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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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This again.

3rd person is key.

It adds a better feel to your environment that first person does not capture.

i cant stand first person.

Its clunky as hell, really frustrating trying to set my self up behind cover and peek around corners.

 just key bind camera change and switch back in forth to get best of both worlds.

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We will never see 3rd person removed because it's so engrained into the game. What I am hoping to see is it to be at least fixed to a point where it can't be used the way it's used now. Peaking around corners or over walls without risk is something that really doesn't belong in DayZ.

Yeah sure, you can say "Everyone can do it so it doesn't matter" but it's the advantage to the person peeking around that corner at that particular time that has the advantage. Not the dude that is unaware that someone is around that corner that can't see, but he can be. There is a distinct advantage there and a lot of the 3rd person advocates refuse to see this advantage.


There are lots of threads with ideas on how to fix 3rd person view and I think variations will be tried in the SA in order to find one that works. We can only hope for a fix for the advantage 3rd person gives but removal of it I don't think is the answer.

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This again.

3rd person is key.

It adds a better feel to your environment that first person does not capture.

i cant stand first person.

Its clunky as hell, really frustrating trying to set my self up behind cover and peek around corners.

 just key bind camera change and switch back in forth to get best of both worlds.

This is part of my problem as well. Moving around in first person is still very clunky especially indoors. It's way better than the mod but still not smooth enough for them to completely remove third person.

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This is part of my problem as well. Moving around in first person is still very clunky especially indoors. It's way better than the mod but still not smooth enough for them to completely remove third person.

Playing 100% first person without a good mouse, I can say I have had none of these problems with mouse acceleration and clunkiness.

Perhaps it isn't that there's anything wrong with it really, but istead a imbedded mentality telling you what you need.

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We already had a solution for everyone in the other ( big ) thread. It's useless to talk with 3rd person defender because there is no discussion, they want to keep the advantage to see everything 360* everytime and everywhere.


A lot of first person defenders offered good solutions.


But........ well, talking against walls.


The view in 3rd person is.... what the fuck, it makes me sad anyone is supporting this mechanic :( ( It's like a cheat but everyone is able to use this cheat and it encourage camping 24 / 7 behind a wall while he is watching the whole map. )

Edited by TimM1983

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Unless in first person we can see 180 then I would support the devs removing third person

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Unless in first person we can see 180 then I would support the devs removing third person


You absolutely can with the FOV slider now.


No reason aside from using a crutch to keep tpv now.

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We only defend third person because a rather small vocal minority on this forum appears to feel the need to attack it 3 times a day with a new thread.


I personally like both the FPV and TPV views in the SA. The FPV is very natural feeling and the weapon tracking feels real and connected to actual body movement which is nicely done.


TPV is nice for feeling like you're connected to your character beyond an inventory screen...which is largely why a lot of games use this view mode...to give people a sense of connection and personal investment in their characters progression via small but meaningful changes in appearance as different types of gear are gained over time.


Hardcore or not, this is a game, just like Arma 3 is a game...while also apparently a "realistic military simulator". Both have TPV and FPV as an option, use whichever one suits you.

Edited by semipr0
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Another thread on this? You guys are like some kind of wierd cult.

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You absolutely can with the FOV slider now.



oh we can? nice, so yeah 3rd person can go f itself

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You absolutely can with the FOV slider now.


No reason aside from using a crutch to keep tpv now.


The FOV slider goes to 180? Really? I don't think so. I'll test it later though

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The FOV slider goes to 180? Really? I don't think so. I'll test it later though


You sure can buddy.


It goes past 180 too you will notice this when you get a fish eye lens effect.

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I believe that 3rd person should remain, HOWEVER the view should be more over the should rather than so far back and above that you can view around and over obstacles like fences with ease. I play 90% of the time in first person(more immersion), and sometimes catch myself switching to 3rd for that advantage of being able to see around corners unrealistically because I have that option. My honest opinion is that DayZ shouldn't allow the current state of 3rd person as it allows an enormous advantage over another player. In MOST situations you cannot combat 3rd person with 3rd person..


Well known Arma player, Dslyecxi:

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My understanding was that third person was implemented to make up for the lack of peripheral vision that 1st person provides.


Regarding the OP screenshots, it makes up for not being able to pull yourself up the fence so only the top of your head pokes over, jump to see whats on the other side of the door, and stick your head around the corner so just one eye is visible. 


I know with the third screenshot you can use Q and E to lean but I find it difficult to get it so only a fraction of my face is visible instead of half my body. 

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My understanding was that third person was implemented to make up for the lack of peripheral vision that 1st person provides.

Is the extra peripheral worth the psychic abilities?

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I am pro and contra 3d person.


IMO private servers should be able to turn it on or off.


