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Question to every Bear Grylls in Chernarus

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So I bought the game yesterday. I'm having issues with my latency but that's fine as I already expected it (not sure why Asian servers got higher latency, I'm from SEA btw, but it's probably my net). I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Though I only managed to get one weapon on 11 hrs of gameplay, ironically I get tons of food and can openers. I have no problems with that, loving the game so far.

Being new to the game I'm still relying on the tip "head north" and I use the sun and the shadows to orient myself north. That works fine until I have to take a break, come back after a few hours and find myself disoriented cause the sun is already on a different position. Problem could be solved if I have a way of telling the time in game, do watches exist here?

Bigger problem when I come back after a few days on a different server in the middle of nowhere.

Maybe I'm missing something but using the sun and the shadows is the only way I could think of how you guys navigate your way around Chenarus, until you memorize the map of course but I'm a long way from that, lol.

Educate me. TYIA

Maybe it's just me being born in a tropical country, I have trouble distinguishing sunrise and sunset in this game. LOL

Edited by Karumalan

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It's unclear if servers are even on a normal day/night cycle at this point. It may vary depending on your server and how often there are server resets. 

The best thing you can do is try and find a Compass. With that you can always orient yourself. When you spawn on the coast, if you are near Elektro you can hit that up and then head to Berezino and eventually Northeast Airfield. If you are in Cherno, you can go north to Stary and eventually Norteast or Northwest Airfield. If you are in Kamenka / anywhere west of Cherno, head north for Green Mountain, Zelengorsk, and Northwest Airfield. 

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Sun always rises in the East, and sets in the West(ish).



The wind also always blows East.


Those are generally the things I use to guide myself around the map with.

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on the mod the clouds were always moving from west to east, not sure if it's still the same in the SA.


I'm not really sure there are major difference in graphics/lights between sunset/sunrise, anyway I'm not seeing any difference...

but generally, on the sunrise you start seeing the moon, but in the morning the moon disappear before the sun rise

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Watches did exist in the mod so i guess it's only a matter of time for them to be implemented. Finding a compass should be a priority for any new player. If you can't manage that the trick I use is to look at the clouds, they're always moving to the east (I know it's a "bit" unreal - i hope they change it). Another useful thing to do is look at the road signs at the entrances of the towns. They usually show the direction to other places.

If you're new you should probably check the interactive map: http://dayzdb.com/map

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Ohh. I see I see. Thanks guys.

On second thought I wanna learn how to navigate around without in-game tools as much as possible. #BearGrylls.
jk. I dunno, I want something reliable and always with me, I guess?

Yea, same here but like I said I get disoriented when I have to stop playing and come back after some time cause of the sunrise/sunset. I don't wanna be accidentally heading south, as of the moment haha. The wind always blows east? That's kind of an immersion killer but this is Alpha, and for the sake of exploring the map I'll use that one :D

Ah nice tip with the moon. Maybe it'll disorient me more, but I'll try to look for it next sunset/sunrise. Thanks man! :

Oh wind ditto cloud, makes sense somewhat. Same here, hope they change it

Edited by Karumalan

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Almost everyone on this game has another tab open with the map of Cherneras on it. Granted it ruins the fun but like all things people wont tell you, if you do not do it you will be at a massive disadvantage.

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find map/compass

use roads to navigate and some points on horizon eg castle tower, far away city etc

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  On 12/23/2013 at 3:00 PM, Karumalan said:

Ohh. I see I see. Thanks guys.

On second thought I wanna learn how to navigate around without in-game tools as much as possible. #BearGrylls.

jk. I dunno, I want something reliable and always with me, I guess?


Yea, same here but like I said I get disoriented when I have to stop playing and come back after some time cause of the sunrise/sunset. I don't wanna be accidentally heading south, as of the moment haha. The wind always blows east? That's kind of an immersion killer but this is Alpha, and for the sake of exploring the map I'll use that one :D


Ah nice tip with the moon. Maybe it'll disorient me more, but I'll try to look for it next sunset/sunrise. Thanks man! :


Oh wind ditto cloud, makes sense somewhat. Same here, hope they change it


Where you from dude ?:)

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The clouds don't always move East any more, FYI. I sat down up north and just watched the sky for a while the other day, and they change direction randomly. Check yourself!

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Also, the Stars on night servers are correct for the northern hemisphere and can be navigated by. Little dipper/big dipper/north star, seven sisters constellation, etc.

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Yesterday I found that the sun was very low in teh sky to the south.. which was weird to me. I even verified this with a compass I found and by comparing against online maps

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  On 12/23/2013 at 6:11 PM, dayzhopeful said:

Almost everyone on this game has another tab open with the map of Cherneras on it. Granted it ruins the fun but like all things people wont tell you, if you do not do it you will be at a massive disadvantage.


That kinda sucks but it's fine. I don't play the game to dominate the server at the moment. I'd play dota 2 if I ever feel like that but who knows man, maybe I'll start to like the whole bandit thing in the future. :))


  On 12/23/2013 at 6:46 PM, Starsandspace said:

Where you from dude ? :)

Philippines. Waiting for my buddies in the US, workmates and friends from college to buy the game but for now I'm a socially awkward survivor in Chernarus.


  On 12/23/2013 at 7:30 PM, Merrick362 said:

The clouds don't always move East any more, FYI. I sat down up north and just watched the sky for a while the other day, and they change direction randomly. Check yourself!


I noticed that too last night! Got lost, it was great!


  On 12/23/2013 at 8:12 PM, Zogvarn said:

Also, the Stars on night servers are correct for the northern hemisphere and can be navigated by. Little dipper/big dipper/north star, seven sisters constellation, etc.


Oohh I kinda know how to tell direction using the stars but I'm on the other side of the planet (no wonder I didn't recognize it was a real sky). I'll see if I can apply what I currently know or if it's time to learn a new night sky.

And I can't see the moon during sunrise and sunset, might be hiding in the trees though

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  On 12/24/2013 at 4:18 AM, Really Old Man said:

Don't worry, once you play enough you'll get a sixth sense of direction for DayZ.

This if off-topic but

Uhh your name. Did you just tell two unarmed guys in Cherno to go prone in the rooftop, then shot them in the head? Of course one of them bandaged you while you were bleeding to death. It'll be cool if you were actually that guy lol

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