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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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What hombre said!

One thought to the opening-doors-thingy: I think it would be pretty cool' date=' if you close a door, the zeds should need some time to open it. Maybe a random timer between 10sec and one minute or something (could also depend on the type of door). There could be a sound where you hear the zombies scratching and hammering the door.


Just bumping since it's a great idea.

Also,I updated to today and it's sad to see that zombies are still aggroing through walls... Have not seen then walk through them tho.

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What hombre said!

One thought to the opening-doors-thingy: I think it would be pretty cool' date=' if you close a door, the zeds should need some time to open it. Maybe a random timer between 10sec and one minute or something (could also depend on the type of door). There could be a sound where you hear the zombies scratching and hammering the door.


Just bumping since it's a great idea.

Also,I updated to today and it's sad to see that zombies are still aggroing through walls... Have not seen then walk through them tho.

Great idea

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Also' date='I updated to today and it's sad to see that zombies are still aggroing through walls... Have not seen then walk through them tho.


They walk through walls all the time for me.

Or rather they attack through the wall which launches them inside the building where they then stay.

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I wish we could sign up for email updates for when releases are made. I imagine I'd need to update the tutorials on the dayz guidez channel at SOME point.

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what is the fixing needed to wire fences or is that the unlimited thing? Also, are they going to be wiped? (the fences already on the ground)

what needs to happen asap. Allow installer to save the fences, only allow them to be installed once, toolboxes are fine for wire fences but I'm not sure about tank traps and sandbags. (you can "kick" a sandbag wall down but you cant really "destroy" it.)

They should only be removable via explosions or car hits for sandbag walls/tank traps.

Make them not reappear at each server restart after they have been destroyed. (also valid for tents) It only takes 2 seconds to remove them.

PS: Add sandbags back to the game please! I havent seen one in weeks.

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Honestly I just hope Rocket is ok. Its not like him to not be on the forums for even one day, let alone three or four.

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He has been doing live streams with interviews. He's alive.

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Thing that bugs me is, ppl crying update now now now, is proberly the same ppl who will be screaming and shouting if the update breaks things.

The Dayz team are doing more closed testing before release to us, so all dont cry "its broken, i cant play, i want my money back"

To the minority that cant wait, just go outside or something. Let Dayz team do their work.

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Also' date='I updated to today and it's sad to see that zombies are still aggroing through walls... Have not seen then walk through them tho.

[/quote']i guess some people still do not understand that zeds will HEAR u through walls, its not a bug.

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Thing that bugs me is' date=' ppl crying update now now now, is proberly the same ppl who will be screaming and shouting if the update breaks things.

The Dayz team are doing more closed testing before release to us, so all dont cry "its broken, i cant play, i want my money back"

To the minority that cant wait, just go outside or something. Let Dayz team do their work.


Woah outside? I heard about this thing. I hear there are things out there worse then zombies...I'm too scurred. Any friendlies outside?

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dont feel like reading thru the 2380+ posts, just making my mark,

i noticed trying to ditch an empty water bottle, and...something else, IT WAS SOMETHING!!...with the alice pack, and every time i dropped it behind a tree it would still show up in my alice pack... i think it was an mp5sd mag

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what is the fixing needed to wire fences or is that the unlimited thing? Also' date=' are they going to be wiped? (the fences already on the ground)

what needs to happen asap. Allow installer to save the fences, only allow them to be installed once, toolboxes are fine for wire fences but I'm not sure about tank traps and sandbags. (you can "kick" a sandbag wall down but you cant really "destroy" it.)

They should only be removable via explosions or car hits for sandbag walls/tank traps.

Make them not reappear at each server restart after they have been destroyed. (also valid for tents) It only takes 2 seconds to remove them.


There's a problem if you wipe them at Server restarts. People want to build their own Outposts and maybe claim some Towns for themselves one day. If you wipe those things on server restart i doubt someone will go through the trouble making anything besides fully loaded hidden vehicles.

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I wonder what type of offerings Rocket accepts in exchange for updates? cupcakes? roadkill? sweet whispering in his ear?

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I wonder what type of offerings Rocket accepts in exchange for updates? cupcakes? roadkill? sweet whispering in his ear?

I think he would be happy with a way to get out of my basement.


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Do you really want to have to fill those wishes if he answers :P

Id guess he accepts silence to let him and the team work

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I wonder what type of offerings Rocket accepts in exchange for updates? cupcakes? roadkill? sweet whispering in his ear?

I think he would be happy with a way to get out of my basement.


Then who is in my basement....

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I wonder what type of offerings Rocket accepts in exchange for updates? cupcakes? roadkill? sweet whispering in his ear?

I think he would be happy with a way to get out of my basement.


Then who is in my basement....


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SICK! Especially excited about the 50% reduce in infected hearing through objects and the bear traps. And the FPS improvements. Everyone loves good FPS.

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i think he travelled in time and is awaiting us on monday, trolling us with 1.7.3 :p

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I hope a future patch makes the chat an optional thing, much like third person. Have the server owners decide whether they want to have the chat or not.

I know I find that the chat makes the game a bit more lively and can be quite entertaining

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I love the fact that rocket has gone silent means he's working his ass off. Thank you in advance!

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I hope a future patch makes the chat an optional thing' date=' much like third person. Have the server owners decide whether they want to have the chat or not.

I know I find that the chat makes the game a bit more lively and can be quite entertaining


Agree, I always loved to see a "behind you" or "Who's shooting in Cherno?". Good old times. Sometimes the chat was really helpful, too. Not shooting on sight, because someone said he actually is (and was) friendly.

I love the fact that rocket has gone silent means he's working his ass off. Thank you in advance!

Or he is sick, stopped working... how do you know?

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' date=' I always loved to see a "behind you"[/quote']

You can still say behind you with direct chat.

Good old times

Seriously? The removal of global chat wasn't even a month ago and you still need a beta patch for it to be removed.

Sometimes the chat was really helpful' date=' too. Not shooting on sight, because someone said he actually is (and was) friendly.[/quote']

Global chat was more of an annoyance than anything and it is never coming back. Not only was it annoying but it also hurt immersion. I don't care about little jimmy's and little bobby's conversation over side-chat they're having cross-server. And when it comes to friendly strangers, there are actually more of them now than ever before.

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