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"Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

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Heres a list of the weapons that have been mentioned/seen in videos, screenshots, and concept art.


Assault rifles

AK-74 (Both stock and heavily modified version)





Mosin-Nagant M91/30

Mauser varient

RUGER 10/22

Lee-Enfield No.4 (?)




Revolver (?)







Baseball bat


I'm sure theres a shittone more planned or already in. 


What would you like to see in? 

I think these would fit the area well, and also fit into the game as (Mostly) Civilian weapons


- Nagant M1895 Revolver

- Tokarev TT Pistol

- Makarov PMM (14-round magazine)

- Browning Hi-Power pistol


-Mosin Nagant M44 (Carbine, folding bayonet)

-Winchester 1895 Russian (Russia ordered M1895s during WW1 Chambered for 7.62x54)

-Vz.52 (SKS-type Czechoslovakian Rifle)

Vz.54 (Czechoslovakian Mosin-nagant sniper rifle)

Saiga Rifle (Civilian AK)

- A few junky hunting rifles 


-Keep the Vz58!

-Rpk-74 abd Rpk




- Pitchfork

Add whatever weapons you want to see here



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They also showed models of a CZ-75 Phantom and a Blaser B97 Luxus.

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:00 PM, thedogfoodyayho said:

Oh shit, why did it make 2 Threads?

its ok a mod will just close this one

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:07 PM, Gews said:

They also showed models of a CZ-75 Phantom and a Blaser B97 Luxus.

And they showed a Remington 870 (Images) as well as an IzH-43 Shotgun in the recent livestream. The Lee-Enfield has not been confirmed as far as I know, and the Standalone's revolvers will probably have an actual name as there will (hopefully) be more than one.




A better list would be;




- M4A1 (Fully-implemented, most likely)

- AK-74 (Was previously implemented as placeholder w/ old model, new one has been shown)

- Mosin-Nagant M1891/30 (Likely fully-implemented)

- Ruger 10/22 (Only images have been shown)

- Blaser B97 (Only images have been shown)

- Mauser-type rifle (Only confirmed through blog-post)



- IzH-43 (Implemented, not completely working as shown in Livestream)

- Remington 870 (Only images have been shown)



- FN X-45 (Implemented, mostly working) -- Rocket accidentally calls it the FN P, but the in-game text as well as model shows otherwise.

- CZ-75P (Only images have been shown)


Also keep in mind that any of what has been shown might be scrapped or remove (Hell, they could even take out the M4A1 if they really wanted to, even though it's unlikely that they will scrap the work they've done on anything shown so far)


And when was the SKS confirmed? It will almost certainly be in-game as it is such a common rifle in the area of Chernarus, but I don't remember them talking about it being in at all.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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They talked about the SKS is the Dec 7th stream and at E3

And are you talking about the Dec 7th stream?

There is also a Picture of a Mauser

Edited by thedogfoodyayho

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:22 PM, thedogfoodyayho said:

They talked about the SKS is the Dec 7th stream and at E3

And are you talking about the Dec 7th stream?

There is also a Picture of a Mauser

Oh, they did?

I must have a bad memory, but then again, it was a three hour stream and I also had it in the background while I was working on some stuff at some parts.

And yes, I was.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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The stupid thing about the Revolver is in Arma it was supposed to be the M1917 "Victory" model. They should have made it look older...

Wbere did you see the Remington?

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There are actually only 4 guns confirmed in SA so far according to klesh.





M4, Mosin, Shotgun and FNX45 Pistol.

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:27 PM, thedogfoodyayho said:

The stupid thing about the Revolver is in Arma it was supposed to be the M1917 "Victory" model. They should have made it look older...

Wbere did you see the Remington?

The remington was shown at a gaming event back around March or so, I have a picture of it.


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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:10 PM, Chaingunfighter said:

And they showed a Remington 870 'Field-Gun' (Images) as well as an IzH-43 Shotgun in the recent livestream.


From what we've seen so far the standalone already seems to have a pretty good weapons list.


I would like to see more hunting rifles. The focus in games is always on the anti-human guns, either current military issue weapons, or surplus, or handguns, but rarely any variety in hunting rifles. I want more Sauer, Steyr, CZ, Mauser, Browning, Sako, Tikka, Zastava, etc.



There are actually only 4 guns confirmed in SA so far according to klesh.


Confirmed to be ready for launch, I think. The others are confirmed for later in my mind, they wouldn't have people make all those great models and textures and then not use any of them.

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You forgot the crossbow and chainsaw :)

Edited by TIC321

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:46 PM, Gews said:

From what we've seen so far the standalone already seems to have a pretty good weapons list.


I would like to see more hunting rifles. The focus in games is always on the anti-human guns, either current military issue weapons, or surplus, or handguns, but rarely any variety in hunting rifles. I want more Sauer, Steyr, CZ, Mauser, Browning, Sako, Tikka, Zastava, etc.






