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Should they bring back General chat?

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I liked general chat for these reasons

1. Great way to troll people

2. Easier to find people

3. Easy way to get kills

4. Funny shot people say

5. If you're camping it's a great way to pass the time

6. People can tell you where other bandits are

But I don't want it back, although it might help friendly players find friendliest and avoid bandits then meh it might be a good idea but nah

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Playing the mod actually felt like a multiplayer game because you could read messages and communicate with other players on the server, so it didn't feel so lonely. Being able to talk whilst you play is much more fun, especially when your friends cant play. 


What do you guys think?

no they shouldnt.

if you want to team up with someone, use Teamspeak or Skype.


They will add radios and walkie talkies so you can talk to other people ingame.

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Edited by Ansssi

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walkie-talkie with a much higher range would be the best solution but not global (maybe 5km radius). There u could change channels and one would be the official.

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Should they bring back General chat?

Only with option to disable it.


Do it....

am bored as fuck when I play....full gear, fed like a pig, right in the middle of an airfield on a 30 people server...no one around for as what seems like hours.........Map is too big for the 40 people limit....it could take 250 people and still it wouldn't be overcrowded....

Need global chat to at least arrange a duel or some shit

Edited by Highlander007

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I would love for there to be General aka Side chat, I had it on my server although I did disable voice in it. But, I guess you could also have an option to just not be able to see it either for those people who hate social/troll talk. LOL

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I dont like to see the Chat in the Game. I would like it if the Chat would be optionable.

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Put big antennas in few places on the map that can be used to communicate with other big antennas.

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no general chat . in game group and clan support with their own chats yes

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While we are at alpha, yes.
For final product, no.

And for alpha just for sake its on alpha and buggy as hell from time to time, being able to talk about ingame stuff bugs and stuff would speed up development maybe.

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I vote to allow server admins to set it. Really there are days that I don't mind it and have had some entertaining conversations, but most when I'm there to play for real I don't want it. It clutters, reduces immersion, and reduces the importance of direct chat


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nope, setting a scene, and removes the point of radios entirely. 


sidechat can fuck off. 

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no to general chat, yes to radios


sound setups, in building like omniphones


and megaphones should be operational also

Edited by waffen-79

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