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Sniper Rifles

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In my opinion, good old M24s, M40A3, SVDs, maybe a VSS Vintorez. These are all rifles that are quite common in russia. The O.M.O.N. which is a special ops police force in russia (SWAT) use the VSS and SVD for common situations, so they should definitely be part of the SA. This is also another common sniper used by police


Naw I rather not see all these military sniper rifles.


Rocket should continue to focus on civilian rifles that fit the same roles as these exotic expensive hard to find weapons you listed.


M24, m40a3 = Replace with remington 700s a 20 inch version in .308 and a 22 inch varmint version in .223 remington.


SVD could be added into the game and still fit into the setting, easily found weapon .


VSS = no chance of finding that in any civilians hands a good substitute that is believable would be a ruger 1022 with a suppressor.

High bullet drop, low volume, low damage.


As for high powered sniper rifles like 50 cals no way they should ever be in dayz stand alone.


Highest powered rifle I would ever expect in civilian hands would be .300 rum its a high powered hunting round for big game at extended ranges.

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Dont care about you cry babies that cry about being shot by a sniper rifle or if you think it has no place in a zombie game your full of crap... add them in 

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It's stupidly powerful for the game. This isn't a military sim, it's a zombie game focused on survivors, not finding extremely rare .50 snipers. Plus it will stop silly hill snipers shooting new spawns.

Taking out a dude with 1 shot m4 or 1shot m24?


Tbh, the m24 and svd i think could be in. Since they are standard military. .50cals dont belong here.

But normal military grade. Something that you would expect the troop to have when they fought zombies. And regarding to comment "Wanna snipe go play the mod"... Dude seriously? You that lame you can handle people wanting snipers in a game that is more or less supersnipe friendly?


Go play minecraft to you sir

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Taking out a dude with 1 shot m4 or 1shot m24?


Tbh, the m24 and svd i think could be in. Since they are standard military. .50cals dont belong here.

But normal military grade. Something that you would expect the troop to have when they fought zombies. And regarding to comment "Wanna snipe go play the mod"... Dude seriously? You that lame you can handle people wanting snipers in a game that is more or less supersnipe friendly?


Go play minecraft to you sir


Personally I should have been more clear, I don't mind snipers being in just not .50's. I could manage with M24's and for example and R700 if they were pretty rare, then it'd give people something to search for when looting. Snipers on the hill make the game tense and that's great, I've ran with snipers a few times in the mod and it's great to use them and hit a target at that range in a true firefight PVP., I just feel like the atmosphere is cheapened by .50's being in the game.

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Im really surprised this thread is still going. I wish people who want to snipe would give the in game mechanics a chance. Go find a scope and a Mosin. Whats the worse that could happen?? You kill someone?/

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I would sure like to have a good amount of high powered weapons, but they need to be hard to use and not to powerful. Realistic range, ballistic drop, recoil, etc.


That said, i think it is wise not implementing that kind of weapons this early in the game development.

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An Enfield, or a Soviet era Mosin Nagant, which is the rifle in the game IS a military rifle.  Have you never heard of WW2?  They just get used for hunting these days.  Adding a scope to it will make it as accurate as any sniper rifle in real life if you know how to set it up.  Same in game, and more realistic as there are literally millions of Nagants laying around Eastern Europe.

*edit*  The post I responded to didn't get quoted.  Basically saying the rifles are fine in game.  They are dangerous and should kill in one shot.  The variety of guns or sniper style rifles available should reflect what might realistically be found in the area after the "zombie outbreak" the game is based on.  Mosin nagant or SVD, both just as accurate and going to kill you in 1 shot...as it should be.

As for some of the suggestions for realistic bullet drop etc.  That is easy but at the ranges that most shoot in game it won't make the difference that I think some are suggesting it for.  Shooting a Mosin a couple hundred yards, which is the typical furthest distance ever shooting in game is only going to see a bullet drop of a few inches.  Modelling that in game is good but dropping 3 to 5 inches at 200 yards won't make a difference to the bullet hitting a fatal area of the body.  In my opinion, don't dumb down anything to make it easier to survive being shot.  There are plenty of other shooter games out there that do that.  Lets keep DayZ as realistic as possible.

