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By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

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I am entering the military encampment at Balota. I run into 2 guys, exchange our "friendlies in Cherno". I gave them some food and drink, and we chat about the best spots near-by to find good loot. But we were standing right in the open.  Oops.  As we talk, bullets start pinging around us. One guy is hit in the arm as we duck into one of the tents. As I peek out the doorway to see where the sniper is, the guy behind me gets it full in the face. His friend checks him and says he's dead. He starts to say "we can make a run for it", but as more bullets start to ping around us, I tell him that its suicide. The second I finish, he gets hit in the chest twice. Bullets are still flying around, and I see no way out. I am ashamed to say I logged. But I lived.


       Anyone got a story just as exciting, if not more? Share it below!

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I'm sorry. I had so much good loot, I didn't want to loose it. Probably should have taken my virtual death like a man.

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I tell this to everyone I come across in game.. DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR LOOT YOU WILL LOSE IT AT SOME POINT (usually as I am taking it off their corpse, or making them drop everything on the ground)


Good story up until the combat log :rolleyes:

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Welcome to the forums, I have not been in too many over the top firefights yet in SA.  I did however strip myself naked infront of two guys then guide them all the way to vybor from electro to meet with their friend then force them to cut my head off with an axe.

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I appreciate your openness and honesty and thanks for sharing your story. But dude. Don't combatlog. Might seem like the right thing to do in the heat of the moment, but I promise you, doing so will quickly turn into a habbit, and it will ruin the experience for you in the long run.


Server hopping ain't normal, but when combat logging, it is.

Combat logging. Not even once.

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I did however strip myself naked infront of two guys then guide them all the way to vybor from electro to meet with their friend then force them to cut my head off with an axe.

And you brag about it afterwards. You kinky exhibitionist you.

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I have a similar story.  First time I logged in and managed to have some daylight, so I hot-footed it toward Balota to try my luck.  I made it to the top of the tower when all of a sudden I see some guy bleeding behind me.  He immediately starts punching me, but I guess he didn't notice that I was carrying a wrench, so I clobbered him quick.  After he's down, one of his buddies tries to fight me bare fisted and gets the same treatment.  Once it's done I shake my head in disbelief while looting what little gear they had and then leave the tower and head for the barracks.  Just outside another fresh spawn comes up to me, flips me the bird, and then proceeds to box me to death.  Two good swings of my still pristine wrench ends it for him.  All that trouble and I only ended up with some gun parts and a bunch of shells.

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At least when I did log, I didn't go right back to another server. I exited the game. My heart was pounding so hard, I couldn't go back in.


   DayZ, the only game that gives healthy people heart attacks, anxiety, extreme paranoia, and worst of all, halitosis.

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You got balls for admitting it...

I like balls :D



Take my beans

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Bullets are still flying around, and I see no way out. I am ashamed to say I logged. But I lived.




Late night, just a few players on our server. Looting firestation in Cherno, hear steps, rush out with a crowbar. No one, empty. Probably bug. Go inside, gather loot and up to the third floor. Just got my first firearm in a form of first pistol with a clip and 15 bullets. Feels a bit uneasy sitting up there in the open but new pants does looks nice. Steps again, nah, bug... Steps on the ladder and the guy walks in. Sheeeeeat! Swing my crowbar and he back down to the 2nd floor. Arm a gun, he probably doing the same because he got some sort of rifle. He still there, hid behind the ladder. Not going to run. I need to prove that I mean business so unload almost full clip in his direction. Miss. Cold sweat. What do?! look outside, prone just in case. Crawl closer to ladder and look down again. Guy slowly walks behind the ladder and moves in awkward manner. I guess he tried to equip something... Oh well, unloaded last bullets and landed headshot. He is dead. Look around again. Clear! Move to a body but it disappear right before my eyes :(

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First, and last time I will log. It ruins the game.

Shouldn't of done it in the first place. The only time I can honestly see combat logging actually being acceptable is if there's a hacker in the server.

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How about add 30-60 seconds countdown after the request of log out?

This could prevent the issue

First, and last time I will log. It ruins the game.

You've got honesty, should be proud on that

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Piece of shit combat logger. That's all I have to share with you.

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Rolling with 3 of my buds this afternoon at what we have started to call the administration building at the NWAF and we were chatting about the next place we were going to go and my bud called out a guy outside the door way and to move out of the way; just as we all got around the corner a storm of bullets came flying in. I said in the direct chat; "Are you sure you want to do this, man?" , he responded with more gunfire. My squadmate took up position at the corner near the front door and said, "i can see him", meanwhile I was trying to find a window that pointed out that direction. I hear my mate downstairs sending out shots and the door bandit returning fire. A few bursts later my friend is saying; he's not moving, i'm pretty sure he's dead , but i'll hit him with a hatchet just to be sure. (LOL) We are covering my bud and he calls out to me, "hey man i'm gonna need your help with some of this loot".


This "Loot" was ridiculous.


In this guys back pack; we found 4 ammo boxes; all filled to the brim with mosin and 556 ammo

and a bunch of other first aid packs and what looked like lunch boxes filled with miscellaneous medical supplies, Needless to say we are all pretty fat right now. I myself have 200 556 rounds on me..


As for the guy we killed; he didn't combat log; but I felt kinda bad looting all this ammo and end game gear ; mainly because i'm not sure if the guy we killed had all them items legitimately or not; but even if he got them by cheating; we got them legit.

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i'm not sure if the guy we killed had all them items legitimately or not; but even if he got them by cheating; we got them legit.

My bet - you shot serverhopper.

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My bet - you shot serverhopper.

Just as likely to be a a low pop server at night gama up player or maybe just a player who has lived since the character wipe like me i have alot of loot not that much but i am packing 4 double clips(240 rounds) 1 40 round clip 2 30 round clips a medical bag and 2 protector cases with things like scopes etc in for saftey and i dont server hop (not since i found server doing night and day i like both just not all of one.


All i do is move of the coast alot of great loot spots inland and they were at one of the best then maybe he legit had them maybe he didnt as he was willing to so easily die but then i have to out of boredom before, i went fully geared (not as well as i am now butt pretty good) into the church at cherno to chase down 5 guys who were alll but one armed( he may have been armed to but just had it over shoulder hidden by his bag)


I wanted to see if i could take them out using surprise to there credit they werent to surprised i got one and may have injured another but was quickly put down for my rabbid dog behaviour( not my usual play style but again was bored and wanted to test if i was any good (not that good it turns out lol) to the guys who got me enjoy the loot maybe next time ill come in talking and we can team up LOL. :beans:

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My most heart racing moment was when I played the mod for the first time. All I had was an axe and was in a grocery store looking for shit when all the sudden I hear two people going "friendly! Friendly!, I'm friendly dude. You cool?" Followed by a pause.. Then automatic machine gun fire bursts out. They were in the back storage area of the store I was in. After the gun fire settled I carefully peaked around the door frame and see one guy leaning over a dead guy and he's bandaging, so I sprint right at him with my axe and right when I get to him he starts to turn around but I got him right in the head and took him out. Got silenced m4 from him and been hooked on the game since.

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