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server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

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if the game stops players from freely finding a server to join whenever they want this game wont sell many copies after such a change.

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if the game stops players from freely finding a server to join whenever they want this game wont sell many copies after such a change.

wha??? :huh:

when I play dayz I do sort server by ping after find nice busy one and I stay there for session maybe 2 - 3 hour never change ;)

maybe friend Skype me say 'hey come this server' :thumbsup:  :)

so I go stay there with him rest of session

only logic reason to change regular is ghost or loot cycle = exploit maybe say cheat bullshit this >:(

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wha??? :huh:

when I play dayz I do sort server by ping after find nice busy one and I stay there for session maybe 2 - 3 hour never change ;)

maybe friend Skype me say 'hey come this server' :thumbsup:  :)

so I go stay there with him rest of session

only logic reason to change regular is ghost or loot cycle = exploit maybe say cheat bullshit this > :(

or because the server i was on crashed, or the server i was on changed to night time, or i'm getting a ton of desync on this server so I move to another one. your idea is flawed and would hurt more people then it would help.

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or because the server i was on crashed, or the server i was on changed to night time, or i'm getting a ton of desync on this server so I move to another one. your idea is flawed and would hurt more people then it would help.

if server crash you can change straight away no penalty :|

or you wait 5 minute for going online again same one ;)

only guys who have problem are guys who want to swap server regular in short time period

ask you why they need to change server regular in short times period? :huh:

because they ghosting or doing loot cycle >:(

ghosting hurt too many player, for sure most player maybe every player die multiple time from bastard snipers who swapping server look for victim >:(

dayz is not game you doing quick fix 5 minute play one hour is nothing in dayz

every guy get free server hop every hour, if you don't like server move, but after wait for next one ;)


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Love it also hate it.


Should make it so joining a server from a friend is always instant. As you can only server hop once then.

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Love it also hate it.


Should make it so joining a server from a friend is always instant. As you can only server hop once then.

is good add on :beans:


is not for stop fun for honest guys :thumbsup:  ;)

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I think once they fix combat logging everything is going to calm down.


People will be afraid of logging out in the building and changing server, as they can come across other players that will very likely open fire as soon as they see them spawn, and with the logging out timer etc, they wont be able to escape which will result in death.

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I've actually been doing tests and sitting in empty servers to watch names change as i'm pretty fed up walking into places always ransacked i haven't been to a full army base in 2 days even when i run up the west side after a fresh restart it pissing me off ANYWAYS on topic doing my tests keeping in mind the 15 minute lock in thing as it has been suggested before and it wont work sit in an empty server and watch and time the hoppers are in for 10 - 15 minutes anyway so even if they are in for only 10 they won't care about 5 mins and is they're looting the bigger places like airfields i imagine they're taking closer to 20 mins. 

Just my 2 cents either way server hopping is ruining this game for me making all my trekking void.

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I like the idea a lot, for me there is only one problem. I often switch the server multiple times in the first 10 minutes because of lag, desync, or bad fps.

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The solution already exists. The combat timer/log out timer from the mod of about 30 secs combined with the cooldown period to switch servers from breaking point. This eliminates ghosting and makes server hopping for loot very inconvenient. Of course you can always alt tab out or close your program, but then you should be left in game for 30 secs or whatever the countdown timer is. 



Something like this, well the cool down timer between servers, probably wont be implemented until they figure out loot re-spawns since server hopping isn't completely unjustified

Edited by Shadyfizzle

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5 mins first then 15 then 30 and finally 60 minutes

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I really agree with the OP! Beans for that :D


In my opinion quite a nice solution, but we have to consider the reason for lootcycling...

The solution works great to prevent combat logs and ghosting, but i guess the main reason for a lot of casuals(me included ;) ) to do server hopping is to find loot. The feeling to play 3-4h and to find NOTHING on a server does not contribute to a good experience and so I found myself lootcycling, only to get some necessary stuff to survive...On the other hand, if I found a recently restarted one, I got everything I need in about 30 mins.

The solution the OP mentioned is good, but there needs to be solutions for the lootspawningsystem aswell, or casuals will just stop playing at this point.

We all want a hard game, but it shouldn´t be necessary to play a whole day only to find an axe...^^


We should never forget the reasons for things like this, because they are by no means random :D

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or because the server i was on crashed, or the server i was on changed to night time, or i'm getting a ton of desync on this server so I move to another one. your idea is flawed and would hurt more people then it would help.

Then suck it up bud, 30 minutes isn't a long time. It would solve a lot more problems than cause, trust me.

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I highly doubt there will ever be a time out restriction of any sort, a log out timer yes, a lock in for x time maybe but a lock out timer? i seriously doubt and i bet my mums virginity on it. Think about it guys seriously they've got a team of dev's that would be coming up with concepts of their own and realistically they can't do a lock out, think about how many variables locking people out effect and what about new players who don't fully understand, what they just have to 'suck it up'? no, they won't they'll get frustrated and not come back and bad mouth dayz to their friends instead of sending a positive message a lock out sends frustration which is terrible marketing. The D/C, server restarts, ping, being kicked by dick hosts, desync issues, people with not so perfect connections who don't live in the US (such as me and MANY others) and i'm sure there is many more reasons that i haven't even thought of, the pros by far do not outweigh the cons.