Edited by Slyder73

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Where did he say that? I also own an AR-15.. Live in Arkansas, United States. It's super fucking common for people to own guns.. I literally cannot think of one male friend who does not own a gun. I'd say about 30% own AR, and all have shot them. Get over yourself.


He's talking like his has full auto "they may find the full auto a shock but you get used to it rather quickly" in referring to KIDS using it. What child is going to have access to a fully automatic weapon, let alone an AR-15 that doesn't come in the full auto variety and you need to go back to the M16A4 to find the last time the US military issued a full auto varient. 


Even if he tries to claim he's military he's still full of shit, as actual M4's only have "Safe, Semi, Burst". The united states military does not issue an assault rifle with full auto anymore and they haven't in decades. The mind set is that full auto is a waste of ammunition and they don't want us relying on it. The M4 is not a suppression weapon, every squad has a 249 or 240 team with an extra barrel and 400+ rounds for that purpose.

Edited by strngplyr
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*maximum range



Strngplyr accused DickSharpe of lying about owning an AR-15, Mao was responding to that.


I only believe he's lying because his post hinted to having a fully automatic weapon when he referred to kids getting used to the full auto because it's so easy to handle.

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Adding a scope to an enfield does not make it a sniper rifle. There is a difference between a military sniper and a hunting rifle.

Neither Mosin or Enfield is a hunting weapon... They are both WW2 weapons commonly used as bolt action rifles or sniper rifles after adding a scope.

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I hope rocket continues to push Dayz into a more realistic and civilian heavy game.


If anyone here has watched the movie the road it has what I would consider ideal for Dayz.


The bandits aka cannibals in the movie were armed with civilian bolt action hunting rifles with hunting optics along with hunting shotguns and self defense pump action shotguns.


No m4s no ak47s no as 50s no m107s no scars.








This is what I hope dayz turns into. Not arma 2 with zombies.

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My goal for today is to NOT become unconscious, and to find a Mosin and mount an optic on it.


Hell, Simo Hayha apparently had no problem killing tons of Russians with it.  I'm fine with that... I'll even be happy with a scoped Enfield, as I've been wanting one since forever in the game.


Even if we had AS50's and M107's back, I'd continue to dispose of them in any way possible, same as I did in the mod.  I simply have no use for them.


Also, extra lulz for the internet firearm experts in this thread.  I'm glad Gews dropped in (as I expected he would).  My wife can speak with more authority on the weight/recoil of a .50 cal than most of this forum, being that she's actually fired them on multiple occasions... so just stop with the "realism" arguments.  Please.

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so what, what makes you think that you couldnt find it in a military base, maybe youd have to replace your backpack for it or something to make it a pain in the ass to carry around, but just leaving it out? DayZ without AS50 is no real DayZ. The AS50 was always like the high end goal to archive, along with a car.

If your idea of dayz vanilla has to have an AS50 then you are playing the wrong game.

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You can make the same argument about assault rifles or pretty much anything except shotguns and hunting rifles which is boring.

You really can't though, theres a reason snipers etc have to go through advanced training to fire things like a 50 cal, while you're avg joe goes through some basic training on how to fire at least semi accurately at things only 300m away. There's really no difference between shooting a semi auto hunting rifle like a .22 and firing an m4 m4 just holds more ammo, has a little more kick.


The weapon mateinence is about the same for a hunting rifle/m4 type weapon and they aren't super heavy, there's a reason 50 cals aren;t standard issue weapons to your basic combat soldier. 

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It shouldn't matter what sniper rifle it is M24 or m107 / As50 , it should 1 shot if hit to vital parts . Personally i would like to see m107 as super rare loot , always loved the sound & characterics of the weapon.


The more weapons the better

Edited by Mestari123

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It shouldn't matter what sniper rifle it is M24 or m107 / As50 , it should 1 shot if hit to vital parts . Personally i would like to see m107 as super rare loot , always loved the sound & characterics of the weapon.


The more weapons the better


This is one of the few cases where that logic does not apply.


Less weapons , more rare they are the better in dayz.


Atleast with military weapons and vehicles. With the new system in place however he can actually control the total number of set weapons throughout all the servers so sure he could have the m107 in game but he can control it so only 2 spawn in all the servers combined.

