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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP).


Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective).

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Will repeat until fixed:

Dead body sound is bugged.

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BTW I was driving a car with my friend inside when suddenly car disappear and appear on road few meters from each other.

Look at last save vehicle location but it just disappear in thin air.

Lost many stuff and a car.

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* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP).


Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective).

If this is implemented for the 7.62x51 NATO mags, it'd be great. Could switch the DMR mags for FAL mags that aren't on the regular loot tables for some reason.

I think suppressed M4's should be able to use non-SD mags, but the benefits of the suppressor would be rendered useless when in use.

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* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP).


Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective).

But you also have to consider that different weapons have different damage values assigned to them. The Makarov and Bizon do use the same ammunition but the damage caused by the Bizon is much greater than the Makarov. I understand the idea but it could make those with Bizons extremely OP if they could waste as much ammo as they wanted if all they have to do is convert Makarov magazines.

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Barbed wire should be a barrier for zeds, who are stupid, not humans who are (usually) resourceful (e.g I would throw my jacket on it and climb over it, or smash it down with my hatchet, or just climb carefully over it etc etc etc )

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Sure, tone down the barbed wire.

But players should totally be able to control towns and buildings, just needs to be made effective.

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But you also have to consider that different weapons have different damage values assigned to them. The Makarov and Bizon do use the same ammunition but the damage caused by the Bizon is much greater than the Makarov. I understand the idea but it could make those with Bizons extremely OP if they could waste as much ammo as they wanted if all they have to do is convert Makarov magazines.

They actually do close or even equivalent amount of damage per bullet. But I understand your concern and agree that plentyful ammo for Bizon can make it OP.

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* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

This will (obviously) add scarcity to ammo. In terms of rebalancing' date=' it might be worth implementing ammo conversions between other compatible types of rounds (in addition to .45 ACP).


Yes please, add the ammo conversion for the same calibers weapons, especially for those 9mm ones .. ie: makarov > bizon .. they are exactly the same bullets, while the bizon mags are impossible to find (on the other side the STANAG SD in example are pretty common and much more effective).

If this is implemented for the 7.62x51 NATO mags, it'd be great. Could switch the DMR mags for FAL mags that aren't on the regular loot tables for some reason.

I think suppressed M4's should be able to use non-SD mags, but the benefits of the suppressor would be rendered useless when in use.

+1 for fal mags!!!!!!

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Rocket please fix server hopping.

I was server hopped yestrday. 4 days worth of character play lost to a bandit who shot at me from a building in front of me. I advanced on his building and he spawned behind me and killed me. Rediculous.

I know it sounds extreme but please limit characters to 1 server every 30 minutes or something. Or 1 server per life would be better. Fortifications are also useless if this is not fixed.

You said This is an anti game. Lets make it that. Fix server hopping

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its tuesday... where is the patch?

Yes, but Rocket didn't specify the date, It may be Monday, but which day? next week? ;)

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Please can you do something about server hopping its getting ridiculous SERIOUSLY

many thanks for the hard work..

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Hey rocket, when you place the tents from database (on a server restart for example), could you use setPos instead of setPosATL?

setPos will take in account the slope below and put the tent facing the slope. setposATL just puts it in correct position but ignores the slope (so one edge of the tent will be in air if there is even a little bit of slope below).

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Barbed wire should be a barrier for zeds' date=' who are stupid, not humans who are (usually) resourceful (e.g I would throw my jacket on it and climb over it, or smash it down with my hatchet, or just climb carefully over it etc etc etc )


This. I've even made a thread about this, it's a real problem when some places are fenced off 24/7 and the new spawns have no way to get inside since they don't have a toolkit...

Also on a side note, it seems that currently the magazines/items that are not full are replenished to full at server restart/disconnect. Not sure when exactly or if it happens always, but I've had this happen.

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Barbed wire should be a barrier for zeds' date=' who are stupid, not humans who are (usually) resourceful (e.g I would throw my jacket on it and climb over it, or smash it down with my hatchet, or just climb carefully over it etc etc etc )


This. I've even made a thread about this, it's a real problem when some places are fenced off 24/7 and the new spawns have no way to get inside since they don't have a toolkit...

Also on a side note, it seems that currently the magazines/items that are not full are replenished to full at server restart/disconnect. Not sure when exactly or if it happens always, but I've had this happen.

toolboxes are not that hard to find, comon people! We need this stuff to make our own bases and shit, I know it sucks that some people are being dicks and trolling / griefing with it, but like I said toolboxes are not that hard to find at all, I found 6 last night in cherno alone.

And I see barbed wire as being for keeping people / players out, not zombies, zombies walk right through the stuff anyways, much like they walk through walls and doors.

it is kinda the point of a base, to keep your friends and yourself safe, and keep other players you don't know, especially hostiles / bandits out.

