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This game will only be a niche .....

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i have played many of the top mmo's out there , starting with everquest . the well made ones survived and became groundwork for future mmo's the rest failed...alot of them failed. i enjoy building up my character and gearing him up with the best of the best . i am a hardcore raider , doing dungeon runs for gear and loot and staying with it till bosses are downed even if it took 5 hours on one boss. i enjoy looking at my character with all the shinies and purples and awesomeness. i love hard games and enjoy the time it takes to aquire the most precious of lootz.




when i first played dayzmod it was the most amazing game i had played in a while . it literally blew my mind , it was genious . i told all my gamer friends about it and i myself spend countless hours ingame . it was hard to survive but i liked it , i dont like easy mode games . the first few weeks of playing the mod my hands would be sweaty from the adrenaline rush . when i heard they was going to make it into a standalone i was very excited for it , i wanted this game to succeed . i wanted everyone to know what dayz was and to play it.



no factions--

1- as in all MMO'S its best to pick a side . you can be a lone wolf but eventually if you really want to get ahead in a game you would have to join a guild ( in a mmo) or team up with buddies you know in rl , but you always had a choice INGAME to join a side. This game does not have that option . an mmo wont work without factions , its just goona be all out chaos . now alot of the dayz players love this idea , alot of dayz players are lone wolfs and or get some rl friends and play , but a guy who just buys the game and doesnt know anyone is gonna be thrown into an extremely large world all by himself with no allies to look to or play with . while this is exciting at first it becomes old fast especially if the server is filled with jackasses.


the grind---

2- the way dayz mod was i thought was very good ,i thought it was hard . the fact that you had to have medical supplies and food supplies on you at all times was great . you had to do loot runs in order to keep your supply up . you had to find axes and matches and a knife and maps and compass in order to survive and navigate the world was genius idea. and even before you had all those things you could still navigate by the stars , very nice .

but .. when i played standalone i see that things have been complicated even further...this is called GRIND. grind is a filler for LACK OF ENDGAME . in essence you complicate things further in order to create a timesink in the game because you need to keep your player base busy at something .

i mean its not bad now but i read that they want to make medical more complex . it is allready complex by you having to spend time gatherthing supplies but now they want you to have to run around GRINDING all the parts to put toghether to make a pill that will cure one specific illness.. that gets old fast. some people like grinding even the most basic things, but only a small percentage of the playerbase .


zombies are not my enemy---

3- seriously i dont even pay attention to the zombies..i worry about the other players most. this is a zombie apocalyspe game you should be afraid of the zombies getting you primary and bandits secondary. zombies are just there as scenery posing little threat . in that case just get rid of the zombies and just have people killing each other and call it dayzarma2


no endgame

4- there is no endgame. there is no concrete direction . there is no lasting goal . you spawn ..aquire loot..get killed..respawn with loot gone..and the cycle begins anew. once you learn how to aquire your supplies in a quick manner this just becomes a PVP game . which is all fine and dandy . i love PVP . but im not a dick in real life and for the lack of endgame i have found myself being a dick to other players in dayz . killing newbie spawns for the hell of it, cause i was bored..fully equipped with shit to do . THERE IS NO GOAL.......




i have seen great games made bad games by developers listening to crybabies complaining that the game is too hard. weirdly , i see this great game becoming a bad game because people complaining its too easy. dayzmod is not easy, and breaking up a blood bag into 10 pieces so you have to collect all 10 pieces to make one blood bag isnt making the game harder ( just an example). its making the game a grindfest..a timesink. i read a post where the developers are making a an option to lick a battery and something happens ...i loled at all the fanboys agreeing it was a good idea . then i saw the people who really care about the game saying why waste time on licking batteries when you should be concentrating on more important things ( which i agree with ) and the fanboys were all ripping the poster a new one . the poster was correct and it was good advice to the developers. every time i read a post where someone is saying something that although negative might be constructive to the game it gets flamed so much so that it will silence alot of people from posting good ideas on advancing the game and only the " yes mr rocket " posts will be seen and heard all the the detriment of the developers of this game .







so my contribution to the developement will be this . Dayz as it was in the mod was great allready . besides making the game into a standalone version of the mod there really wasnt too much you had to do . fix the loot target window was my only real problem with the game . but to make it a game that will flourish you need to add a couple things.