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It shouldn't matter what sniper rifle it is M24 or m107 / As50 , it should 1 shot if hit to vital parts . Personally i would like to see m107 as super rare loot , always loved the sound & characterics of the weapon.


The more weapons the better


Anti-material rifles have a crazy range to go along with their high power though. More than the M24.


More weapons=/=better. People have already pointed out how silly it is to have certain weapons in Chernarus.



EDIT: If you're looking for weapon variety and pulling off distance shots, I'd recommend Wasteland for that type of gameplay. Plus you even have the "material" to go with your anti-material rifles.

Edited by Diggydug

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He's talking like his has full auto "they may find the full auto a shock but you get used to it rather quickly" in referring to KIDS using it. What child is going to have access to a fully automatic weapon, let alone an AR-15 that doesn't come in the full auto variety and you need to go back to the M16A4 to find the last time the US military issued a full auto varient. 


Even if he tries to claim he's military he's still full of shit, as actual M4's only have "Safe, Semi, Burst". The united states military does not issue an assault rifle with full auto anymore and they haven't in decades. The mind set is that full auto is a waste of ammunition and they don't want us relying on it. The M4 is not a suppression weapon, every squad has a 249 or 240 team with an extra barrel and 400+ rounds for that purpose.


I killed my first deer when I was 6 years old with a scoped AR-15. Even kids can use guns. It wasn't fully auto because it was illegal, but it's EASILY made fully auto. 

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Anti-material rifles have a crazy range to go along with their high power though. More than the M24.


More weapons=/=better. People have already pointed out how silly it is to have certain weapons in Chernarus.



EDIT: If you're looking for weapon variety and pulling off distance shots, I'd recommend Wasteland for that type of gameplay. Plus you even have the "material" to go with your anti-material rifles.



Well im not looking for distance shots , i dont personally mind if its not in game but shooting m107 feels nice & it sounds absolutely beastly .  + it's good for stopping cars

Edited by Mestari123

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Oh, so, your civilian AR-15 has full auto? 


Attention everyone, we've found a bullshitter, i say again, attention everyone, we have located a grade-A Bull-shitter!



lol I never said that my AR-15 was full auto. I have however fired a variety of fully automatic weapons when I was in the US. (place that you can hire guns and shoot them on the range) 


The comment about the full Auto was merely there to help my point about the usability and controllable nature of the M4 platform (which is basically the same as the AR-15 bar the full auto)   


Maybe think before you post buddy. That way you wont end up looking like a bit of a silly bugger :)


I have edited the post strnglyr is referring to as obliviously it upset him that I did not make it clear that it was not kids firing full auto weapons or that I did not specifically sate that the full auto I was referring to was not my personal weapon but one that I had fired, thus forcing him to read into things and come to conclusions that are incorrect. 

Edited by DickSharpe
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I hope rocket continues to push Dayz into a more realistic and civilian heavy game.


If anyone here has watched the movie the road it has what I would consider ideal for Dayz.


The bandits aka cannibals in the movie were armed with civilian bolt action hunting rifles with hunting optics along with hunting shotguns and self defense pump action shotguns.


No m4s no ak47s no as 50s no m107s no scars.


This is what I hope dayz turns into. Not arma 2 with zombies.


DayZ takes place in a post-soviet state.  AKMs and the like make a lot of sense.  If ArmA2 story has anything to do with the mod, then M4/M16s also make sense.  I think it would be cool to see a lot of civilian firearms.  I agree with the not having .50s.

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Well im not looking for distance shots , i dont personally mind if its not in game but shooting m107 feels nice & it sounds absolutely beastly .  + it's good for stopping cars


In other words, "I feel cool shooting it, please add! Even though the range is undeniably insane compared to every other weapon. Good for stopping crappy soviet cars too."


If you can't stop things like the UAZ or even Ural with a 7.62 you need to work on your aim.



EDIT: I'm assuming they'll be adding crappy soviet vehicles as the bulk mode of transportation, considering the wrecks, but I could be wrong.


Sorry if that came off as exceptionally rude but there's no practical reason for adding these weapons and historically it caused a lot of problems. The "feels" and "sounds" of weapons are not how we should decide what gets added in my opinion.

Edited by Diggydug

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