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Can I kill zombies fast with melee weapons other than axes?

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Hey Guys,


    I just bought Dayz standalone today and I am sort of a newbie to this game. The reason I say "sort of a newbie" is that I've watched a lot of Dayz videos on Youtube and Twitch (that's why I chose to buy the early access, simply because it's Dayz), so I know some key rules but almost nothing about on-hand gaming. 


    I wanna ask whether I can kill zombies fast with melee weapons other than axes? I know axes are one-hit-kill type, but how about the others? For example, I am now standing on the roof of a random factory-ish structure and since I joined a new server (a daytime server, found a way to discriminate daytime server from night server), there happened to be a zombie standing not far away from the bottom of the ladder. I checked and there is not other way down so I have to climb down the ladder and have a manly fight with him. All I have is a pipe wrench and since my previous character was killed by a zombie when I only had a screwdriver, I need to leave this server (which I seriously don't want to) in order not to be killed.


    I don't mind bleed a lit since I've made rags from other shirts but I do need to know if I can kill it fast (or at least faster than fists and screwdrivers) with my pipe wrench. Hope to read some replies soon. Thank you! :D




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Most the melee weapons do not supply the damage you are looking for hence why you see so many axes.  Stick to what works and evade until you get it.

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Not really. Honestly, if you don't have an axe, use fists and aim for the face. If you hit their head, they fall over, allowing you to beat them while they're down. The fists are GODLY against zombies.

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To answer the title; yes, yes you can. It is defenitaly way harder than just one hit kill and you need to aim to the head.

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I've found that if there's only one zombie, circle around and beat with a pipe wrench. I've done that quite successfully numerous times. Certainly not a OHKO, but good enough to do the job. The other option is to just run away.

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From my experience the pipe wrench will almost always knock a zombie over the first hit and the 2nd hit will kill them so its a 2 hit ko for me as for evertyhning else besides the axe, its kinda buggy and will ususally not even hit them

Edited by Ynneead

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Just don't use a knife, they're junk, fists >>>

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It's taken me a while but I am starting to get the hang of the axes. I was a killing machine with my trusty old hatchet in the mod. Here it seems that the zombies are moving much less jankily (is that a word?), but the hit algorithm seems much more random. Engaging zombies in the open is a MUCH more predictable affair now and that more than offsets their ability to run inside.



While we are thinking things hatchety;


Is there any damage difference between splitting axes and fire axes? I just go for whichever is in better condition but I feel like maybe the fire axe is stronger. I'll still take a pristine splitter over a worn or damaged fire axe.

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Thanks guys, I joined another server and met a group of three zeds, fought with my pipe wrench/fists and won the battle with serious wound. I died not long after, but it was a fun experience, now I have food and water, just need an axe to kill zeds.

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As for axes swinging wierd, don't use the raise weapon animation with them (space bar default). That throws the swing in a wierd direction. Also going into 1st person and melee attacking is a lot easier to get head shots.

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Is there any damage difference between splitting axes and fire axes? I just go for whichever is in better condition but I feel like maybe the fire axe is stronger. I'll still take a pristine splitter over a worn or damaged fire axe.


As far as damage, I'm not sure but the firefighter axe is known in the industry as a "pick axe" and you can use it to open cans.

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