The dev team i'm sure has better ideas than this 'lockout' trend going on in the forums, like i said a lock in timer maybe, logout timer definitely but a lock out that physically stops you playing the game? c'mon now guys lets be a little more creative! (not that i have any true solutions)

At least when loot spawns work it won't fix server hopping BUT it will mean when i trek somewhere all the loot won't be gone from one hopper 2 hours ago so i won't notice it as much and it will lesson it's impact on my experience!

And this is all coming from someone who hates hoppers with zee passion i've even done rant threads, i just don't think a lockout timer is a feasible or even a good idea

Edit: grammar

Edited by twingunz

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I think a combination of this suggested time limit with random spawns would solve these problems. If you hop servers twice in 15 minutes you should get a random spawn point (with a warning message as you're trying to disconnect for the second time), with a cooldown of, say 15 minutes? I assume there is no way to tell the difference between a voluntary disconnect and a server crash or connection loss though.

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Theres several means of players leaving a server that can be detected:


1. Normal - Player literately clicks exit from the menu, and the client-server communication is closed properly(ie, the client sends a "goodbye" message, and then the server is "ok" and disconnects the player)

 Anyone who has ever programmed using sockets or some other higher level networking API should know how this works, but hopefully I explained it well enough for those who haven't.


2. Player Drops - This can be literately an internet disconnect, ie, there is no "goodbye" message from the client, the server no longer receives any messages and after X seconds the server will do the "disconnect" thing, but that "goodbye" message is how you can tell if the player disconnected properly, or didn't.

The downside, is if a player alt+f4s, it will result in the same thing on the server side, no goodbye message, and the player times out.

You can't treat this as a player legitimately losing connection, so you just have to treat it as if the player alt+f4d.


3. Server Drops - This could be a server crashing, or losing its own connection to the internet.

  The thing that makes this special is because servers must connect to the hive, just as clients connect to the server, if it disconnects properly, it'll send a goodbye message, just as a client would(obviously there is different messaging and security going on here then client to server, but there is always a "Safe disconnect" method).

If the hive detects a server has lost connection, it can treat it as a "Free pass" for the players connected to it.

Granted, I do not know the details on how the hive system actually works in SA, but it would be similar to this.


4. Server restarts/stops - Server is shut down for whatever reason, either for a restart or maybe its the end of the servers rent period and there is no renewal, whatever the case may be, it sends a "goodbye" to the hive and like the Server dropping, should give a free pass to the players still connected to it(it's not the players fault that the server is stopping).


So basically, the server crashing/stopping/restarting should easily be detected, and it should know all the players on that server to act accordingly.

And a player who chooses to log out properly, can also be detected, but a random disconnect/alt+f4 cannot really be detected properly in order to separate who legitimately lost connection, and who is trying to cheat the system by alt+f4ing or even physically pulling their network cable out(people DO do this, its retarded but they still do it), heck, it could even accidentally fall out, I have a friend whose network cables "clip" is broken, it doesn't happen often, but sometimes it will slip out and he loses connection with skype/games/etc, sometimes he gets it back in in time, but a lot of games still just drop out when it happens.


All this would likely be considered by the developers when they thought of solutions.

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Not gonna happen at all, the only thing that will reduce this is when there will be a loot respawn, not only when the server restarts like it is atm.

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Not gonna happen at all, the only thing that will reduce this is when there will be a loot respawn, not only when the server restarts like it is atm.

Well, that's obviously the first thing they need to add before adding anti-server hopping, especially if the corpse disappearing bug was happening(pretty sure its already been fixed for the next build though), otherwise we will be running around in servers void of loot, brawling each other in our underwear

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Meh. I'd say just a flat 5-minute relog timer every time you log out of a server regardless of how often or how little you do it.


Creates a minimum 10-minute time for ghosters to be off the server, and it doesn't really hurt players when they want to join their friends or if a server crashes.

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I think people worry too much about ghosting....


No excuses play like a champion.

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Edited by Guest

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Because there are a million reasons why you would want to switch server.


Please read my solution (link in my sig), which I think would work pretty good.

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Given the momentary state of the game this would be bull**it, straight out, couldn't call it any less. Who has fu**ing 15 minutes as a wait time to waste? I sure don't. After having disconnects very very often atm, this mechanic would get me into the proposed waiting line after about one to two hours of playing.

And please nobody bring up breaking point, that thing is crap right out the box. All your suggestions are nice people, but it needs to be implemented nicely, so you get a warning to not change servers, and then eventually - not after the 2nd change - get a slight delay, that would increase with every new serverhop, until it maybe is at 15 or even 30 minutes for the determined serverhopper.

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