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60 Hour Gameplay Feedback (Im out)

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   Thanks for letting the community participate in the alpha, after 60 hours of the current phase, i have found the following regarding mechanics, bugs will be posted elseware.


  • After wandering over half the map on full servers, i rarely found anyone, and when i did, it ended ugly
  • Found northern airfield, got geared up, still alone
  • wandered to the northern outskirts, to the castle (no loot) to the north area, and back (boring lol)
  • Died a couple times, 1. being wiped 2. Afk zombie
  • wandered the map some more, found each town to be pretty much the same
  • Learned about balota


 Now this is where i found the current metagame


  • server hopped to full gear, mossin, pistol
  • killed many players
  • died
  • repeat, with minor revision to tactics
  • made a few trustworthy friends, died to a few betrayals
  • realized it was a means to an end


 Oh, and there's a couple zombies.


Thanks again! It was quite fun, the visuals and the new experience (never played the mod). Ill check back once some major patches roll out, im looking foward to it :)

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60 hour gameplay? Wasn't the game released like 3 days ago? Do you even stop to eat or sleep?


I can understand how you would be burned out after such an insane amount of hours.


Hopefully when you come back (because you will), you'll be a bit more careful with that :)

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60 hour gameplay? Wasn't the game released like 3 days ago? Do you even stop to eat or sleep?


I can understand how you would be burned out after such an insane amount of hours.


Hopefully when you come back (because you will), you'll be a bit more careful with that :)


I either read the context wrong or you missed the point...


 I played 60 hours since i bought the game (according to steam). i found the metagame, played it for a while,  (5 hours?) made some friends, and thats about it. Saying someone is "burned out" on an alpha is like saying someone is  "burned out" from playing with a quarter full set of lego's. Alphas really are never really engineered to be fun anyways, they are the foundation on which the fun is made :)

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- Start joining servers with 30 players +.

- Don't afk in dayz!

- Stop server hopping because it's gay.

- Stop complaining about a half complete game


Thank you!

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but after they added the mod content it will be f**** awesome!

i hope they stick to the mod, not like the med system now. just implement the mod content and not anything new. if you want to change or create new stuff do it after.

Edited by kiwi12

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I call bullshit on the 60 hours. Either you absolutely have no life at all, or you just made up a number like that.


I've seen a lot of topic titles like that "[insert Big Number Here] Hours gameplay review"


Nobody cares, you don't have a bigger dick beacause you played that much hours.

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Play with friends, join a gaming community or something. Much better.

Play populated server and stay near coast if you want encounters.

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I call bullshit on the 60 hours. Either you absolutely have no life at all, or you just made up a number like that.


I've seen a lot of topic titles like that "[insert Big Number Here] Hours gameplay review"


Nobody cares, you don't have a bigger dick beacause you played that much hours.

No one will ever really know if he played 60 hours Lel. But if he did then I think he's trying to say that he's played it a lot and found some bugs. No problem with that really at all :P

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- Start joining servers with 30 players +.

- Don't afk in dayz!

- Stop server hopping because it's gay.

- Stop complaining about a half complete game


Thank you!


Whos complaining?

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I call bullshit on the 60 hours. Either you absolutely have no life at all, or you just made up a number like that.


I've seen a lot of topic titles like that "[insert Big Number Here] Hours gameplay review"


Nobody cares, you don't have a bigger dick beacause you played that much hours.

 You came and replied so obviously you do care. You are on a forum talking about an alpha, telling people they have no life..


Plz check yourself 

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Edited by Guest

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- Start joining servers with 30 players +.

- Don't afk in dayz!

- Stop server hopping because it's gay.

- Stop complaining about a half complete game


Thank you!

There was no complaining, he was giving his feedback on the game as everyone in alpha should. Even going on to state he enjoyed it and will come back when it is more complete, although i dont believe he played 60 hours.

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Some of you are as stupid as can get. He simply made a "journal entry" on his alpha play through. He tested the game(hopefully also reported the errors) and said he'll be back to a more entertaining game with more patches.


It's true Alpha's aren't really that fun, it's just a testing period to give the developers as much feed back as they need.


Everything he has said is pretty much accurate, when it comes to feedback.

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It's not really a game yet, and unless you're into running around trying to find bugs there's not much to do once you have a gun. I'd suggest playing the mod, which is more functional at this point. Knowing the map is a huge advantage to have, and ARMA2 is like 7 bucks right now. 

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   Thanks for letting the community participate in the alpha, after 60 hours of the current phase, i have found the following regarding mechanics, bugs will be posted elseware.


