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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Fancy slowing down the animations of the zeds a bit? They're so fast that it appears jittery it seems. Also making them run directly at you in a straight line instead of zig-zagging would be cool.

That will be happening' date=' [b']possibly along with infected running inside buildings. Again, this all needs huge amounts of testing and I am reluctant to fuck up everything given the current build is pretty stable.

Oh sweet Jesus, zombies running inside buildings...

say goodbye to headshots and melee

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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Anyway to fix zombies running speed? Right now they are running like rockets with super human speeds. Kinda ridiculous. Just buff the running speed of the player - we have to run for hours on this big map.

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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Anyway to fix zombies running speed? Right now they are running like rockets with super human speeds. Kinda ridiculous. Just buff the running speed of the player - we have to run for hours on this big map.

you're kidding, right?

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It feels like the vehicle spawn needs to be tripled or even quadrupled.

80+ hours and I've found one vehicle, a tractor. And I definitely can't say the same for my friend who has logged about the same amount of time but has seen zero vehicles.

If I played 2 hours a day, I would find one vehicle every 40 days at best. Good gravy. And that's being optimistic, like I said my buddy has found 0 vehicles in roughly the same 80 hours...

The vehicle patch apparently didn't reduce hoarding enough. :(

One should not have to roam the edge/outskirts of the map to have -any- chance of finding a vech. I actually super lucked out when I found that tractor at the top of a hill, didn't think I was EVER going to find a vehicle in this game unless I stumbled upon some packrat's vehicle collection.

And it's not like extra vehicles are going to break the game either, just make 80-90% of them need repairs from spawn. If you really wanted you could also make vehicles consume more fuel on use to counterbalance having more vehicles.

In short: It'd be nice to find a useable/repairable vehicle more than once every couple months.

Please up the vehicle spawn. Seriously, who wouldn't want more vehicles? And maybe to prevent hoarding you could implement some sort of vehicle spawn reset if 3+ idle vehicles were within about 2 km of eachother (must be idle and not in use). Obviously you have more pressing matters like performance tweaks and such that I too agree are of more concern, but when you have time, I'm sure a lot of players would appreciate some vehicle changes.

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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Care to elaborate? I've been in the process of using wire kits to make a base for my friends and I. So I'm very curious, this interests me greatly as it could greatly effect the work I have already put in as well as other plans I have with setting up a defensible base for my friends and I

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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Care to elaborate? I've been in the process of using wire kits to make a base for my friends and I. So I'm very curious, this interests me greatly as it could greatly effect the work I have already put in as well as other plans I have with setting up a defensible base for my friends and I

If I'm correct, he plans to drop the spawn rate of them...you should be okay if you already have the kits

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It feels like the vehicle spawn needs to be tripled or even quadrupled.

80+ hours and I've found one vehicle' date=' a tractor. And I definitely can't say the same for my friend who has logged about the same amount of time but has seen zero vehicles.

If I played 2 hours a day, I would find one vehicle every 40 days at best. Good gravy. And that's being optimistic, like I said my buddy has found 0 vehicles in roughly the same 80 hours...

The vehicle patch apparently didn't reduce hoarding enough. :(

One should not have to roam the edge/outskirts of the map to have -any- chance of finding a vech. I actually super lucked out when I found that tractor at the top of a hill, didn't think I was EVER going to find a vehicle in this game unless I stumbled upon some packrat's vehicle collection.

And it's not like extra vehicles are going to break the game either, just make 80-90% of them need repairs from spawn. If you really wanted you could also make vehicles consume more fuel on use to counterbalance having more vehicles.

In short: It'd be nice to find a useable/repairable vehicle more than once every couple months.


same here man. I managed to find a ride for the first time while playing with a friend and after we logged off, It just disappeared.. we rode the whole north side of the map. went into towns, looking for ppl who needs a ride. we parked it to a public place. we didnt hide it. some of those ppl hoarding stuff outside of the map took it. not cool.. cars and other stuff like tents should be destroyed so they can respawn @server when restarts.

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Zombies running inside buildings... Seriously? Their max speed had better be halved then.

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I've also revised the infected spawning methods' date=' it feels much smoother to me as well now.[/quote']

When the infected just appear in front of us, it's a little rough. maybe they could spawn always in prone position.

It doesn't matter. There is a bug when zeds leave from prone to standing or crouch to standing that the "standing up" has no attack animation, but still hit you for an amount of damage, as long as you're close to them. It's like when they stand up, they headbutt you and you get hurt. Awkward enough, I hope that gets fixed.

Something like:

xD jk

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Zombies running inside buildings... Seriously? Their max speed had better be halved then.

If they don't move at least slightly slower indoors you will never be able to hide from them or "lose" them anymore, running through a building with more than one exit is really the only reliable way of losing zombies ATM.

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Kiting the zombies up steep hills is an easy way to LOS and lose 'em. Or step on a dock, and watch them go in the deep end of the pool where you can now safely run away as they try to swim back to shore. Stairs are also decent to get shots off from, I don't think zombies could run up stairs even if they could run in buildings.

But yes please read my post about vehicle spawns in page 121, ty. :p

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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Anyway to fix zombies running speed? Right now they are running like rockets with super human speeds. Kinda ridiculous. Just buff the running speed of the player - we have to run for hours on this big map.

you're kidding, right?

Another elitist hardcore pro ? Get off my face.

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I am for the extreme buff of zeds, with their current state, they are not a problem, not even in huge packs of 30+, they do not pose large enough of a threat to be of any concern. If the zeds were more dangerous, it may help alleviate all the pvp that is taking place in the southern cities. Every survivor you come across attacks you if they have a means to, every one that doesn't, runs until he/she finds one, then proceeds to shoot you. There is no atmosphere of teamwork present. It has become a deathmatch that never ceases.

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I am for the extreme buff of zeds' date=' with their current state, they are not a problem, not even in huge packs of 30+, they do not pose large enough of a threat to be of any concern. If the zeds were more dangerous, it may help alleviate all the pvp that is taking place in the southern cities. Every survivor you come across attacks you if they have a means to, every one that doesn't, runs until he/she finds one, then proceeds to shoot you. There is no atmosphere of teamwork present. It has become a deathmatch that never ceases.



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I will deal with wire fences in the update.

Failed closed testing on some issues' date=' working on them now. I personally think the infected behavior is much better, but we'll need to see how it goes with people to see what further balancing it needs. I'm noticing a much better performance, anyway.


Anyway to fix zombies running speed? Right now they are running like rockets with super human speeds. Kinda ridiculous. Just buff the running speed of the player - we have to run for hours on this big map.

you're kidding, right?

Another elitist hardcore pro ? Get off my face.

Seeing zombies run like if they were in a benny hill movie is retarded, if players ran at that speed too it would be extra retarded...

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Is there an ETA on 1.7.2 or is it just when you're done with it?

he stated that every post asking when it will be out will delay it another 6 hours.

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Seeing zombies run like if they were in a benny hill movie is retarded' date=' if players ran at that speed too it would be extra retarded...


Who cares how does it look? If you a server hopping camper ofc you dont want it. If you'd actually played normally, running for 20 min isnt fun

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We don't need moar run speed, we need more vehimicles! So non-clannies can have a ride once in a blue moon too. See post on pg 121 for more details.

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Great work Rocket, easily one of my best gaming experiences to date.

Please consider my beach loot idea, link in the signature. I think it would add interest for players to return to the beach and give new spawners a slim but possible chance of finding supplies.

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i am a fan of big slow hordes of zombies that had many art of walking........

i am a fan of hide and seek

i am a fan of "the walking dead" and "MGS 3 snake eater"

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