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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Please eliminate server restarts

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Besides the fact that loot would be non existent, the fact that your server uptime going completely overboard would make the server unplayable due to dsync.

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My server is full...all the time.


If it only reset once every twelve hours, nobody would play on it- as the loot is picked clean within two hours.


Resetting it every few hours is the only way to keep it player friendly.


Once respawning loot and zombies are added, and the game has stabilized to the point it doesn't crash after multiple hours running, sure.

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Do a lot of other people not get that the OP meant no server restarts AFTER loot and zombie respawning has been fixed?  I think the Mod had to restart servers to clean up bodies, etc, clear memory leaks and whatnot.  But yeah, it would be nice if everything respawned / cleaned up naturally without a maintenance restart every few hours.

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So difficult to have a discussion about game development on these forums. Put it in big red letters and people still ignore it and reply to the thread title.

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Server Restarts are for good reasons other than zombies/loot spawn. Without server restarts it would cause a lot errors and problems. Examples are Lag, and issues within the chernarus world.

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Edit: This is a long term thing, I understand it can't happen until loot/zombies spawn and bugs are fixed.


I know it's alpha, but I just don't enjoy them. They've become a standard practice in the mod and I hate it. Nothing kills the mood like that red text saying no message from server.


Example, today met some nice guy who didn't talk much, but we looted towns together, raided the military bases, confronted some other survivors, and then got into an intense scene at the NWAF, I was shot and passed out in one of the hangers, after 5mins I regained concousness and found my friend guarding right behind me, we regrouped and gathered our thoughts, pushed out into the airfield and flank around where I suspected the shooter to be, spotted him and took fire as I stormed the firestation he was on, turned around expect to see my friend.... red text.


I'm not saying it has to be done now or anytime even soon, but I want the goal of DayZ to have servers that run for weeks. I want to be able to drop shit in the bushes and come back the next day and it be there. I've done it on Takistan Life servers, it is possible. The only thing stopping it is people accepting any less.

The lag after just one day is unbearable...

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the problem ive got with the restarts is the military bases and such.

i mean it feels like everyone and their grandmother is running around with a Mosin or m4 because of the rolling server restarts.

this stuff is suppose to be rare but due to the extremly fast server restarts and server hopping people are gearing up like mad.


im playing on a server thats usaly on medium to full and i do get that it would suck hard trying to find food and other basic supplies without the server restarts to the point of you would just be starving to death just about all the time, wich is a problem in it self.  the map is huge and it surely feels it when your trekking cross country to meet up with friends and most of the places you hit on your way to them or if your simply going somewhere and you hit the towns /smaller villages on your way to wherever it is your going and they are basicly empty cause their allready looted shows how much of an illusion this really is.


True the map is fairly big but there is only so many spots you can hit and on a server with 30 or 40 people you can run around for hours without actually meeting someone unless you hang around the bigger hotspots.


but it also shows another problem. i get that theres suppose to be hard to get food and such but on a map this big and with so few people actually poppulating its weird how fast we manage to ransack just about every village and town / airstrip and military base.


Dont get me wrong even if i notice that people have been in there ransacking a village/town before me i usaly go in and give it another check.


i dont know its just weird is all im saying 30/40 people isent much for a map that size but yet we manage to clean it out pritty good in what 2-3 hours? dosent that feel weird at all ?

(just make sure im clear here but at the end here im talking about basic stuff such as food can openers axes etc)

Edited by Happy-

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Op I agree 100% 


Loot and spawns of zeds should not be reliant on server starts.. lol It seems so DOS.. Were in 2014 we need items and zeds to respawn on thier own. 


1 restart a month would be Ideal.

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the problem ive got with the restarts is the military bases and such.

i mean it feels like everyone and their grandmother is running around with a Mosin or m4 because of the rolling server restarts.

this stuff is suppose to be rare but due to the extremly fast server restarts and server hopping people are gearing up like mad.


im playing on a server thats usaly on medium to full and i do get that it would suck hard trying to find food and other basic supplies without the server restarts to the point of you would just be starving to death just about all the time, wich is a problem in it self.  the map is huge and it surely feels it when your trekking cross country to meet up with friends and most of the places you hit on your way to them or if your simply going somewhere and you hit the towns /smaller villages on your way to wherever it is your going and they are basicly empty cause their allready looted shows how much of an illusion this really is.


True the map is fairly big but there is only so many spots you can hit and on a server with 30 or 40 people you can run around for hours without actually meeting someone unless you hang around the bigger hotspots.


but it also shows another problem. i get that theres suppose to be hard to get food and such but on a map this big and with so few people actually poppulating its weird how fast we manage to ransack just about every village and town / airstrip and military base.


Dont get me wrong even if i notice that people have been in there ransacking a village/town before me i usaly go in and give it another check.


i dont know its just weird is all im saying 30/40 people isent much for a map that size but yet we manage to clean it out pritty good in what 2-3 hours? dosent that feel weird at all ?


Server hoppers hang out and Time all the server restarts.. Its insane that we keep playing like this.

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I know it's alpha, but-


Its a temporary solution, as in the kind of temporary solution you find in an Alpha build. If you've followed the game at all you know that Dean wants to eliminate this by making loot and zombies respawn, but this takes time.

