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every server is dark

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I don't mind night servers but it's pretty frustrating when your flashlight disapears when you climb up or down some ladders. A quick fix would be to put the flashlight back in the inventory automatically when clicking climb?

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the above post is incorrect. there is a day/night cycle but not real time. I am still trying to figure out how long they last

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the above post is incorrect. there is a day/night cycle but not real time. I am still trying to figure out how long they last


I'm pretty sure they are real time, and they apparently work with seasons too. I entered a server at around 4 PM and the server was just starting to get darker.

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the above post is incorrect. there is a day/night cycle but not real time. I am still trying to figure out how long they last

So do you know thats not realtime? But what about the server getting darker in the time its getting darker in RL and vice versa. Explanation?

Edited by Wolle0rism
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I don't mind night time in server but the majority of servers seems to be constatnly set to nighttime.


The big problem is when you are trying to configure the keys, when you are trying to understand how the inventory works, ecc eccc due this tasks during night time can be really frustrating.



We absolutley need the time in game in "server browser".


In my opinion the time cycle is broken... I played yesterday night, this morning, this evening in Eu severs...all of them were in night time.

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Ok, I know there are plenty of posts about the long night cycles and what not, but I started playing the game last night at around 9PM CST, of course every server I joined was pitch black, well I decided to play again at 2PM CST and every server is STILL FUCKING PITCH BLACK.  This is something that has always pissed me off about Dayz, the only way to play in the daytime was if you didn't have a job and sat on your ass all day.  Am I wrong about this? Or is it always night? What are the night cycles if not?


Also, who loves having to eat every 2 minutes to keep from passing out? My character passed out from starvation within an hour of playing.  If the night cycles are going to be real time, the rate that your character starves should be real time.

Edited by beardedcap
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No. It's dark over here in GB so it is in-game.

So if that's still the case, that means I would have to play at 2 AM to see daylight...Fuck that.

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Ok, I know there are plenty of posts about the long night cycles and what not, but I started playing the game last night at around 9PM CST, of course every server I joined was pitch black, well I decided to play again at 2PM CST and every server is STILL FUCKING PITCH BLACK.  This is something that has always pissed me off about Dayz, the only way to play in the daytime was if you didn't have a job and sat on your ass all day.  Am I wrong about this? Or is it always night? What are the night cycles if not?


Also, who loves having to eat every 2 minutes to keep from passing out? My character passed out from starvation within an hour of playing.  If the night cycles are going to be real time, the rate that your character starves should be real time.


Topic merged

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dayz isin't dayz as long as third person exists, 

What? Some people prefer playing third person, I think it gives more immersion.  Because you can see what your gear and your character look like.  Also it avoids having to look at this shitty first person textures.

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Wait, servers are ALL synched to czech local time? Means europeans  get screwed over during gaming hours? How about we get that fixed right now? Like drop everything else and fix that? Or allow servers to offset the time?

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Wait, servers are ALL synched to czech local time? Means europeans  get screwed over during gaming hours? How about we get that fixed right now? Like drop everything else and fix that? Or allow servers to offset the time?

Fucking this.

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Make day 30 minutes long and night 30 minutes long. It would stop people from bitching from being in night time because, they'd have day light coming up in 30 minutes. 


If 30 minutes isn't what you fancy.

And hour, 2 hours, I don't care. 

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Here is a fix that solves the complete darkness on every server, it's for us workers who can't play during the day. 
The night cycle is fucking idiotic right now, it should be day for 2½ hours and then night for 2 hours. It's impossible to find anything in the dark when you start a new character. Either fix the night-cycle or make the flashlight ALOT better.

The fix:

1. Crank gamma and brightness to the max!
2. Turn on Cluds, best quality.
3. Problem solved, but the game looks like shit.


Edited by Wh1spY

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Here is a fix that solves the complete darkness on every server, it's for us workers who can't play during the day. 

The night cycle is fucking idiotic right now, it should be day for 2½ hours and then night for 2 hours. It's impossible to find anything in the dark when you start a new character. Either fix the night-cycle or make the flashlight ALOT better.

The fix:

1. Crank gamma and brightness to the max!

2. Turn on Cluds, best quality.

3. Problem solved, but the game looks like shit.



I know we've all been doing this since the beginning of DayZ, so you would think that the development team would make a change.  Instead is seems like they would rather fight against what their players want.

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I finally saw some daylight lastnight (this morning) at 3am (central time)


I don't mind the night so much, but I would like to be able to play in the daytime at a reasonable hour. I don't think they should shorten or change the length of the cycles, but rather just have some servers that are off-set. I don't think it's fair that if someone can only play a certain times, they're stuck forever playing at night


edit: turning up gamma/brightness is cheating IMO

Edited by daze23

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I agree that DayZ is a simulation oriented game, so 24h cycles might be ok. But let the players choose wether they play on a night server or day server.

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Night time was fun in dayz mod, because there was flares, which provided great visibility around the player. Atmospheric night time + actually seeing stuff was fun. But in retail we get a flashlight with a small cone, which is tiring for the eyes and furstrating because you can only concentrate on a small part of the screen.

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Yes some of us enjoy playing in the day time. Others like to simply have the ability to actually see their surroundings. It's so pitch black for me this game is unplayable, even with the flashlight. I'm not bothered because I know there are and will be bugs, I haven't been able to play because I just purchased this game and can't see shit. I see a lot of you talking down to those who are confused about the 24/7 nighttime and don't enjoy playing in a dark environment. But of course, there will always be ignorant assholes who think they're better because they can play in the dark, good for you boys.. Good for you.

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i don't understand.. there aren't any 24/7 nighttime servers?


although i do agree that nighttime seems to be far too long

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