Confirmed to be ready for launch, I think. The others are confirmed for later in my mind, they wouldn't have people make all those great models and textures and then not use any of them.

Yeah, they said that the Mosin-Nagant M1891/30 wouldn't be in initial Alpha, but that was before it got delayed yet again. 


The Ruger 10/22 and the Blaser B97 give hopes for more hunting rifles, and hopefully we can get rifles/shotguns like the Remington 700, Browning Auto-5, Steyr SSG-69, CZ-550, Ruger Mini-14 and Zastava M76.


Something that really bothered me about the footage they showed so far is that they classify the ammo as simply '7.62mm Ammo' or '5.56mm Ammo' Fallout-style. I really hope that is just a placeholder because they don't have guns of different 7.62 ammo types, as a Mosin-Nagant and AKM are not going to fire the same ammo, nor are a Mosin-Nagant and a G3A3, even though they are all 7.62mm guns.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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  On 12/10/2013 at 6:52 PM, Chaingunfighter said:

Something that really bothered me about the footage they showed so far is that they classify the ammo as simply '7.62mm Ammo' or '5.56mm Ammo' Fallout-style.

I would think they'd change that. Rocket said players will have different blood types "with real-world distribution". If he's going that far I'd expect they will have different ammunition types.

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Hello there


Only believe official Press Releases about what has been confirmed.


Even so, those can change.


Early weapons you may have seen may have or may not been included. Its a very fluid situation.


As to what I would like to see in game? Id like to see more obscure "Eastern bloc" weapons and attachments rather than the usual M16/m4 Ak47 derivatives (although they have their place).





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I'd like to see slingshots and slings.


For slingshots, the usual handheld Y type with the rubber thingie. You could find one ready at a store, or craft one with a few parts. For ammo one could use either stones or steel balls (bearings) -better accuracy, more damage- found in places with industrial loot. Good accuracy in small distances, low damage -except in case of headshot, where one could fall unconscious or even bleed to death.


For slings, crafting, piece of cloth, or rope etc. Ability to launch larger things, big rocks and stuff, longer reach, worse accuracy than the slingshot (if a skill system through repetition gets implemented then one should have better accuracy with each successful hit with the sling).


Pics for reference in spoiler.


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Oh, and before anyone argues they'd be useless in such a situation, take a moment and think about it. Say you have no guns, no crossbows, nothing. What's the easiest ranged weapon to aquire/craft yourself? A slingshot/sling. Also it's not about PVP, it'd also be useful against zeds. Say you are near a zed which has not aggroed yet. Shoot it in the head with the sling/slingshot so it falls down, then run over and kill it. Also the ammo availability, stones, bearings, rocks, so easy to find. Not to mention one could use it to distract players/zeds by shooting projectiles on various surfaces to make noise.

Edited by h3l1x
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Lol slingshots idk why but I just start laughing of the idea, it makes me think of ocean of time running around in the doku tree shooting spiders and pissing my pants since I was like 7 :D

Lel http://imgur.com/nrM4ayw

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Can someone provide me links to the weapon models that have been shown for dayz SA?

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  On 12/11/2013 at 3:00 AM, Shadow134 said:

Can someone provide me links to the weapon models that have been shown for dayz SA?

Here are a few I've seen, others also seen in various videos.

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  On 12/11/2013 at 3:21 AM, Gews said:

Here are a few I've seen, others also seen in various videos.

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That hunting rifle will be nice. Looks like it might even have a secound .22 Barrel? :/

I'm pretty sure theres more though. By the way they've been talking atleast. We know there is a SKS, planned, probably 1/2 ready, and the Mosin appears to be done, or firing atleast, from the first live stream where Rocket wanted to shoot it but had no ammo.

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  On 12/11/2013 at 4:29 AM, thedogfoodyayho said:

That hunting rifle will be nice. Looks like it might even have a secound .22 Barrel? :/

.22 Hornet to 9.3x74R. Can be two of the same, two different, or rifle/shotgun combo with the top barrel in either 12 or 20 gauge 3-in magnum. I hope they choose something interesting and don't make it in .308.

It also has provisions for several types of scope mounts.


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Ahhh... thought it was a made up rifle.

Theres a few things it dn't like though. They're adding some old russian weapons. Thats great.

But they're also adding insain, modern, barely pruduced guns and optics, like the pisol Holo. Thats not something i think you would find in a chernarussian police station.

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  On 12/11/2013 at 5:14 AM, thedogfoodyayho said:

But they're also adding insain, modern, barely pruduced guns and optics, like the pisol Holo. Thats not something i think you would find in a chernarussian police station.

I had the same thought when I saw that (DayZ IPSC edition), but I can live with it if it's a rare find.

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