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Also on a side note' date=' it seems that currently the magazines/items that are not full are replenished to full at server restart/disconnect. Not sure when exactly or if it happens always, but I've had this happen.


As far as i knwo thats a known issue and the problem is that its a "feature"(?) in arma 2. If i understood it correctly then rocket tried to make it less viable to just leave nearly emtpy magazines in the back by giving magazines a chance to disappear whne they are close to emtpy.

so right now there is a chance of either a magazine beeing replenished or they disappear.

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Rocket please fix server hopping.

I was server hopped yestrday. 4 days worth of character play lost to a bandit who shot at me from a building in front of me. I advanced on his building and he spawned behind me and killed me. Rediculous.

I know it sounds extreme but please limit characters to 1 server every 30 minutes or something. Or 1 server per life would be better. Fortifications are also useless if this is not fixed.

You said This is an anti game. Lets make it that. Fix server hopping

I wonder if it would be possible to make it so that when you disconnect, your character stays where you were for, say 2 minutes, completely defenseless. This would prevent the kind of scenarios you just described as well as disconnecting to avoid death. After all, when you disconnect to actually leave the game you get yourself in a safe spot so it shouldn't be a problem for normal disconnecting.

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Apparently "ammo quantity tracking" is supposed to help with the ammo situation. Not sure though.

Any more news as to when the update will be out?

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Barbed wire should be a barrier for zeds' date=' who are stupid, not humans who are (usually) resourceful (e.g I would throw my jacket on it and climb over it, or smash it down with my hatchet, or just climb carefully over it etc etc etc )


This. I've even made a thread about this, it's a real problem when some places are fenced off 24/7 and the new spawns have no way to get inside since they don't have a toolkit...

Also on a side note, it seems that currently the magazines/items that are not full are replenished to full at server restart/disconnect. Not sure when exactly or if it happens always, but I've had this happen.

toolboxes are not that hard to find, comon people! We need this stuff to make our own bases and shit, I know it sucks that some people are being dicks and trolling / griefing with it, but like I said toolboxes are not that hard to find at all, I found 6 last night in cherno alone.

And I see barbed wire as being for keeping people / players out, not zombies, zombies walk right through the stuff anyways, much like they walk through walls and doors.

it is kinda the point of a base, to keep your friends and yourself safe, and keep other players you don't know, especially hostiles / bandits out.

If toolboxes are so easy to find, what does it matter for your base making then? Attackers can just dismantle the barbed wire with said easy-to-find toolbox. I say make it step-overable.

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Please remove or drastically reduce the amount of barbed wire - or make us able to climb over it more easily. Seriously every building in cherno and electro is wired off by idiots thinking they're making it 'secure'.

Barbed wire should be a barrier for zeds' date=' who are stupid, not humans who are (usually) resourceful (e.g I would throw my jacket on it and climb over it, or smash it down with my hatchet, or just climb carefully over it etc etc etc )


This. I've even made a thread about this, it's a real problem when some places are fenced off 24/7 and the new spawns have no way to get inside since they don't have a toolkit...

Also on a side note, it seems that currently the magazines/items that are not full are replenished to full at server restart/disconnect. Not sure when exactly or if it happens always, but I've had this happen.

toolboxes are not that hard to find, comon people! We need this stuff to make our own bases and shit, I know it sucks that some people are being dicks and trolling / griefing with it, but like I said toolboxes are not that hard to find at all, I found 6 last night in cherno alone.

And I see barbed wire as being for keeping people / players out, not zombies, zombies walk right through the stuff anyways, much like they walk through walls and doors.

it is kinda the point of a base, to keep your friends and yourself safe, and keep other players you don't know, especially hostiles / bandits out.

If toolboxes are so easy to find, what does it matter for your base making then? Attackers can just dismantle the barbed wire with said easy-to-find toolbox. I say make it step-overable.

Just make barbed wire non-deployable indoors. Problem largely solved.

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toolboxes are not that hard to find' date=' comon people! We need this stuff to make our own bases and shit, I know it sucks that some people are being dicks and trolling / griefing with it, but like I said toolboxes are not that hard to find at all, I found 6 last night in cherno alone.

And I see barbed wire as being for keeping people / players out, not zombies, zombies walk right through the stuff anyways, much like they walk through walls and doors.

it is kinda the point of a base, to keep your friends and yourself safe, and keep other players you don't know, especially hostiles / bandits out.


the problem is that wires have a _very_ small "hitbox"(that spot that allows you to interact with it) and thus it nearly impossible to remove it even you have a toolbox

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Hey rocket' date=' when you place the tents from database (on a server restart for example), could you use setPos instead of setPosATL?

setPos will take in account the slope below and put the tent facing the slope. setposATL just puts it in correct position but ignores the slope (so one edge of the tent will be in air if there is even a little bit of slope below).

Hmm... strange. My tents are spawns correctly - in the same angle as the slope.

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