Public hive servers should keep it off, always!

Many people love 3rd person because this huge map forces the player to overwatch 360 degrees all the time.

You need to have a wide area of possible enemy locations in your view, you can barely handle this with 1st person. 


In buildings, behind objects and walls you can abuse it.

People abuse it to look around corners or windows without being in the position to see.


Best example is this guy:



So, on OR off at private servers,

Constantly OFF at public hives.

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I'm 100% in favor of 1st person servers and hive but you simple cannot use 1st person reliably until you have proper sounds. You NEED both sight and hearing to get a mental image of your surrounding, If the game cannot offer that, you need 3rd person :/

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Now I know I will be called a pussy, and I understand that, but I like 3rd person because then I get a little courage to play this game. Im a very jumpy person, and when a zombie just sneaks up on my back, I get scared a lot (Most people probably do). 3rd person helps me force myself to play it, as I feel a bit safer in 3rd person than 1st person. Nothing could be worse for me than turning around straight into a face of a zombie, and that would put me off. I know im a pussy, but that's the sad truth for me..

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Now I know I will be called a pussy, and I understand that, but I like 3rd person because then I get a little courage to play this game. Im a very jumpy person, and when a zombie just sneaks up on my back, I get scared a lot (Most people probably do). 3rd person helps me force myself to play it, as I feel a bit safer in 3rd person than 1st person. Nothing could be worse for me than turning around straight into a face of a zombie, and that would put me off. I know im a pussy, but that's the sad truth for me..


There is nothing wrong to like the 3rd person if someone is able to admit why, and you just did that. The most people want a hardcore game with 3rd person while they are not able to admit they only need the 3rd person because they have no feeling for the surrounding terrain. The argumentation "You want to see your character" or "I want to see the landscape" doesn't hold because at least the second part you can do as long you are not holding a 35 slot back, in first person.


And for the character part, I like that too... For me it's a solution to keep 3rd person but completely remove the 360* behind/through/over walls vision, this is just wrong. You can sit on the knees at every window for 2 hours watching the whole airfield / forest without being seen by anyone.

Edited by TimM1983

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There is nothing wrong to like the 3rd person if someone is able to admit why, and you just did that. The most people want a hardcore game with 3rd person while they are not able to admit they only need the 3rd person because they have no feeling for the surrounding terrain.


ALT+mouse head movement is one of the key feature of the arma engine. Once you get used to it (it DOES take some time to get used to it), you have a perfect feeling of terrain at all time. Only thing missing are proper sounds really.

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Because people like it? It's still a game.


First person servers will come. I don't see what there is to discuss.


exactly !!!


I will never understand why people always try to coerce/force they style of Game to others.

It feels like "i don´t like it so nobody have to play it, because i don´t want this!"


Why making things always so complecate?


I love Options for Serveradmins!

If you like only Firstperson then go on Firstperson Servers, if you like Thirdperson then go on Server with Thirdperson.

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I like third person in DayZ for the same reason I like it in Grand Theft Auto and don't like it in Battlefield:


1)  I like to see my character 

2)  My field of view in first person feels really restricted.

3)  I'm a pussy.  I'll freely admit it.  I am not hardcore enough to not use the telescope effect to peek over and around walls.  Although in all fairness, I feel like IRL I can peek over a wall without standing up and totally exposing myself (to sniper fire...I don't mean exposing myself by taking my pants off...although I guess DayZ allows you to do that too).

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cause playing first person in this game is like running with jelly in my eyes so i prefer third so i dont vomit everywhere. :lol:

Edited by dgeesio
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TPV break PVP balance. True story.


1. They can improve FPV but you cannot fix balance issues with TPV.

2. You have to remember that atm all FPV players are forced to play in TPV to stay alive and turning FPV severs now when most of the new players are spoiled by this broken feature is unfair.

3. You can check how your character looks like in inventory screen.


It doesn't matter if you are CoD kiddie or Uber hero saving kitties PvP is important and breaking it only because you want to stare into your avatar ass is not worth it.

Tbh I cannot understand Rocket. All the time he is talking about creating ultra hardcore zombie apocalypse experience and how he don't care about popularity but still he cannot get rid of one of the most immersive-breaking feature.


P.S. Anyone who say that it's fair because anybody can use is have no idea about what he is saying.

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Dude, you made a lot of arguments of which many sound sensible at first but mostly are bullshit. It's to much of that to be dealt with properly in this forum because the quoting mechanic is shit but maybe I will adress that later on. For now let take this one adressed to me:


1st person only server did not succeed. You're right about that. People just want to have their drugs. They don't care if it's bad for them and the people around them.


I would gladly play on 1st person servers...but not alone. There's no point in playing a MMO alone other than having all the loot for oneself. I want to interact with other players. I want to have PvP combat as well. I want to play fair. I don't want to be at a disadvantage. I want to play with friends.