1-factions - when loggin in to create new character have a choice of side you want to play in . for example....survivor they wear blue vests...bandit they wear red vests . you can kill people of your same faction but you will get a heavy penalty if you keep doing it ...lets say something like "outcast" so when people see you whatever their faction they are in see you as an outcast and traitor and your KOS and the faction you was outcast from can kill you with no penalty. this will make the game more playable and group friendly , if your a lone wolf fine..you see someone in the distance wearing a blue vest you can relax..hes a friendly...but you still gotta be on your guard just in case. this will also minimize the jerks ( like i was a few times do to boredom ) from just randomly killing you for your tshirt


2-sandbox elements - making a campfire is fine and dandy but you need to create a goal that is at least semi lasting . create towns you and your buddies can take over and make it their own . you can camp a town as is now but its just superficial . you need to have elements in the game where you can take the town over and make it your own AS PART OF THE GAME . be able to hook the town up ..fill the supermarket ... set up a garage to fix cars...build an armory to hold weapons or a gun shop ....stuff like that . make it so other players cant steal your stuff in your town if noone is online ( like the tent in dayzmod ). you need to build on the sandbox element that this game promotes .


3-dont get too grindy- alot of good mmos (which is what this game has been taouted as its goal ) have tanked because they just became a grindfest . from my pov the game was good as is as it was in the dayzmod .


4- 3rd party addons - i have never played a game with the starting ui and people prefer to use 3rd party addons in their game . they can pick what they want be it different ui setups or hud display setups the list is endless. open the game up to 3rd party addon developers will save you time by not having to spend time improving the game ui . just a basic one will do till then .


5- zombie threat - zombies must be the number one threat in the game. if i spend 2 hours gathering supplies only to be killed by a horde of zombies its ok and good fun....if i spend 2 hours gathering supplies only to be killed by a bandit whos sitting on a hilltop spawn camping thats not fun . granted you will keep your dedicated niche playerbase who love abuse but you will start bleeding alot of players because of the inbalance of the game mechanics




It seems from what i have read that the developer named "rocket" is an honest guy and seems to be a good guy which is why i bought the alpha to contribute to the games developement . ( i bought it ...my mommy and daddy didnt buy it ) . but it seems that the majority of the people posting on these forums are just yessirs and fanboys who would say "great idea " to adding an autographed dildo sign rocket to their inventory and i would suggest to the developers ( by developers i mean rocket and his team but i dont call him rocket because we dont drink beers toghether ) to take into notice the people who have what may seem negative things to say about the game as it is and the road that it might seem like its going . we might care more about the game than the fanboys because we at least give you pause to think . all in all its a great idea for a game game but if the goal of this game is just a all outkill fest with no bounds this will just be a niche game played by a small percentage of the gaming playerbase compared to what it could be...

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It's an indie game and has already sold 300,000 copies in the first like 4 days. This game is already far from niche. It's also not an MMO. I've actually been with the "best of the best" in MMO's and none of the guilds would accept someone who types like you.


You say you've played many MMOs yet are crying about "grinding".

Edited by Weedz
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Dear Rocket,


When can I expect my autographed Dildo?



         Mr Nasty

Edited by Mr Nasty
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It's too early to write a full-fledged review based on early alpha. 90% of what you experience now are subjected to change...

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Quack, quack


The only thing in your novella of BS I can agree with is in a way the "zombie-situation". The rest isn't so good. 3rd party addons..wtf?! And factions? Geez...you really didn't understand the concept of this game at all.


And what is wrong with that dildo? Would be pretty humiliating to be beaten to death by a dildo, so why not.

Edited by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa
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Ugh...just leave.  I know it sounds impossible, but your opinion is wrong.

 i like your tag...a autographed dildo coming your way.

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Most of the elements you list are things I actively avoid in every MMO I play. 

1. Factions - Yep, don't care. Rift has factions... don't care. SW:TOR has factions... don't care. DCU has factions... don't care. EQ:II has factions... don't care.

2. While there will be some basebuilding/fortifying of buildings in the future your vision of it is a bit over the top. 

3. DayZ mod was an awesome concept but flawed by engine limitations. The scope does have to expand beyond the Mod or you will end up with the same issue as the mod. This game isn't an MMO it is using a MMO style of architecture to move away from some of the issues it had with hacking. That is it. Of course it is grindy, it's a survival sim and survival is one long daily grind. 

4. HELL NO. Nothing 3rd party should every be allowed to attach to DayZ. That is a very serious security hole and has been on every MMO that allows them. The UI is rather nice as is even being a placeholder. Clean and fuctions well.

5. Zombies do need to be tougher but they will never be as creative versatile or exciting as interaction, combat and non-combat, with a human being. 

I HOPE this game becomes a Niche game because then it can be a good game instead of chasing the almighty dollar and lowest common denominator players. I've seen what happens when a game completely suited to being a very solid niche game with a hardcore fan base keeping it going to catering to everyone else. You end up with Mechwarrior Online where neither the hardcore fans nor the casual  or new base are remotely happy. In my experience the best way to kill a game is to try to appeal to a "broader audience" because then you lose everyone. Figure out who will want to play your game, work towards making the game they want first, then carefully add in small things that make it more approachable to everyone else. 