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Server Restarts are for good reasons other than zombies/loot spawn. Without server restarts it would cause a lot errors and problems. Examples are Lag, and issues within the chernarus world.


I don't like this line of thinking because you're basically accepting a broken product. If the server is slowly breaking itself over time, that's an issue that needs to be resolved, not worked around.

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Its a temporary solution, as in the kind of temporary solution you find in an Alpha build. If you've followed the game at all you know that Dean wants to eliminate this by making loot and zombies respawn, but this takes time.


I've never really seen him talk about server up time. Having zombies and loot respawning, doesn't necessarily mean server restarts will be eliminated.

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I think the idea of items persisting after restart is great, however, I think anything dropped by a player should only persist for 3 days to a week to prevent servers from "purging" all items to reduce lag. Like an item in a building will last a week, but an item left in the woods will slowly deteriorate and last 3 days to week depending on the item. Ie a shirt lasts 3 dayz and a guns or box lasts a week. 

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I think the idea of items persisting after restart is great, however, I think anything dropped by a player should only persist for 3 days to a week to prevent servers from "purging" all items to reduce lag. Like an item in a building will last a week, but an item left in the woods will slowly deteriorate and last 3 days to week depending on the item. Ie a shirt lasts 3 dayz and a guns or box lasts a week. 


I think it should look at how many items are in a radius and clean up dropped items in that area. That way people could pile up some stuff in a remote area of the forest without worrying about them disappearing, but if you drop a ton of stuff in an area that already has a lot of loot, it gets cleaned up eventually.

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I don't like this line of thinking because you're basically accepting a broken product. If the server is slowly breaking itself over time, that's an issue that needs to be resolved, not worked around.

The servers need a restart to clear information, it's not something you can just fix

Here's an idea, someone try constantly downloading onto their computer, movies and music Ect while also watching the movies, while also opening as many programs as possible

That's what's happening to a server, a constant flow of information that needs to be sorted and cleaned up

See how long your computer lasts without turning it off, or deleting anything, no defragging or similar cleanup programs

Now stopping all these programs and deleting all the crap you no longer need and then running a defrag or cleanup is essentially equal to a server restart

Or maybe try studying a new language, have no sleep and see how long it takes you to lose your mind or lose concentration

Computers, people and servers need a break

Maybe they will come up with a solution to having no server restarts but it's far easier for them to spend 5mins cleaning up the server then constantly cleaning it up with people are playing

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So difficult to have a discussion about game development on these forums. Put it in big red letters and people still ignore it and reply to the thread title.

Perhaps because it's another thread discussing an issue that will be fixed as part of the development process and has already been announced by the devs? Or, put another way, your thread is the server restart equivalent of a thread asking for more zombies and is therefore utterly pointless as this stage in development.

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It wouldnt work. There would be no loot left in towns/cities, FPS would be at an all time low, Lag would be constant, Just no. 

Loot and zombies will eventually respawn without servers having to restart, when they finish the code.

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Pretty sure it's possible to reset a server and save you stuff, hoard w/e... But it would have to go to a specific place ... Now think of this really fast though.


Dude has a stash on the server, that stash isn't wipable.. meaning on restarts it remains, be it in a tent or car or w/e.. Ok now, take 40 people that do this on a server that repawns stuff already... That's a ton of stored data, and your worried a server being kept on for a week will lag, imagine how much it would lag if there was no hoard limit... Bottom line, there should be per player limit, kinda like your book bag, each player can store (___) items.. Now if you have buddies cool, then you have a ton of stuff...


I can't wait for this to happen, man, the war's between groups of survivors will be epic, people will fall, groups will disband/grow stronger... With that said, we will need more players per server then say 40.. I've seen some 90's but man, it's 89 bucks a month for a 40 player server.. And there aren't all your group of survivors either so it gets a little steep.

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So difficult to have a discussion about game development on these forums. Put it in big red letters and people still ignore it and reply to the thread title.

So difficult to explain to someone why server restarts are neccessary, even if zombie/loot was not spawning only on restart when he seems to have no grasp of this. Restarts will ALWAYS be there no matter what. Maybe they will be once twice a day at best, but every 4 hours isn't really an issue.

However what we DO need, is warnings before restarts.

Edited by Irenicus
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So difficult to explain to someone why server restarts are neccessary, even if zombie/loot was not spawning only on restart when he seems to have no grasp of this. Restarts will ALWAYS be there no matter what. Maybe they will be once twice a day at best, but every 4 hours isn't really an issue.

However what we DO need, is warnings before restarts.

I agree some kind of warning system should be in place for this. Especially in the case if your in the middle of dropping a weapon to get gear or maybe your making room in your back pack for something by temporarily taking things out to to rearrange things. The risk of a suddenly loosing the stuff you spent hours looking for can be frustrating lol.

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hope thay will add respawning loot soon, so you don´t have to find a new server all the time when the server restarts  

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Great! Looks like I'll be starving to death a lot more than usual....(If this was to get implemented) No loot=no guns= fuck that

Yknow theres more to this game then getting guns and shooting people. Thats why its not called DayZ of Duty

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