It is virtually impossible to find a 1st person only server with at least a decent population wich I consider more than 10 players. 


If all the 1st persone only advocates would be hardcore enought to ditch their friends and get together on the few remaining servers everything would be fine. They're just not that much of assholes and rather put their egos behind the urges of their friends, which are demanding to play on 3rd person enabled and maybe even crosshairs enabled and whatnot or they won't accompany you on that server.


Then they try to convince the other side with discussion and arguments...how uncivilised. Who would do such an outraging thing? Discussing matters with arguments and stuff? Over and over again...with people not willing or capable to even try to understand the argument?


The problem is, there's no hope in having hope in the player base. The player base consists of "stupid children" not able to see what's better for them and all around them. So they just keep doing what their parents not explicitly forbid.


Time for some parenting. Rocket could just disable 3rd person completely and you little shits coulnd't do anything about it except for whining all day long. He just is no responsible parent at the moment though he already confirmed that there is this problem with 3rp person view enabled and that it should be dealt with. He just didn't do anything yet.


Now let's go to the realism thingy.


It's a fucking video game! The realism has it's limits. No way around that unless a major leap in technology happens an we all can log into the matrix.


BUT....everything is more realistic than having a floating camera 3 m behind and 2 m up your head. That is just the most unrealistic solution to a realism problem. It makes certain things even more unrealistic and that's PvP combat. A central thing to every game with a first person view and guns involved. A major aspect of this kind of game is not just made even more unrealistic but implausible...where plausability is a major credo for Rocket. He doesn't use the word "realistic" regarding to DayZ but "plausible" instead.


I just wish he'd finally show the balls to impose his vision of DayZ regardless of whining players as he always proclaimed. If I'd be the lead designer of a game, I would make you play as I intended and it would be right, because I created this world you are in. You cold whine all day long an I would laugh at you and suggest you should finde some game more suitable for you. Lucky for you guys I'm not in power. So I'm forced to trying to convince you guys with arguments, appealing to your intellect and decency, which basically means fighting against windmills.

I'm not good at appealing...as you might have noticed...

Yeah so my arguments are bullshit, sounds good to me.  You are surely entitled to your opinion.
The hilarious thing is how you repeat over and over about how the 1PP servers SIMPLY DIDN'T WORK. Then you hilarious end with the statement that clearly indicates you do not understand the situation.
Let me break it down for you based on your own argument:
1) 3PP is in the game because the dev team chose to leave it in the game.
2) You want to remove 3PP and force 1PP, and so refuse to play the game as intended
3) You should find a different game to play.


(Alternatively, play the game how you like and shut it.)


You don't you force them to.


Rust did the same thing recently.

It completely removed third person view because it allowed players to peek around and above cover.


The game is in alpha and even if it was released no feature or game mode is guaranteed.


Rust is a terrible early access game.  THAT is what an alpha generally looks like - lots of not awesome, boring, bad mechanics from the get go, immediately reduced playerbase.  Granted DayZ did have the ARMA engines to build off of and all the success of the mod to learn what worked and what didn't.


But seriously, that's a horrible game that likely will never leave early access.  


You don't have to force the FPV-Advocates. You just need to provide a decent environment. The problem is the "I need 3rd person view" folks which suck in entire groups.

We need to give us, the FPV lovers, some more gravity. I thought exactly this was the point of this thread. We need to organize and bunch up against that black hole of indifference.


Really?  So a small percentage of the game's community needs gravity and through a desire to enforce what they (clearly wrongly) view as the only right and proper way to play the game should be listened to... because they want to really hard!  How about you simply accept that the majority of people prefer 3PP as this is an environmental simulator and decided not an FPS.  Rocket's also running a business.  No one wants to be stuck in 1PP for running through the wilderness simulator.  It's not nearly as nice to look at, and it's not as fun.


Why not ?


Anything can be removed or added without notice.



Fixing by removal.




The only way to fix third person view is to fix the camera from the front so it shows only the front of your character .


<insert yet another Skyrim picture of front of character>


What i find hilarious by all the 1PPers with this "Here this will fix 3PP, you can only look at the front of your character" argument is this:


Every game which screen shot they used plays enormously more enjoyably when you're in 3PP behind and above your character.  PS - those games are also not PVP games.  The camera angle action in those PVE style games is so that the massive studios can show off their immense spending on art - not to balance a game in some way.




I will absolutely agree that 3PP needs work.  I'm not advocating that it's perfect.  However the removal of it would reduce enjoyment for me to the point where I'd stop playing in a minute.  There's nothing fun about 1PP for me, except in combat scenarios.

Edited by Evil_This
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