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Wow. This is a great fucking post.


Well, back to the case. People are saying DayZ is so unique because it's so unlinear. Well, some of the elements may be unlinear, but there's nothing unlinear about the experience. You loot up, you die. That's DayZ. And that's why mods like Epoch, Overwatch and Origins have overthrown the original DayZ in popularity. They bring about endgames DayZ never have. And although I love the time I've had with Standalone so far the endgame is sorely missing. I'm not expecting miracles overnight here, but long range that's imperative to the game's success. There's a limit to how long people stick around with a loot'n'shooter, the game needs more character development and activites than that.


And I'm going off-topic here, but it's laughably pathetic the way some of you guys swarm up in defensive positions around here whenever constructive critisism is brought to the table. If it's asslicking or just plain old white-knighting I'll never know, but besides boosting your post count there's little value in it. Get a perspective and think for yourselves. I don't agree with all OP's points, but the man has some valid points that deserves better answers than "HURR DURR THE GAME HAS SOLD 300,000 YOUR SPELING SUX". If that's your contribution to a topic, heed my advice and fuck off.

Edited by CREDiBLE
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It seems from what i have read that the developer named "rocket" is an honest guy and seems to be a good guy which is why i bought the alpha to contribute to the games developement . ( i bought it ...my mommy and daddy didnt buy it ) . but it seems that the majority of the people posting on these forums are just yessirs and fanboys who would say "great idea " to adding an autographed dildo sign rocket to their inventory and i would suggest to the developers ( by developers i mean rocket and his team but i dont call him rocket because we dont drink beers toghether ) to take into notice the people who have what may seem negative things to say about the game as it is and the road that it might seem like its going . we might care more about the game than the fanboys because we at least give you pause to think . all in all its a great idea for a game game but if the goal of this game is just a all outkill fest with no bounds this will just be a niche game played by a small percentage of the gaming playerbase compared to what it could be...



Now I am going to address your preemptive Ad Hominem attack. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem

I can keep objectivity even when I enjoy the work Rocket is doing. I've watched nearly every interview and streaming he has done out there and listened to the questions people are asking him and his answers. I do NOT agree with everything he is planning on doing, however there is a good deal I do agree with. Very often people post things without understanding the direction of the game. Like you. I am not a "Yes Man" in telling you that Rocket has some of these requests and from his responses it doesn't seem like a way he wants to take the game. You know what? Liking the direction he is going is not mindlessly kissing ass. It means I thought about the changes and proposed systems and went, "Yeah... I want to play that game." There is nothing wrong with that just like you are actually any more insightful because you don't like something. 

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 Get a perspective and think for yourselves. 


I told this to a guy who once called me a "sheeple" during a discussion about politics. "Agreeing with something does not mean I haven't put thought in to any more than you disagreeing with it means you have." 

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 I don't agree with all OP's points, but the man has some valid points that deserves better answers than "HURR DURR THE GAME HAS SOLD 300,000 YOUR SPELING SUX". If that's your contribution to a topic, heed my advice and fuck off.


The man who thinks the game is an MMORPG and should have factions who wear different color shirts and should have end game raids and has no clue at all what a sandbox game is (like apparently you don't either) has good points ... yeah you're clearly not his friend.

Edited by Weedz
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I told this to a guy who once called me a "sheeple" during a discussion about politics. "Agreeing with something does not mean I haven't put thought in to any more than you disagreeing with it means you have." 

I was obviously not referencing you. You made a reflected post where you brought your arguments to the table. I was talking about the "cool guys" making the 5-6 first posts, being rude assholes and bringing nothing to the table. More than fed up with that kind of immature douchebaggery.

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Now I am going to address your preemptive Ad Hominem attack. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/ad-hominem

I can keep objectivity even when I enjoy the work Rocket is doing. I've watched nearly every interview and streaming he has done out there and listened to the questions people are asking him and his answers. I do NOT agree with everything he is planning on doing, however there is a good deal I do agree with. Very often people post things without understanding the direction of the game. Like you. I am not a "Yes Man" in telling you that Rocket has some of these requests and from his responses it doesn't seem like a way he wants to take the game. You know what? Liking the direction he is going is not mindlessly kissing ass. It means I thought about the changes and proposed systems and went, "Yeah... I want to play that game." There is nothing wrong with that just like you are actually any more insightful because you don't like something. 

just by the fact that you felt the need to defend yourself off a post that wasnt aimed at you specifically just shows me that.................check your ingame inventory

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I actually disagree with a lot of what you said, a lot of it is a finalised review on an unfinished game. But you really put across your opinion in a fair pragmatic way which seems to be truthful rather than just a bashing of the game.

