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The game needs nametags

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^Just remember your friends gear. We were with 5 people yesterday and I could pinpoint each and every one of them by their gear. 

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Not sure a lot of you actually read the OP and have just jumped on the no tags, no way, not ever wagon.


Sure, tags when you are sitting in a tree line scanning the horizon is a bad idea, im pretty sure everyone would agree with this but standing right next to a group of people and not knowing who is who is a pain in the arse.

Even if there was a buddy system as mentioned it would work and perhaps an option to turn it off.


Or better yet, tags dont work if you are wearing a gas mask, balaclava or other type of mask and you can only see your buddies name if you can see his face.


In realism terms you wouldnt know joe bloggs because you havnt met him yet, your friends however you would know their name, their size and could regonise them within 10meters, maybe 2 meters at night.


To me thats a better more realistic system than what is currently in place.


Who said we don't want them due to the lack of realism? 


I'm not running with a massive crew or anything, but I've had no problem distinguishing friends and strangers from each other. If I see someone I can tell by their attire and equipment if I know them and if I do who they are.

That's one thing I really enjoy about being able to play dress up in DayZ.

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^Just remember your friends gear. We were with 5 people yesterday and I could pinpoint each and every one of them by their gear. 


The issue is that there isnt enough types of outfit when fully tooled up. Running with 5 guys all with gas masks and m4's isnt easy to find out who is who

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The issue is that there isnt enough types of outfit when fully tooled up. Running with 5 guys all with gas masks and m4's isnt easy to find out who is who



More clothes and weapons will be added.


There's more to clothes than gasmasks and guns though. You have hats, shirts, packs, pants, gloves, vests and their melee weapons to go off of, as well as their last known position relative to you.

If you have everyone dressed uniform of course it's going to get confusing. That's a choice you guys made. You can change it up easily to solve your woes.

Edited by Diggydug

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Dear god, no nametags.  Just talk to someone if you want to know their name.

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The only time in DayZ I ever wanted name tags was when playing with a group, because everyone basically looked the same.


Since in the SA character customization lets us now create pretty unique chars I really can't see the need for name tags any more.

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Not sure if facial customization is coming as well, but if it does that will change it quite a bit as well. That's what I used in the mod with my friends, as well as their gear and whatever their clothes look like to me.

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No... No nametags. Gonna need to use skype/teamspeak/ventrilo/or any other voip program to be able to recognize your friends.


Kinda like the idea of tag though. Both parties agree and there will be some way for them to tell its the other party up to 150m

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The issue is that there isnt enough types of outfit when fully tooled up. Running with 5 guys all with gas masks and m4's isnt easy to find out who is who


Dan = Red Bandana, Shades. Mosin.

Stu = Blue Ushanka, Green clothing, Gas Mask., Mosin

Other Dan = Army helmet, Gas Mask, Green clothing., M4

Matt = Dallas mask, disco white pants lol, M4

Me = Blue Ushanka, Gas mask, camo pants, black top, Red backpack, Mosin.

Edited by Victus Mortuus

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Have to say there have been situations where shooting a friendly has either happened or almost happened, keeping a group of people in constant voice communication makes it harder to listen to the surrounding noise and hear anyone else. 


I think it could be an idea to have the ability to enable a 'friends' colour or something, so they have a slight aura of that colour around them if they are on your friends list. Something like that would need to have an off switch as well in case you are playing against each other. 


Just something to identify someone quickly as 'friend'. (maybe something in game that only lasts as long as you are all logged on, you meet up toggle the tag and off you go) ... 

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NOPE NOPE NOPE not needed at all with all the new clothes and gear that will be added you will know who is who and nametags are easy to abuse just move your mouse about a bit and boom you found a guy in a tree that you cant see... yeah it didn't work well in the mod either it was a joke.

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Have to say there have been situations where shooting a friendly has either happened or almost happened, keeping a group of people in constant voice communication makes it harder to listen to the surrounding noise and hear anyone else. 


I think it could be an idea to have the ability to enable a 'friends' colour or something, so they have a slight aura of that colour around them if they are on your friends list. Something like that would need to have an off switch as well in case you are playing against each other. 


Just something to identify someone quickly as 'friend'. (maybe something in game that only lasts as long as you are all logged on, you meet up toggle the tag and off you go) ... 






Once upon at times here was recommended to implement the armbands into game (in different colors)

Edited by gregor

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Name tags , no. Custom faces. Pleaseeeee. That would be very nice. Although, i see stupid faces being potentially made. But it would help I think

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I think there are many who are not really reading any of the posts 'for' something like this. 


No one wants to be able to scan  treelines or see people from a large distance. 


I think there are some ok ideas in here. 

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HELL NO, there should NOT be nametags. Whoever wants nametags needs to go play a console game.

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Nametags = NO

Can't think of anything worse. If you want to know who your looking at, ask them who they are via voice, just like you would in real life.

Edited by Audio Rejectz

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It is not important to have an indicator for you to know what name the other player has that is close to you.




If you play with friends you are probably in TS oder Skype etc.



If you are alone and meet another person and talk with him or her over direct voip, you wont can ask him or her for a name.

You look at the player and you will keep in mind how he or she looks like, so you wont kill that person by accident later.

Also always tell each other where you go and what you will do next, so you wont lose each other in dangerous situations.



If you see another player from far away, you either know its your friend (because you are on TS etc.) or you dont know him.

In the situation that you dont know him, you dont need to know names, because you either want to kill him, meet with him, or be neutral and avoid him.

In case you want to meet him, read point 2.



Lets asume you are traveling with a friend over TS and you meet a hostile guy that has a melee weapon.

He attacks your friend and you have to help your buddy.

You probably will know who is who because you know how your friend looks like.

If you dont know how your friend looks like, you might need to reconsider your ingame behavior.

ALWAYS keep your buddies clothings and stuff they carry in mind.


Name tags were a big part of the DayZ mod. I know. 

Many servers had them, but lets be true:

It ruined the feeling.

I played DayZ a lot and never needed tags.


Maybe later, when they add private hive servers (what I guess will happen), there might be the possibility to add features that dont exist on normal servers.


I could add much more why its not good to add tags and other game breaking functions, but Ill wait for a response to my shitty written text first.



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For me steam + the new cloaths system makes nametags redundant. You can finally say to a friend im in black shirt green pants (or whatever). In the mod the PMC skins were random colour for everyone. And just as in the mod its always a risk approaching someone you don't know. Iv had many encounters and made friends on the mod without nametags. It adds to the immersion and keeps my heart rate high during first time meets. Hope it stays that way on SA :)

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Worst suggestion I've read yet.


Totally out of character with the rest of the game my friend.


Realism is the aim it seems, not arcade shooter

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I see complete lack of reading comprehension in 90% of the people who replied.


Nametags are more realistic than no nametags, because you can remember faces in real life. (Oh wait people have the same face based on the 5 colors you can select, how realistic is that)

Gear lone is not enough to identify people in the game because that can change by simply swapping a shirt helmet.



You can not make friends with people because they can shoot you on sight an hour later because they never found out it is you. And using TS does not work because parts of the game working to depend on 3rd party tools =FAIL

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