

Maybe he/she felt there weren't enough threads here to read?

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There's a leaderboards for murders... That in and of itself makes it worth killing your useless ass.

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Due to the games popularity, it has attracted more prepubescent tryhards than ever. They will kill anyone they see. Not to mention we have more little children roaming around because of TotalBiscuit. Rocket doesn't give a shit since he apparently wants the game to be VERY realistic. So realistic that he won't bother with zombie walking through walls and doors, fixing night time, making it so you don't die in a doorway, and the zombies having the brain capacity of Einstein to open doors, and know where you are most of the time. Ignore the raging hormonally imbalanced raging fanboys in the thread. They have plenty of posts sucking Rocket Cock on here.

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I know exatcly what you are talking about.

Yesterday I tried to loot the church in Cherno after spawning nearby. I noticed the doors were closed and dead zombies were infront of it, plus I recently heard shots from the area.

So in direct chat I announced something along the lines of: "I'm about to enter the church. I'm a friendly and just spawned, have no weapon."

So I proceed to open the door and get in, just to see 2 dudes sitting there before they unload like 5 rounds each into me from their makarovs.

I really don't get why people do that kind of stuff, especially when they're dumb like that and spray their entire clip into a single person that has no weapon whatsoever.

I hope they enjoyed their flashlight though, because that was the only thing I carried at the time.

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