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About Stewiecraft

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Stewiecraft

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    I sent you a request on steam. I'm very interested. I know my way around Chernaurus and am certainly not lacking for gear.
  2. Stewiecraft

    High Value Trade?

    Go to freesidetrading.co
  3. Age: 17 Name: Steven Location: Alberta, CA Time Zone: MST Current survival record: 10 Days (I ended it by going to Cherno for a friend, FML) Reason why interested: I've grown weary of trekking the northern expanses of the map alone and most of my friends are too focused on coastline banditry for my tastes.
  4. Stewiecraft

    Thanks for the car, whoever you were :)

    This was on US256.
  5. Stewiecraft

    Looking for North American players

    I sent you a contact request as well
  6. Stewiecraft

    What is with Direct Chat?

    I was just on a server on which DC did not work for no apparent reason. It had side chat though.
  7. Stewiecraft

    Chicago 116, Where art thou?

    I tried googling many things with no success. How did you find it?
  8. If anyone knows the new name of this server, please post it.
  9. Stewiecraft

    Servers need to be regulated

    Don't say things like that. We need whiners and computer inept fools like these to be weeded out beforehand.
  10. Stewiecraft


    If you're having troubles with Fraps then the usual culprit is a blown gigaflux capacitor on your computer. You should get that replcaed.
  11. Title, in this particular case to report hacking. There's a player on Chicago 116 who keeps respawning at his corpse with all the same gear and trying to kill us.
  12. Stewiecraft

    Small group (4-5 players)

    I'm interested as well, and just happen to be near Cherno at the moment. I'm located in MST but can play any EST hours. I consider myself very experienced and I have traveled most of the map many times and have found and lost my fair share of high end gear.
  13. Stewiecraft

    Starting [Semi-Serious] Team of +/-5

    POSITION: Pref spotter/second sniper but don't see any reason why I couldn't do another EXPERIENCE: I haven't played with any serious group, only a few casual friends, but I have traveled the map extensively and gained and lost my fair share of high end gear GEAR (ideal loadout/current/past lives): I usually ran with a DMR and 1911/M9SD in my previous lives, but I'm also fond of M16 ACOG and M4A1 CCO SD. I'm hoping to trade some of my stockpiled gear for an AS50 if I can find someone to play with where I get to roll in a sniper position. Why you want to join: I'm sick of friends who want to camp Cherno and I'm looking for people who actually want to do something with the good gear we acquire What you can bring to the team: Another gun not aimed at your back. I can also record gameplay if that is needed. Timezone/playing time: 1pm - 1am EST, give or take a couple hours on any day