I read it purely because I knew this was a genuine opinion!

Beans x

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Wow. This is a great fucking post.


Well, back to the case. People are saying DayZ is so unique because it's so unlinear. Well, some of the elements may be unlinear, but there's nothing unlinear about the experience. You loot up, you die. That's DayZ. And that's why mods like Epoch, Overwatch and Origins have overthrown the original DayZ in popularity. They bring about endgames DayZ never have. And although I love the time I've had with Standalone so far the endgame is sorely missing. I'm not expecting miracles overnight here, but long range that's imperative to the game's success. There's a limit to how long people stick around with a loot'n'shooter, the game needs more character development and activites than that.


And I'm going off-topic here, but it's laughably pathetic the way some of you guys swarm up in defensive positions around here whenever constructive critisism is brought to the table. If it's asslicking or just plain old white-knighting I'll never know, but besides boosting your post count there's little value in it. Get a perspective and think for yourselves. I don't agree with all OP's points, but the man has some valid points that deserves better answers than "HURR DURR THE GAME HAS SOLD 300,000 YOUR SPELING SUX". If that's your contribution to a topic, heed my advice and fuck off.

He thinks the developers are ruining the game by making it complex. Most people disagree and I hope it stays that way.

He wants skills, factions and other stuff at players based and makes me hate MMO.

The problem with the term MMO is people think that means MLG balance, skills, micro transactions, free to play and other awful things.

Dayz uses net code similar to MMOs but it is not and never will be one. It's basically a survival simulator with zombies. Not an MMO in need of arcade features.

People love the fact the game doesn't try to make every one happy, that's why it's successful, because every other game on the market tries so hard to make everyone happy and appeal to the lowest intelligence level possible.

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Wow. This is a great fucking post.


Well, back to the case. People are saying DayZ is so unique because it's so unlinear. Well, some of the elements may be unlinear, but there's nothing unlinear about the experience. You loot up, you die. That's DayZ. And that's why mods like Epoch, Overwatch and Origins have overthrown the original DayZ in popularity. They bring about endgames DayZ never have. And although I love the time I've had with Standalone so far the endgame is sorely missing. I'm not expecting miracles overnight here, but long range that's imperative to the game's success. There's a limit to how long people stick around with a loot'n'shooter, the game needs more character development and activites than that.


And I'm going off-topic here, but it's laughably pathetic the way some of you guys swarm up in defensive positions around here whenever constructive critisism is brought to the table. If it's asslicking or just plain old white-knighting I'll never know, but besides boosting your post count there's little value in it. Get a perspective and think for yourselves. I don't agree with all OP's points, but the man has some valid points that deserves better answers than "HURR DURR THE GAME HAS SOLD 300,000 YOUR SPELING SUX". If that's your contribution to a topic, heed my advice and fuck off.

this is the kind of person developers should keep an open ear to.

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Don't bash him for comparing SA to MMOs. Rocket invited that comparison by calling SA an MMO.

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I HOPE this game becomes a Niche game because then it can be a good game instead of chasing the almighty dollar and lowest common denominator players.


I couldn't agree more!

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The man who thinks the game is an MMORPG and should have factions who wear different color shirts and should have end game raids and has no clue at all what a sandbox game is has good points ... yeah you're clearly not his friend.

Calling DayZ:SA an MMORPG surely ain't that far of the mark? And rocket have even tried to create factions through bandits and heroes. And even though I myself hate that concept, I'm not one to say it can't be done in a fashion that makes the DayZ experience even more immersive?


But my motive is not to silence any critics. Disagreements often leads to the best solutions. But even silence is better than destructive attempts at silencing a debate through ridicule. And no, I don't know OP.

Edited by CREDiBLE

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like i said most people here are just yessirs. the developers specifically said they want to make standalone a MMO. massive multiplayer online..is what dayz is . i never said it was a massive multiplayer online role playing game. get a clue people . but fine ill keep my opinions to myself .

Edited by 20CC

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like i said most people here are just yessirs. the developers specifically said they want to make standalone a MMO. massive multiplayer online..is what dayz is . i never said it was a massive multiplayer online role playing game. get a clue people . but fine ill keep my opinions to myself .

As far as I'm concerned, when you look at other MMO games, I sure as he'll hope dayz doesn't take that path. It's a Survival simulator MMO with Zombies.

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It's kind of supposed to be a niche game.

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