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About etherfreeze

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  1. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Yes, I found some myself and have been taking them periodically though I wasn't sure of the exact results. Thanks. Forgot the Duct Tape. Didn't know that about the running shoes. Will have to try it out. I found the wiki after making the post, I didn't realize that they would update the old DayZ wiki for standalone. Definitely a good resource. I want this thread to be a bit more about explicit with information on every item and how to use them, for new players and players like myself who want to learn more about the game, despite being able to survive perfectly fine. Do they only work in buildings? I've tried setting them outside in the dark and they only make it darker if anything. Can you be more specific? Do you think something like this wouldn't be useful, do you feel like the information is all covered by the wiki, or does it not apply to you personally? Thanks for all the input everyone. I will get around to a big update with all the info you guys posted later in the day.
  2. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Yes, but they take up slots. I want to have slots they provide vs slots they take up (if you decide to put them in your bag instead of putting them on.
  3. etherfreeze

    A Few Questions

    To kill zombies without losing any blood, pretend that you're a rogue in an MMO and circle around them 1000 times spamming auto attack. ... ... Actually it works. They won't hit you unless you are facing them. If you keep circling around their backside they won't hit you.
  4. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Oh wow, I guess I just tried holding it in my hands? I'll have to try setting it down. Thanks, will update.
  5. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Weapons up next. Also would be great if anyone can confirm map combinations.
  6. etherfreeze

    Will there be a reason to stay on one server?

    If people DIDN'T server hop there would be plenty of guns and ammo to go around on each server, you might just have to get creative where you look for it, and you might not find anything when you get to your destination. I've already found a few more places where military loot spawns that did not exist in the mod, and I can't imagine one server needing more than that once loot respawns, and even the way it currently is. I play on a populated server (30-40 people) and have found certain military loot untouched, and some where people have been but couldn't take all the guns.
  7. etherfreeze

    Will there be a reason to stay on one server?

    I imagine once they implement any kind of base building ... even a basic tent, that will be reason enough to stay on one server. Of course, there will still have to be separate steps taken to prevent server hoppers from easy-looting one place over and over then hoarding it on their home server.
  8. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Added clothing. Will have to do some testing on this to confirm.
  9. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Awesome tidbit. I had no idea you could combine the fragments (hence the point of this thread). Now I wish I kept the ones I came across. :p
  10. etherfreeze

    Question to every Bear Grylls in Chernarus

    It's unclear if servers are even on a normal day/night cycle at this point. It may vary depending on your server and how often there are server resets. The best thing you can do is try and find a Compass. With that you can always orient yourself. When you spawn on the coast, if you are near Elektro you can hit that up and then head to Berezino and eventually Northeast Airfield. If you are in Cherno, you can go north to Stary and eventually Norteast or Northwest Airfield. If you are in Kamenka / anywhere west of Cherno, head north for Green Mountain, Zelengorsk, and Northwest Airfield.
  11. etherfreeze

    playing alone

    Playing alone is doable. It's a bit more tense as you are always looking over your shoulder, and need to be a bit more careful without a numbers advantage. If your thing is surviving as long as possible, avoid big cities and hit up small towns. Avoid towns with doors already open, and stay inside the treeline / off main roads when traveling. If you're more interested in getting geared up as quickly as possible, rush cherno/elektro when you spawn straight into Zelengorsk + Green Mountain military loot. You may die, but the whole ordeal will take an hour to two hours tops depending where you start - high risk, high reward.
  12. etherfreeze

    Introducing ChristmasLunch

    Welcome, As I'm sure you are aware, it's in alpha stage so there will be a lot of bugs, but hopefully you and your friends can still enjoy the game. I'm not sure what you mean by "lost inventories", but if you drop an item on the ground sometimes it takes a while for it to actually appear on the ground. I noticed this when playing with a friend and trying to trade stuff. Sometimes things drop instantly, sometimes they take up to 30 seconds to appear in the vicinity. Read the stickied threads to get some useful info.
  13. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Thanks, I wanted to try exactly that but never had all the components at one time. . Anyone else try the portable gas lamp at night only to be disappointed by the big white ball in front of them that casts no light? :D
  14. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Next up: Clothing
  15. etherfreeze

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Thanks, was just checking my inventory for the names ^^. Also found a "Zluta Malinovka".