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About Indickua

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Game design, internet among other future aspirations.
  1. Indickua

    Cant download new patch

    My friend just cant download the new patch he has tried restarting steam/pc/ran as admin.
  2. Indickua

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Did the survey but I don't think guns like the Fal should be in the game its kinda OP I think and I think it would be cool to have craftable guns like a pipe gun for example or parts of guns mismatched when extremely broken.
  3. Indickua

    Player housing SA

    They are going to add building but it would be kinda shitty if it was so preset like origins
  4. Indickua

    Dayz standalone jump attack!

  5. Indickua

    Holding My Friends For Fun

  6. Indickua

    Photo Op Massacre

    Me and my crew would have just been like yo whats up can we be in the photo too? :)
  7. I think it would be a valid feature to tackle players if you are able to look at them and get say a 3 second lock on you get the option to tackle them but you must not have anything in your hands to do so, maybe allow handcuffs though. once tackled they will be struggling with you holding them down for say 10 seconds until they get up and get the chance to run away for start fighting but if you are quick while you are holding them down you can handcuff them. From here I think that whenever your hostage is handcuffed you have the option to hold them and forcefully move them around but only in the walking stance, they can struggle out of the restraints as usual but as your the one with the control they should be "happy" to comply. I also think that you should be able to hold a secondary weapon like a handgun in one hand while in this stance to defend yourself from zeds and anything else you might need to take care of but not allow you to use primary weapons as it may be OP then. What do you guys think of this as a future feature? :)
  8. Indickua

    Feature to fix broken clothes

    Your clothes give you better camo and inventory spaces so i would say that's quite a benefit. Imagine your vest falling off because you didn't patch it up and you cant carry some of your loot anymore.
  9. Indickua

    Feature to fix broken clothes

    Indeed that could also be a good solution.
  10. I think it might be a good feature to have an item called a Sewing kit so that you could sew up your clothes back to worn condition again but not pristine so if you wanted pristine you would still have to find new ones again but still they are better than badly damaged, I think it would probably be a good idea to have it set as kinda a medium spawn chance also. This would add in a factor of maintenance to the game. I guess this feature might not really make sense for items like helmets though but maybe if people want they could add systems for different items also. As I said this would not be a total pristine fix to the item just worn so that its not OP. What do you guys think of this as a future feature?
  11. Indickua

    I just can't do it.

    Sounds like your just a bit fatigued start the dayz download, go for a run, take a shower and play. :)
  12. Indickua

    Some Suggestions

    there will be servers for 1st person and third so you will be able to pick n choose, I understand the bullshitery of third and want to try more firstperson. helicopters yeah they are not needed at all, I mean maybe it would be cool to have super rare ones but I mean super rare rare rare ya know and not op with guns just for transport and maybe you can shoot your handgun from the side passenger seats or something. The character per server thing is silly I must say, just rejoin the same server then. what if a server goes down that you play on a lot then well great your home is lost and with base building, stashes and vehicles in the future updates you will return to the same server unless you loose everything. And your other ideas I think are cool.
  13. Indickua

    What is even the point?

    Yeah a lot of the time I play as a bandit to med to high geared players and I hold them up and take what gear I need and then send them on their travels without being a dick and killing making them start from scratch if possible but a super high traffic areas like NWAF I may not be so nice and might just KOS to be safe, not enough time to be thumbling around a dangerous place like that.