  • After wandering over half the map on full servers, i rarely found anyone, and when i did, it ended ugly
  • Found northern airfield, got geared up, still alone
  • wandered to the northern outskirts, to the castle (no loot) to the north area, and back (boring lol)
  • Died a couple times, 1. being wiped 2. Afk zombie
  • wandered the map some more, found each town to be pretty much the same
  • Learned about balota


 Now this is where i found the current metagame


  • server hopped to full gear, mossin, pistol
  • killed many players
  • died
  • repeat, with minor revision to tactics
  • made a few trustworthy friends, died to a few betrayals
  • realized it was a means to an end


 Oh, and there's a couple zombies.


Thanks again! It was quite fun, the visuals and the new experience (never played the mod). Ill check back once some major patches roll out, im looking foward to it :)

Pretty much the same for me , SA is missing 2 key futures mod had - tents/vehicles at least for me.Was kinda hopiung that sa will have everything that mod had and they will just keep adding new stuff.

And on top of that 80% ppl that i killed/tried loged off before i could get loot which is fucked up.


That beign said its still alpha , and game already feals great-had a lot of fun exploring Chernarus again ,once they incease server server population , add some more key feature it will be a blast.Not regreting buying it at all,even gifted copy to my friend :)

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OP: Nice feedback.


Eskel: Hopefully they will not have nearly as many vehicles spawned at once as the mod had. It cheapened the game overall when as a group you could have 3-4 trucks, a bus, 4-5 atvs, a couple helos, 3-4 cars, and a few motorcycles. Also, the tents are not needed. Takes the survival aspect of the game out of the equation. Hell, the group I play with used to hunt tent cities down by chopper, raid those tents, then set up ambushes for the owners. It was fun sure, but once you get a tent you no longer worry about getting gear cause you know you can get what you had back as soon as you get to your tent.

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  • server hopped to full gear, mossin, pistol



Just die...please.

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Pretty much the same for me , SA is missing 2 key futures mod had - tents/vehicles at least for me.Was kinda hopiung that sa will have everything that mod had and they will just keep adding new stuff.

And on top of that 80% ppl that i killed/tried loged off before i could get loot which is fucked up.


That beign said its still alpha , and game already feals great-had a lot of fun exploring Chernarus again ,once they incease server server population , add some more key feature it will be a blast.Not regreting buying it at all,even gifted copy to my friend :)


There was a 120 player server on the server list.  I don't know if they managed to get more than 40 players at once but that's what it was listed as.

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   Thanks for letting the community participate in the alpha, after 60 hours of the current phase, i have found the following regarding mechanics, bugs will be posted elseware.


  • After wandering over half the map on full servers, i rarely found anyone, and when i did, it ended ugly
  • Found northern airfield, got geared up, still alone
  • wandered to the northern outskirts, to the castle (no loot) to the north area, and back (boring lol)
  • Died a couple times, 1. being wiped 2. Afk zombie
  • wandered the map some more, found each town to be pretty much the same
  • Learned about balota


 Now this is where i found the current metagame


  • server hopped to full gear, mossin, pistol
  • killed many players
  • died
  • repeat, with minor revision to tactics
  • made a few trustworthy friends, died to a few betrayals
  • realized it was a means to an end


 Oh, and there's a couple zombies.


Thanks again! It was quite fun, the visuals and the new experience (never played the mod). Ill check back once some major patches roll out, im looking foward to it :)

To add on, I have occasionally have a extra me spawn in right beside me and just crouch near me, can't kill the thing either.

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OP: Nice feedback.


Eskel: Hopefully they will not have nearly as many vehicles spawned at once as the mod had. It cheapened the game overall when as a group you could have 3-4 trucks, a bus, 4-5 atvs, a couple helos, 3-4 cars, and a few motorcycles. Also, the tents are not needed. Takes the survival aspect of the game out of the equation. Hell, the group I play with used to hunt tent cities down by chopper, raid those tents, then set up ambushes for the owners. It was fun sure, but once you get a tent you no longer worry about getting gear cause you know you can get what you had back as soon as you get to your tent.

Ammount of vehicles varied per server , the one i played on they were really hard to come by,and helicopters were disabled since they were kind of ridicules.


As for tents you have your way of playing , i have mine..I like to have some place to store my loot , make some supplies, raid other camps.Gear you have in tents  have to be gathered one way or another ,its not magically appearing there, things like ammo/food/drink you need to ressuply often, weapons probably too if you pvp a lot.So idk how tent are removing survival aspect for you, for me its quiete opposit they add.

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I call bullshit on the 60 hours. Either you absolutely have no life at all, or you just made up a number like that.


I've seen a lot of topic titles like that "[insert Big Number Here] Hours gameplay review"


Nobody cares, you don't have a bigger dick beacause you played that much hours.

He never said anything about his dick. Why does his dick come to your mind when this post came up? 60 hours is possible, I have 55, whoop dee fucking doo. Some of us have holiday time off from work or school. So guess what? If I want to play a game for a few days because I have been waiting on it for nearly a year and a half? Who are you too call bullshit or too judge? The fucking Game fairy? I hate fucks like you that have to greet everything with hostility that IS NOT called for. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

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